Council homes to be built in Barking for first time in 30 years
John | 23.05.2006 23:13 | Free Spaces
After only a couple of weeks as the official opposition in Barking and Dagenham, the BNP have scored a fantastic victory for the long suffering local people and families of the area.
A press release dated 19th May 2006 on the Council website reveals that a radical plan to fund new council homes in the area has got Government backing after the BNP election victory, giving the Council the green light to build its own social homes for the first time in 30 years.
Thousands of new homes could be built under the scheme, which will see the Council set up a series of joint venture companies with the help of private investors. Unlike previous partnerships between the public and private sector, this time the Council will keep control of important decisions, including the type of homes built and the location of new developments.
This means the BNP as the official opposition in the council will also be in position to ensure that the houses are made available to local people and not outsiders.
The election of a BNP councillor in any area guarantees that government regeneration money is awarded to the council and that local people benefit.
Historic decision
Group Leader of the official BNP opposition Cllr. Richard Barnbrook told the website, “We welcome this great new for local people, it is an historic decision by the Council and it just goes to show the BNP in power creates real changes for local people.”
Whilst the indigenous people of this nation are usually ignored and their interests minimised and forgotten, the election of a BNP councillor ensures that our council taxes are used for our community and not just for asylum seekers or immigrants.
The BNP Group on the council treats all the residents of Barking and Dagenham equally regardless of race and religion, but members of the local indigenous white community have been racially discriminated against in the past by the council and it is our intention to prevent any such racial discrimination occurring again in the future.
A vote for the BNP is a vote for local people power.
Congratulations are due to the BNP team in Dagenham for their great work in ensuring that the interests of the silent majority are once again the priority in the local communities.