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B is for BOMB

Mary Becker | 20.05.2006 06:26 | Culture

Short anti-nuclear film on Hiroshima (B is for BOMB) among finalists in Cannes. Vote Online.

Short (10 minute) film, B is for BOMB, has been selected as 1 of 10
finalists for the Cannes 2006 Online Competition. B is for BOMB was chosen
from 900 entries in the Cannes Film Festival - Short Film Corner.

B is for BOMB is the most political film of the lot and is the only one to
deal with the most dangerous situation in the world today - nuclear

You can view all 10 films - and vote for B is for BOMB - at these websites:

The Cannes 2006 online competition will be available online from May 8 to 22
in English and French. Web surfers will vote for the winner of the people¹s
choice prize by rating films on a five-star scale.

One note - it can take a while to load the films - up to 2 minutes. So -
push play and get a drink and snack. The film will be ready to watch by the
time you get back.

And please vote and tell all your high speed connected friends to do the

Mary Becker


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20.05.2006 15:58

B is for BOMB is the most political film of the lot and is the only one to
deal with the most dangerous situation in the world today - nuclear

You mean when all those 'inferior' brown-skinned folk start getting 'uppity' and think they have the same rights as Americans, the French, the British, etc, eh Mary Becker.

The New Reich racist scum never stop, do they.

THE MOST DANGEROUS SITUATION IN THE WORLD TODAY IS THE MILITARY SPENDING AND THE MILITARY ASPIRATIONS OF THE US. The absolute support of Blair and his government has allowed the US to break ALL of the treaties protecting the World from nuclear war.

The biggest change is in the circumstances in which Israel, the US, Britain and France have PROMISED to use nuclear weapons. Remember, during Blair's invasion of Iraq, Blair STATED that if the Iraqis used (non-existent as it turned out) chemical weapons to DEFEND themselves, Blair would order nuclear strikes against Iraq.

Still, the New Reich will continue to push their GENOCIDE IRAN BECAUSE OF ITS NUCLEAR PROGRAMS psy-ops at Indymedia and other sites. Hitler used the same tactic, proclaiming each nation he intended to invade a danger to the German public.



20.05.2006 17:25

Shut up, Twilight. Nuclear proliferation is a massive issue. But, all anti-nuclear people accept that disarmenment is either a) a national, unilateral issue b) or a multilateral international issue. Unilateral - we set an example for the "uppity brown folk" by decommissioning our weapons. Multilateral - we negotiate with all other nuclear states to all decommission our weapons capability. None of these paths call for direct confrontation with Iran, or suggest that Iran especially is evil and must be stopped. And don't use the capitals...they make you sound like a nutter or something!

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Oh, and

20.05.2006 20:06

Hitler didn't proclaim most of his invaded nations as threats. He said they were bits of Germany. I know you seem to want to compare the US and Hitler move for move, but get your facts right

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