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Demand Washington talk to Tehran

Grammatoncleric | 24.05.2006 11:38 | Anti-militarism

"Security assurances are not on the table," Ms Rice told the Fox News Sunday television program.

Hi everyone,

I'm posting to request that everyone write to their local government rep, and demand that Mr Bush engage in dialogue with the Mr Ahmadinejad to ensure a peaceful resolution to the nuclear proliferation issue.

According to nuclear weapons experts Iran is 5 - 10 years away from being able to manufacture nuclear weapons, that should mean 5 - 10 years of dialogue.

It seems however that the propaganda for an invasion is intensifying;

Here are some email addresses;

Email President Bush;

Email Tony Blair;

Find your MP;

A great idea would be to also request they look at the following websites;

- e-mail:
- Homepage: