We are all Jessies!
riotact | 23.05.2006 16:05 | World
The video by Jesse Macbeth in which he describes killing 200 civillians whilst on operations in Iraq is being accused by many of being a fraud.
The right (1) is claiming victory in the Jesse Macbeth saga with unbearable smugness. Ignoring the continued lies, smears and disinformation that drips daily from the hands of republican loving, so-called news outlets the right is acting with a moral indignation derived from years of covering their eyes and crossing their fingers when spreading their own packs of lies.Having said that it looks very much like our Jessee was not in the US Rangers or possibly even in the military. This is a direct quote given apparantly by Army spokesman John Boyce
"Initial research by the U.S. Army Special Operations Command at Fort Bragg shows no Soldier with the name of Jesse Macbeth having ever been assigned to the Special Forces or the Army Rangers — which are, in fact, two separate disciplines. This appears to be some sort of hoax. No Soldier by that name at Fort Lewis to our knowledge, in the past, either. Of course, the line about "go into the Army or go to jail" is vintage TV script not heard since the 1960s. There are also numerous wear and appearance issues with the Soldier's uniform — a mix of foreign uniforms with the sleeves rolled up like a Marine and a badly floppy tan beret worn like a pastry chef. Of course, the allegations of war crimes are vague, as are the awards the Soldier allegedly received." source (2)
The film was made by Pepperspray production, an indepedant media outlet, with close affiliations to indymedia. The organisation generally would be regarded as a legitimate source, and both them and indymedia in the US seem to have remained quiet on the issue. Jessie has also been active with the anti-war group Iraq Veterans Against War (IVAW.net) although there is no medntion of him or this video on their website.
So the question is who is Jesse Macbeth, a low grade prankster, a delusional misfit, a wannabe actor or a disinfomation op, created by the anti-war left or the reactionary right, to discredit the war or discredit the IVAW respectively.
Or perhaps he is for real .. tho' it looks ever more doubtful, many leftwing blogs and news organisation are still carrying the video as genuine. An air of uncharacteristic bashfulness seems to have descended on many left wing commentators who supported Jesse however, a few seem to be battling it out but without any real confidence or conviction.
In any event it should be remembered that whilst many of Jesse's claims were outlandish many of the things he speaks of almost certainly are being carried out right now and in our name. If this video can have any positive effect at all it will be to remind people that's wars aren't pretty, children and innocents get killed and that to make the decision to go to war is one of the gravest decisions that can be made ...
... and should not be made on the back of a bunch of half truths, downright lies, and pinch of post 9/11 hysteria added to a shedload of Fox News propaganda.
the video is now available on google (3)
"Initial research by the U.S. Army Special Operations Command at Fort Bragg shows no Soldier with the name of Jesse Macbeth having ever been assigned to the Special Forces or the Army Rangers — which are, in fact, two separate disciplines. This appears to be some sort of hoax. No Soldier by that name at Fort Lewis to our knowledge, in the past, either. Of course, the line about "go into the Army or go to jail" is vintage TV script not heard since the 1960s. There are also numerous wear and appearance issues with the Soldier's uniform — a mix of foreign uniforms with the sleeves rolled up like a Marine and a badly floppy tan beret worn like a pastry chef. Of course, the allegations of war crimes are vague, as are the awards the Soldier allegedly received." source (2)
The film was made by Pepperspray production, an indepedant media outlet, with close affiliations to indymedia. The organisation generally would be regarded as a legitimate source, and both them and indymedia in the US seem to have remained quiet on the issue. Jessie has also been active with the anti-war group Iraq Veterans Against War (IVAW.net) although there is no medntion of him or this video on their website.
So the question is who is Jesse Macbeth, a low grade prankster, a delusional misfit, a wannabe actor or a disinfomation op, created by the anti-war left or the reactionary right, to discredit the war or discredit the IVAW respectively.
Or perhaps he is for real .. tho' it looks ever more doubtful, many leftwing blogs and news organisation are still carrying the video as genuine. An air of uncharacteristic bashfulness seems to have descended on many left wing commentators who supported Jesse however, a few seem to be battling it out but without any real confidence or conviction.
In any event it should be remembered that whilst many of Jesse's claims were outlandish many of the things he speaks of almost certainly are being carried out right now and in our name. If this video can have any positive effect at all it will be to remind people that's wars aren't pretty, children and innocents get killed and that to make the decision to go to war is one of the gravest decisions that can be made ...
... and should not be made on the back of a bunch of half truths, downright lies, and pinch of post 9/11 hysteria added to a shedload of Fox News propaganda.
the video is now available on google (3)


