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Protests Against The Economic Blockade Of Palestine

London features | 24.05.2006 16:15 | Anti-racism | Palestine | London

A replica of the Israeli wall and a large banner with the words "Stop Starving Palestinians, End Israel's Occupation and Recognise Palestinian Democracy", acted as a back drop for the up to 20,000 demonstrators that gathered in London's Trafalgar Square on Saturday 20 of May.
Reports: 1 | 2 | Photos: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

The demonstration, organised by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, was prompted by the Israeli government's decision to strengthen the economic blockade of the Palestinian people after the landslide victory of Hamas in the recent Palestinian elections. The Israeli and US governments, together with the EU, brand Hamas as a terrorist organisation and have therefore stopped vital aid and funding from reaching Palestine, with devastating effects on the everyday lives of Palestinian people living in the Occupied Territories.

An Emergency Vigil was held in Sheffield on Thursday 25th May, called by Sheffield Palestine Solidarity Campaign.

For daily reports of life under Israeli occupation see the Middle East Media Centre and the Palestine Today audio reports in the IMC-UK newswires. Also check out IMC-Israel and IMC-Beirut for information about grassroots strugless and campaigns in the Middle East.

Dense crowds patiently listened to speeches
Dense crowds patiently listened to speeches

Further links:

London features


More photos: Palestine Demonstration 20th May 2006

25.05.2006 08:31

More photos: Palestine Demonstration 20th May 2006

Marc Vallée
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Blameless palestinians

01.06.2006 15:43

Pssst...Someone needs to tell the Palestinians that they have a border with Egypt. You can't blame EVERYTHING on Israel.

Arthur Kennedy


14.08.2006 23:13

damn why should the arabs except the fact that their country is being stolen from them..
the only reson egypt is keeping quite is becouse of wat happended in the 1980's..!!
one day my muslim brothers nd sisters will be glorious nd will not be oppressed

xxx peace in the middel east xxx
