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The Emperors New Power

Greenman | 17.05.2006 09:36 | Culture | Globalisation | Technology

“The nuclear industry promised last night to have new reactors up and running in Britain by 2017 - as long as the planning process is streamlined and a final decision is made on long-term waste storage.”
[Guardian – 17/05/06]

Surely we should just refuse to buy energy from this ‘Industry’ which insists it has the right to permanently condemn the planet to become a repository of the most dangerous chemical known to man. Perhaps there are enough people to do this to make a noticeable difference, but this does not detract from the fact that the government needs nuclear power to stay in power.

The argument that we need nuclear power is based on the assumption that we need a strong and integrated national and global authority to take responsibility, not only for policing the world against likely [read Islamic] threats, but for providing a secure and defensible energy source to power the global task force.

Apart from this assumption there is no other reason to adopt nuclear power because it is obviously highly dangerous, expensively wasteful and ecologically insensitive. However the masses seem to want to go with it because they want leadership which is ‘strong’, and nuclear, being so vulnerable to attack, necessitates a ‘strong’ government to make it practicable.

The coincidence of these two factors of power is an indication of the way that humanity endorses a globalised or standard model of identity as a way of creating a secure identity. If we are all the same then at least we ‘know’ what is going on. Coincidentally this knowledge also expresses the belief that humanity is fundamentally corrupt and so necessitates the police force. Tellingly this knowledge also expresses the subconscious tendency to negate anything personal, local, diverse and vital. Nuclear power epitomizes the standardizing mentality of those who wish to negate the particular identity of places and replace it with a standard concept of human culture which is white, clean and sterile.

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Nuclear Energy the only short term option

17.05.2006 13:42

Did you know that Chernobyl has now become a nature reserve?

If you lose the anthropocentric point of view than nuclear dosn't really pose a risk to the nature habitiat or eco-system, as opposed to global warming. Nuclear may not be an ideal solution but as James Lovelock points out in the Reveange of Gai (something most populist greens would/should have read) it is the only way in which we can provide our energy needs in the short term. Renewable energy is great but you aren't going to power Britian by wind alone! Nuclear is the only way in which we can urgently cut carbon admissions. To be honest I get deeply upset when I see these type of reactionary arguments being put forwad by what are meant to be progressive and forward thinking people.


When the uranium runs out, what then?

17.05.2006 18:29

Nuclear power makes great short term sense for Iran because they have supplies of Uranium ore. But for Britain? No ore whatsoever, and with the fast breeder reactor programme only making Pu for nukes, nuclear self-sufficiency is a long (war) way off. Are we supposed to invade the Niger to get that yellow-cake that Saddam was apparently buying? Then, when that runs out, what powers the (nuclear) tanks? Windmills? It really irritates me when I see 'progressives' citing their little BBC articles to agree with the Crime Minister...


Blair, and 'green' propaganda

17.05.2006 18:36

Ah, the GREEN FASCIST LUNATICS. 'Greenman' COULD be doing his bit for the planet by living in a mud hut in Africa, experiencing his proposed zero energy consuming lifestyle.Go check on all those 'heroes' from the green movements in the 70's, and discover a bunch of corporate whores today, with the usual lifestyles of the rich and famous.

If the Human Race survives (and I would wage NOTHING on that probability), all of its significant future energy needs will be provided by nuclear power. Now why do you think some people are so desperate to stop us thinking about, and managing our future?

What 'green' really means is that we manage our planet as a good and responsible person manages their home. Common sense. Appropriate priorities. Best use of tools and resources. Maximise quality of life for ALL residents.

The problem with nuclear power today is that the VAST MAJORITY of all so-called civilian nuclear power is a cover for weapons research, and weapon grade nuclear material manufacture and disposal. Today, nuclear power = nuclear bombs. The weapons biz is, of course, the most corrupt of all industries, and with extreme corruption comes extreme incompetence, extreme expense, and an extreme lack of concern about anything other than cash.

Many Human inventions begin this way, and then mature across time. Nuclear power has yet to pass the first stage.

Things get more complicated when we consider the benefits accruing to those that can manipulate the availability of cheap and plentiful energy to different populations across this planet. The idea of what is best for us is best for our masters is a joke. The masters of Western Civilisation have received ALL their power through the control of fossil fuels. Similar power may come through the control of nuclear energy, but which amongst them would like to take the risk?

At this time NO USEFUL RESEARCH is made in peaceful uses of nuclear energy, and we should hate ourselves for allowing our masters such an achievement. Instead, every program is funded on a purely military basis (a neat trick if you think about it, for the so-called civilian budgets used for nuclear research are ACTUALLY a hidden extension to the already massive military budgets).

The GREEN movements are essential in maintaining this status quo. Green propaganda NEVER reduces spending on military nuclear research, but their propaganda helps prevent the public demanding progress on civilian nuclear power. In other words, 'green' propaganda ENSURES that we move ever closer to nuclear war.


How do you take a civilised society at the apex of its development, and prepare it for war. Simple, you tell the people that everything they have is NOT the best it has ever been, but the WORST. While the lie is moronic, it actually works.


Hitler had the same problem as Blair. A nation rising like a phoenix from the horror of the Great War towards a level of unheard of sophistication. How on Earth do you get people to throw away everything they have worked so hard to achieve? The Germans had it all, and a few short years later owned nothing but a land of ruined cities, raped women, and graveyards overflowing with the dead.

