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Ritual Abuse Survivors Have Their Day in Court . . . TV

Wanda Karriker | 15.05.2006 22:04 | Social Struggles | World

In what the prosecutor considered "a classic textbook satanic cult killing," (Toledo Blade, May 13, 2006), Father Gerald Robinson of Toledo, Ohio was convicted of murdering Sister Margaret Ann Pahl in 1980. During the trial, I was given the unique opportunity to speak on live TV about the reality of ritual abuse without being discredited, demeaned, or disbelieved by Court TV anchors Lisa Bloom and Vinnie Politan.

“Was this a ritual murder?”

This “Question of the Day” popped up on my television screen as I watched Court TV’s coverage of the “Priest Accused of Nun’s Murder” trial in Toledo, Ohio on April 27th.

I turned to my computer and shot off an email. “Yes. It has the markings of a ritual murder.” Below my signature, I wrote, “I am a retired psychologist who spent a career working with ritual abuse survivors and wrote a novel about ritual abuse and murder in a small town in the Bible Belt.”

A producer telephoned me the next day. “Our anchors, Lisa Bloom and Vinnie Politan, want to know if they can do a live phone interview with you. They’d like you to tell our viewers how survivors get over ritual abuse . . . and give your impressions of the case.”

For seven minutes on May Day, I spoke for survivors to two million viewers about the reality of ritual abuse.

There was no time to tell two million viewers how I have sat with shattered souls as they recover from ritual abuse or how I have often observed the resiliency of a victim’s human spirit. I’m reminded of a successful professional woman, now a grandmother, who at two years old was laid bare on an altar and dedicated to Satan; at eleven, strapped on a gurney while a burgeoning life was ripped from her not-quite-grownup body. How did she even survive childhood?

Understandably, Bloom and Politan were more interested in what I had to say about the satanic ritual aspects of the case. But I did make the point that satanic cults are not the only venue where ritual abuse occurs.

“The same evils reportedly carried out in the name of Satan” I said, “are also ‘perpetrated in perverted Christianity cults, witchcraft, neo-Nazism, KKKism and other destructive ’isms.’”

In summing up the interview, Bloom stated: “Well, it [Satanism] is, as you say, another destructive ’ism.’”

Although there is controversy over the reality of ritual abuse, each element of the ritual pattern has been documented. It’s just that when we combine all the elements of ritual abuse into one scenario, we get overloaded with horror. (1) sadistic sexual abuse by multiple perpetrators, (2) international organizations of pedophiles/ pornographers/traffickers, (3) desecration of religious institutions, (4) electroshock, (5) mind control, (6) bestiality, (7) sensory deprivation, (8) forced drugging, (9) human and animal mutilations/sacrifices . . . even cannibalism.

Among the deluge of emails I received after the interview, the most poignant response came from a 58-year-old woman.

“I was in the fourth grade when my priest scarred me for life. He was naked except for a vestment over his head and prayed in Latin as he sodomized me in the sacristy of my church in Toledo, Ohio.”

She continued, “I am quite certain there are many more silent victims of satanic ritual abuse in Toledo who have not come forward. The heinous nature of these crimes is such that perpetrators escape justice, as no one wants to believe that anyone, let alone a priest, could be capable of such atrocities. This poor nun may have stumbled upon something for which she was silenced, perhaps as a warning to other victims to ‘keep their mouths shut.’”

Sister Margaret Ann Pahl was brutally murdered in 1980 on Holy Saturday, the day before Easter in the Christian faith; on Holy Saturday, the day that satanic calendars refer to as a holiday requiring a human sacrifice. As tragic as the nun’s apparently sacrificial murder was, perhaps her death was not entirely in vain.

The image of a “Bride of Christ” lying posed, partially naked on that cold sacristy floor with an inverted crossed stabbed over her heart has effectively silenced those who say that there is no proof for the existence of ritual abuse.

Wanda Karriker
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Those that promote 'ritual abuse' actual seek to INCREASE child abuse

16.05.2006 17:04

People who believe in ritual abuse that follow the pattern of Denis Wheatley novels, Hammer horror movies, or the 'Wicker Man' are LUNATICS plain and simple.

