Non-Muslim Dress Code "Fabricated": Iranian Jew
by IOL (reposted) | 20.05.2006 21:20 | Anti-militarism
TEHRAN, May20 , 2006 ( & News Agencies) – Iran's only Jewish MP strongly denied reports that Tehran may force non-Muslims to wear colored badges in public so as they can be identified.
"This report is a complete fabrication and is totally false," Maurice Motammed told Agence France-Presse (AFP) in Tehran on Friday, May19 .
"It is a lie, and the people who invented it wanted to make political gain by doing so."
Canada's National Post newspaper claimed on Friday that Iran's parliament passed a law this week on setting a public dress code, requiring non-Muslims to wear special insignia.
The daily alleged that Jews, Christians and Zoroastrians would be forced to wear a yellow, red or blue strip of cloth, respectively, on the front of their clothes.
The unconfirmed reports on the non-Muslims' dress code has drawn immediate rebukes from many Western countries.
The United States said that the report would be "despicable" reminder of Nazi Germany's persecution of the Jews.
Australian Prime Minister John Howard said Friday, during an official visit to Ottawa, that "anything of that kind would be totally repugnant to civilized countries."
Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper also said he had only seen reports about the law but that he would not be surprised by them.
Clothing Bill
The Jewish lawmaker said he had been present in parliament when a bill to promote an Iranian and Islamic style of dress for women was voted.
"In the law, there is no mention of religious minorities," he added.
Motammed said MPs representing Iran's Jewish, Christian and Zoroastrian minorities sit on all parliamentary committees, particularly the cultural one.
Iranian lawmaker Emad Afroogh, who sponsored the bill, said the Canadian daily's report was totally fabricated and bare of truth.
"It's a sheer lie. The rumors about this are worthless," said Afroogh, who also chairs the parliament's cultural committee.
"The bill is not related to minorities. It is only about clothing," he said.
The draft law discourages women from wearing Western clothing. It also increases taxes on imported clothes and fund an advertising campaign to encourage citizens to wear Islamic-style garments.
The draft law was preliminary approved by parliament on Sunday, May14 . It was later re-debated by parliament last week but failed to pass.
"Please tell them (in the West) to check the details of the bill. There is no mention of religious minorities and their clothing in the bill," Afroogh told AFP.

by IOL (reposted)
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More manipulative propaganda
21.05.2006 04:05
A toally non-existent Iranian law is first reported (fabricated) by Canada’s The National Post (created by right-wing pro-Zionist, pro-Iraq war Conrad Black), then it’s picked up by the Jerusalem Post (also previously owned by Conrad Black), and then it’s picked up by the rest of the media, and then national leaders react to it… which then gives it yet more media coverage….all the while there’s not a shred of truth to it,
but now it’s become part of the Iranian myth,
and part of the excuse to go to war
Conrad Black
Asp As In Asper
21.05.2006 21:33
Eric Blair
The FIRST LAW of psychological operations
21.05.2006 22:33
In other words, those that invented PR, modern propaganda, advertising, and psy-ops state that when engaged in mind-control, one should LIE LOUDLY, and LIE OFTEN, for the sheep (or cattle, which is the name they actually call us) are too thick to independently seek out the truth. Of course one can only LIE LOUD and LIE OFTEN to any useful purpose if one controls the Mass Media.
Recent example- the BBC, when reporting the massacre of Iraqis in Basra during the event of the shoot down of the British helicopter, flatly lied to the audience, and denied that any massacre had been carried out by British troops. At the exact same time, eye witnesses reported the British butchering Iraqi women and children by ranking crowds of civilians with automatic gunfire.
Days later, the BBC issued the smallest of retractions, agreeing that British forces HAD been responsible for the murders. Any investigation into bias or manipulation at the BBC would treat the information from this retraction as if it had been presented to the main news audience when the story was first reported. This is the trick they use.
The idiocy of this particular piece of anti-Iran propaganda makes one wonder. I can well believe that a 'good' person working for one of these extremely evil, pro-zionist newswires, noticed an opportunity to clearly reveal the mechanism of mind-control that these people use on a daily basis. REMEMBER, the 'facts' that Outrage and Amnesty use to malign Iran, and beat the drums of war, come from EXACTLY these same sources as the lie about nazi style identification on clothing in Iran.
If it is reported by AP, AFP, Bloomberg, BBC, ITN, News International (Fox, Times, Sky etc), Reuters, or CNN, then it is reported by an EXTREME PRO-ZIONIST racist organisation, with a history of outright lies when it comes to issues involving muslims, Israel, the US, and the Middle East. These news-organisations are all closely involved with the security services of the UK, US, Israel, France, and Germany, and their foreign correspondents are almost always agents of organisations like MI6.
If anyone watches the Mass Media for truthful reporting, then they are an idiot. Reports from the Mass Media are good for one thing only, to understand which way the wind is blowing. Not every psy-op campaign run in the Mass Media will be successful, but their presence tells us a vast amount about the current desires and intentions of our 'masters'.
For example, during reporting of a recent knife death, the BBC had to state that there is ***NO*** problem with knife crime in the UK, when compared to previous levels of similar crime in the past. They then went on to say that Blair is fabricating lies about the levels of knife crime by circulating OFFICIAL ANECDOTAL STORIES (I kid you not, the BBC ACTUALLY stated that the government distributes anecdotal 'evidence' to contradict their own crime statistics), to be used by the Mass Media to whip up fear amongst the general public, so that Blair acn introduce a new round of laws massively increasing the penalties for things like the non-criminal possesion of knifes.
Where does this go? Well consider this. Today, ABC news (US) is reporting that 1 in 136 of all US residents was in prison last year (you read that CORRECTLY, actually IN prison).
The racial makeup of inmates changed little in recent years, Beck said. In the 25-29 age group, an estimated 11.9 percent of black men were in prison or jails, compared with 3.9 percent of Hispanic males and 1.7 percent of white males.
Now you should understand why Blair is EVERY YEAR increasing the penalties for all crimes by extraordinary amounts, and introducing hundreds of new laws. The ULTIMATE SLAVE in a so-called democracy is the convicted felon.
CRIME IN THE UK IS AT AN HISTORIC LOW, AND THE HEALTH OF UK CHILDREN IS AT AN HISTORIC HIGH. Why is it then that the vast majority of citizens (including most of you reading this) believe the exact opposite to be true.
What is the purpose of making a population live in perpetual fear? What is the purpose of imposing the most draconian legal system and penalties on a population that is extremely law-abiding? Why did Hitler, and why does Blair inflict upon their citizens programs designed to heighten these fears, and maximise the impact of the legal fist?
There is no mystery. THERE IS NO MYSTERY. Conrad Black created his propaganda machines for one purpose. Blair uses the propaganda machines for one purpose. The machine that has been built to bring the next World War to mankind is vast and all encompassing. The complexity required to allow the completion of the machine, and thus the realisation of its function, is unknown. However, it is known that the machine WILL be finished at some point, provided that those that work on it are unhindered, and have access to unlimited funds provided at OUR expense.
I think that many here think, with terminal naivety, that they'll fight back once the whole thing kicks off. Those that have never lived through a true wartime government have ZERO understanding of the true power of the state. Blair has NO FEARS and NO CONCERNS once his World War is activated. His vunerability (if any) is now- later will be far too late.
What the?
22.05.2006 12:14
Mavis Beaver
Israel, to die for
22.05.2006 20:56
"ridiculous" is not the right term for this blatent propaganda that is paving the way for war..... and yes, of course the Iranian parliament should not be debating what women wear....but then, it's non of our **** more than what the Israeli parliament decides about inter-religous marrages...racist, yes, but non of our business...right??
But these kind of articles are being bandied about (on purpose) to one: scare Jews, and two: to build a consensus for war with Iran.. and just wait...because that is the neo con plan, and always has been...and they're going at it tooth and nail.... the horrors of Iran having the bomb...while never once saying a word about Israel having it.
Just bring up disarming the Middle east of nuclear bombs....Israel included....and hear the silence...the quick change of topic back to the call for war against Iran...(who just happens to be considered an enemy of Israel..... as was Iraq)
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