The hopeful future of the Human Race is a future of universal person-to-person communication, cheap energy (from which ALL life sustaining technologies flow), and reduced national borders. Think about this. BLAIR ACTIVELY ATTACKS EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THESE AMBITIONS. If we talk to each other, he tells us, we allow paedophiles and terrorists and music 'stealers' to reign. Even the EU dream of open borders within the community died once Blair took power. Blair's ever act has been to make the cost of all forms of power rocket ever higher.

In a very real sense war cannot happen until people are prepared to welcome it with open arms. This is not an active form of 'welcoming' since few would be insane enough to do that. This is a passive act, where people have been persuaded to disrespect EVERYTHING they own, or are part of. People who have been convinced that there is no viable future that flows from themselves that is worth looking forward to.

The official green movements are an essential part of this. By selling pseudo-science messages of despair and despondency, they aim to disconnect people from the monsters that lead them into war.

The management of Human life on our world cannot even begin until we have replaced once, and for all, the corrupt scum that run the governments, global industries, and religions. If we refuse to replace our masters with people that have power ONLY because they are guaranteed to use that power in our best interests, we have no chance for a better future.

However, think on this, dear reader. As you should know, the Moscow Apartment Bombings ended when Putin's own security forces were discovered red-handed planting one of the bombs (this is a fact of history, well reported at the time). When those people living in the vicinity were asked if this would put them off from voting for Putin, they said NO(and the same people HAD accepted the truth of Putin being the bombing mastermind). If Humans were turkeys, they WOULD vote for Xmas on every possible occasion.

The green movements (on behalf of Blair and co) can tell humans to reject nuclear power, and vote for a future where Humans war themselves to extinction fighting over fossil fuels, and expect that message to be enthusiastically swallowed.



17.05.2006 23:55

Where to start?

"The problem with nuclear power today is that the VAST MAJORITY of all so-called civilian nuclear power is a cover for weapons research, and weapon grade nuclear material manufacture and disposal. Today, nuclear power = nuclear bombs."

Any proof, I expect not - Wouldn't it be cheaper to just make weapons grade plutonium rather than buikd the 'sham' power stations?

"At this time NO USEFUL RESEARCH is made in peaceful uses of nuclear energy, and we should hate ourselves for allowing our masters such an achievement. Instead, every program is funded on a purely military basis (a neat trick if you think about it, for the so-called civilian budgets used for nuclear research are ACTUALLY a hidden extension to the already massive military budgets)."

The term 'useful' is interesting here, you should say no resear or evidence that backs up for lies.

"In other words, 'green' propaganda ENSURES that we move ever closer to nuclear war."

How? By reverse physcology, hidden messages in their website - maybe if you listen to their speaches on the subject backwards they contain subliminal messages!

"Simple, you tell the people that everything they have is NOT the best it has ever been"

Yes cause that will win you loads of vote. Vote for me I'll make things crap!

"Hitler had the same problem as Blair. A nation rising like a phoenix from the horror of the Great War towards a level of unheard of sophistication."

Which war a we rising phoenix like from? The Falklands, hardly comparable with the great war.

"Even the EU dream of open borders within the community died once Blair took power"

How? By opening the borders to the new Member States when most other European States would not, despite the internal pressure.

"The green movements (on behalf of Blair and co) can tell humans to reject nuclear power, and vote for a future where Humans war themselves to extinction fighting over fossil fuels, and expect that message to be enthusiastically swallowed"

They seem to be advocating a future of renewables and a reduction of energy usage, never seen they espoucing the fossil fuel line.


Fat kids? from eating too much uranium?

18.05.2006 10:47

I'm an avid Twilight reader but I don't get the bit about the fat kids. Is this related to the nuclear debate or not?

Twilight, please clarify

green fascist lunatic?

18.05.2006 16:21

Ivan Illich had a phrase which he used to characterise all pseudo protest - "the corruption of the best is the worst" - indeed in some cases i wholly agree that pandering to sentimental conservationism can be worse than doing nothing. various so-called A-political environmental movements have made a vocation out of this type of co-option to the forces that be. my question to twilight then is what level of technology does she advocate? in order to make an effective protest we also have to state an alternative. for me such an alternative is not backward looking or tribal - it is a way of galvanising all the positive aspects of human progress and having a stab at living sustainably in the modern context. i accept that we are all part of the system and have to take responsibility - we have to move gradually to a better world - not knee-jerk reactionary b.....cks like this kind of ranting. sorry...


He shoots, he scores

19.05.2006 09:37

Yes , he's back on form! After a seemingly unstoppable slide in his paranoia, Twilight hits back at his critics with a hat trick of HITLERS in one line. His fans breathed a huge sigh of relief, proud to see the maestro back at his best.
His brilliance was underlined by the unexpected but probably undeniable statement that "HITLER ***LOVED*** PROPAGANDA ABOUT FAT KIDS". Sheer poetry
We are not worthy.



Best comment of the day award goes to...

19.05.2006 12:01

....Sarcoptic, for the above. He has captured the essence of Twilight in a mere paragraph. Sheer class. I almost choked on my sandwich.

A very amused Bacofoil Trilby

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Tony Blair is a filthy degenerate piece of shit.

21.05.2006 22:15

The problem isn't specifically Nuclear Power, if you examine the technology there are nuclear power 'options' which are totally clean and safe (such as pebble bed reactors)... the problem lies with the nutcase Blair, who will let some piece of shit company thats donated to his party open a series of ineffcient power stations that use the same technology we've been trying to phase out for the past 25 years.


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