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Activist Gathering - May 27th

Education Not for Sale | 19.05.2006 12:59 | Education | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements | South Coast

Education Not for Sale, UK Students Against Coke, No Sweat/Students Against Sweatshops and Earth First Students present an Activist Gathering, hosted by the University of Sussex Students' Union.

Saturday May 27th, Falmer House, Sussex, 12pm-onwards.


On Saturday May 27, ENS and other organisations including UK Students
Against Coke, Earth First Students and Students Against Sweatshops will be
holding an activist gathering at Falmer House, University of Sussex. The
event aims to be an open forum for anyone committed to building a
fighting, political student movement to discuss ideas and share skills.

The event will include debate and discussion, practical workshops and
action training, and will feature speakers from activist campaigns from
across the UK and internationally including United Students Against
Sweatshops from America.

Sessions will include:

- How students can organise to change the world, with speakers from ENS, AUT, University of Sussex Students' Union and US United Students Against Sweatshops
- Fighting cuts on campus (Sort US Out campaign, Lambeth College SU)
- Building political, campaigning women's groups
- Campaigning for a living wage on campus and beyond (USAS, Queen Mary campaign, Students Against Sweatshops)
- Environmental campaigns training
- Workers' resistance in Latin America (Bolivia Solidarity campaign, Colombia Solidarity campaign, eyewitness from Bolivia)
- Discussion and organising session on fighting top-up fees in 2006
- Kicking killer corporations off campus (UK Students Against Coke, Campaign Against the Arms Trade)
- How to fight racism and fascism
- Lessons from the French students' and workers' struggle against CPE, with a French student movement activist

Plus stalls from many campaigns, fringe meetings and a social in the evening.

For more information download our letter to student activists at and our leaflet at

To register email or ring 07961 040 618

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