Sadly, such profoundly unstable humans are found in the Social Services departments of the West (people from normal, stable backgrounds are actively DISCOURAGED from careers in Social Services) in vast numbers. During the late 60's, 70's and early 80's, organised paedophiles in high positions within the medical, educational, and social services concluded that such belief patterns could be exploited to create the circumstances of mass child abuse, disguised as child care.

The plan was executed thus. Senior lecturers in social service education programs would begin pushing the idea of ritual abuse based on the plot of the 'Wicker Man'. Seminars would be arranged in the UK and US, where speakers would describe their personal experience of such events. The UK would host US speakers (psy-ops like this ALWAYS use the expert testimony of someone suitably exotic and far away, since people tend to be highly suspicious of those that claim extreme events that are local and unseen), and then UK 'experts' would write papers on the phenomenon. These papers would then be used and quoted by senior lecturers in the US, forming a nice little self-sustaining circle.

Having been given a reputation by reference in various academic papers, the LIARS at the centre of the phoney allegations would then find themselves with elevated status, and no danger of investigation into their false testimony, allowing them to front an every bigger program of seminars, ensuring that most new senoir workers in the Social Services had swallowed a sizeable dose of their brainwashing.

At the same time, the high ranking paedophiles within the medical profession were laying the ground for FORCED and MASSIVELY INTRUSIVE sexual examinations of ALL CHILDREN from the ages of BIRTH through 18. BASICALLY, A PAEDOPHILE VERSION OF HEAVEN.

What happened? The plan was put into action in both the UK and US. In the US, suitably remote communities were chosen for the initial stages, in order to create the first public stages of the meme. In the UK, plans were MUCH more ambitious, and the high-rank paedophiles made moves to immediately implement their program of national abuse of ALL children.

The mistake was clear. UK social workers attacked solidly middle-class communities (the Orkneys) and ordinary school children (Cleveland) in a way that set off alarms across the length and breadth of Britain. Now Social Workers have ALWAYS been allowed to prey on the weak and vunerable, but in the UK we have ZERO TOLERANCE to allowing this bunch of dangerous misfits to prey on the rest of us.

The program imploded. The extent to which the abuse program had been grown became apparent with the initial support given to the abuse by most 'liberal' newspapers. Stories of 17-year old girls kidnapped, forcibly stripped and raped by men working on behalf of the state (rape is the CORRECT description of sexual touching AGAINST the will of the individual) bothered 'The Guardian' etc not in the slightest, any more than the clear statement by Social Services in Cleveland that this treatment was to be extended to all children in the UK.

***WE*** struck back. The people KNOW perverts when given the full facts, and the dreams of the paedophiles died.

Consequences. The monsters in the Social Services didn't totally lose. As a result of the actions of parents using friendly newspapers to defeat the 'ritual abuse' scam, laws were passed forever ensuring that parents would lose that option. Today, the state can abuse children at will, and both parents and newspapers break the law if they attempt to make knowledge of the abuse public. The scandal of 'ritual abuse' continued in the States (google to read some of the most hearbreaking stories ever), falling apart years after the UK. There are signs that Social Workers in less sophisticated nations (most recently France) are persuing the 'ritual abuse' program as if it had never been exposed.

There is a more general point here. Human privacy and dignity, though strangely abstract notions, are responsible for enlightened and healthy attitudes.

Sparta, Nazi Germany, and other ultra brutal regimes focused on the elimination of privacy, stripping and abusing their kids whenever possible, to make them the best possible cogs in the state machine. The mechanism of group showers at schools are for far more than hygiene, and some of the kids instinctively understand this. There is NOTHING inherently wrong with nudity, or even intrusive medical examination BUT we are SEMANTIC creatures, which means that for us, meaning is much more significant than logic. Our state of mind is NOT a consequence of purely logical calculations.

Appropriate privacy is the right of all humans, and a significant part of a healthy person. When we are allowed no control over our bodies (which is one of the reasons Blair is using his program attacking kids at school over what they eat), we rapidly become unhappy, but pliable. The army ALWAYS denies new recruits control over their bodies- ever wonder why?

Anyway, abuse. Today their is massive amounts of abuse, and we would even call it 'ritual' if that term hadn't already been misused as shown above. Kids die every day through being beaten at school, or in connection with their 'church'. Hippy-drippy morons, with their new-age cults, happily inflict their idiot games on their kids, leading to the tragedies like the girl MURDERED during a 're-birthing' ceremony in the states. The BIGGEST child abuse scandal in the UK involved a SENIOR social worker who gained academic power via his programs of forcing teens into nappies, playpens, and use of baby bottles. Needless to say, he was raping his kids on a regular basis (he ran many children's homes). However, he would have gained VASTLY more sexual pleasure from his ability to treat post-puberty teens like little babies.

Loonies who love crap like UFO's, DaVinci code, and the occult etc., are all very well. In theory, these are harmless pastimes. However, the danger comes from those that detect a tremendous weakness of the mind in such people, and seek to exploit that weakness for their own perverted pleasures.

Mr Hubbard famously began the Church of Scientology because he noticed in the words of the fanboys that wrote letters to the sci-fi magazines that published his 'pulp' stories, an attitude remarkably similar to those that followed religious cults. In his case, he didn't seek to initially exploit, but to answer a scientific curiosity that he had.

Ordinary people empower the monsters. A weakness of the mind can easily become the perfect fuel for the most evil of acts by another. Blair pounds fear into peoples minds for exactly this reason. Today, most parents in the UK are CONVINCED that kids are more criminal and more unhealthy than at any other time, despite the very opposite being true. Blair is then able to harvest the weaknesses caused by his propaganda, even when his sheep are convinced that they do not actively support Blair.



17.05.2006 10:57

Still no mention of HITLER (again ). Slight improvement on THE random capitilisation of words, though. Pretty good paranoia AS well. Slightly better than your last effort.


Proof ritual abuse does exist

03.06.2006 20:19

Contrary to oft-cited statements from False Memory Syndrome Foundation (FMSF) spokespersons and advocates, sufficient evidence was found at the McMartin daycare center to verify the claims of many of the child victims' statements. For more information, see Archaeological Investigations of the McMartin Preschool site by E. Gary Stickel, Ph.D. at

This has descriptions of severe abuse
An Empirical Look at the Ritual Abuse Controversy - James Randall Noblitt, Ph.D. “Michael Newton (cited in Noblitt, 1998a) accumulated data on criminal convictions in the U.S. where allegations of ritual abuse of children were made. He found cases of 145 defendants who were sentenced.” “ Pamela Hudson (1991) assessed 24 children in a case of alleged ritual abuse at Fort Bragg day care center in California. Hudson found five symptoms to be present among many of the children.” “Susan Kelley (1993) compared three groups of children in day care: 35 allegedly ritualistically abused children, 32 children reportedly sexually, not ritualistically abuse, and 67 children without any claims of sexual abuse. She collected data from the abused children’s parents and compared the results of the children with non-ritualistic sexual abuse with ritualistic sexual abuse. She found that ritualistically abused children were more likely to report more incidents, types and severity of abuse relative to the non-ritual sexual abuse victims. She also found that ritualistic abuse was more often associated with multiple victim, multiple perpetrator situations.” “"Jill Waterman, Robert Kelley, Mary Kay Olivieri, and Jane McCord (1993) did a six year longitudinal study of 82 children who had made allegations of ritualistic sexual abuse (RSA) in the Manhattan Beach, California area in comparison with 37 non-abused (NA) children and 15 non-ritualistically sexually abused (SA) children. A variety of standardized and non-standardized questionnaires and interview instruments were employed. They found that both the RSA and SA group reported intrusive and highly intrusive sexual abuse. Additionally the RSA group but not the SA group reported “terrorizing acts..." “Recantations occurred in 25% of the RSA and 23% of the SA children. This was the case even though the perpetrator in the SA group had given a detailed confession. However, 88% of the RSA group that recanted, later redisclosed abuse.” “"Snow and Sorenson (1990) saw 39 children who described abuse in five neighbor-based cults in Utah. In four of the five cults there were alleged incidents of intrafamilial incest, perpetration by adolescents, and features of an adult sex ring. No adolescent perpetration was found in the fifth group....At least two-thirds of the children described multiple locations of abuse, pornography, ingestion or other use of excrement, the espousal of Satanic beliefs, magical spells and use of occult paraphernalia, animal mutilation or killing, and the use of drugs. The abusers were generally viewed as respected members of the community and many were religious leaders. Two of the accused adult perpetrators were convicted and two adolescents pled guilty." “Jonker and Jonker-Bakker (1991,1997) reported a case of the ritual abuse of children in the Netherlands. The authors describe the allegations and their observations regarding this case in Oude Pekela.” “Jonker and Jonker-Bakker (1991,1997) reported a case of the ritual abuse of children in the Netherlands. The authors describe the allegations and their observations regarding this case in Oude Pekela.”

Behind the Playground Walls - sexual abuse in preschools - Jill Waterman, Robert J. Kelly. Mary Kay Oliveri, Jane McCord - The Guilford Press, 1993. NY, London - A 6 year study on sexual and ritualistic abuse and funded from a grant through the National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect (NCCAN) ISBN 0-89862-523-8 This may be out of print, but is available used. “Kelly, 1989....defined ritualistic abuse as “repetitive and systematic sexual abuse, physical and psychological abuse of children by adults as part of cult or satanic worship” (p. 503)....Kelley obtained data on 32 children involved in day care sexual abuse without ritualistic elements and 35 children involved in day care ritualistic sexual abuse. These were compared with 67 nonabused controls....The results of this study indicated that ritualistic abuse was associated with significantly more victims, abused by a significantly greater number of offenders per child....ritualistically abused children experienced more incidents of abuse, more types of abuse, more severe and intrusive sexual acts...more involvement in sexual activity with other children and pornography, more co-occurring physical abuse, and more terrorizing verbal abuse than did the children that were sexually abused without ritualistic elements. Verbal abuse was...violent death threats against the victims (86%) and/or their parents (94%) linked to disclosure of abuse...this study is in agreement with clinical presentations (Crewdson, 1988; Gould, 1987; Kagy, 1986; Strieff, 1988) and previously discussed studies (Faller, 1987; Finkelhor et al., 1988) in documenting ritualistic and Satanic abuse as being marked by a disturbing high level of the most traumatic forms of child maltreatment.” (P. 26 - 27)

"Cultural and Economic Barriers to Protecting Children from Ritual Abuse and Mind Control," Catherine Gould, Ph.D. Dec. 1995, Here are some quotes: "Among 2,709 members of the American Psychological Association who responded to a poll, 2,292 cases of ritual abuse were reported (Bottoms, Shaver, & Goodman, 1993).

"Evidence also continues to accumulate that the ritual abuse of children constitutes a child abuse problem of significant scope." (Studies and numbers are listed.) "Finkelhor, Williams and Burns (1988)...substantiated reports of sexual abuse ...involving 1,639 ... child victims..." Other reports of possible ritual abuse include: Kelly (1988; 1989; 1992a; 1992b; 1993) 35 day care victims, Waterman et al.(1993) 82 children, Faller (1988; 1990) 18 children, Bybee and Mowbray(1993) 62 children, 53 children seeing others being ritually abused, Snow and Sorenson (1990) 39 children reporting ritual abuse, in Utah, and Jonker and Jonker-Bakker(1991) 48 victims of ritual abuse." "..58% of the ritual abuse cases in the Finkelhor(1988) study that went to trial resulted in convictions. In the Kelly (1992b) study, convictions were obtained in 80% of the ritual and sexual abuse cases combined." "convictions were obtained in 11% of all ritual child abuse cases studied by Bottoms et al. (1991; 1993)."

Ritual abuse home page at . Has lots of links and info.
Satanism and Ritual Abuse Archive
By Diana Napolis aka Karen Jones © 2000
The following cases describe legal proceedings held in Juvenile, Family, Civil and Criminal Courts around the world where there have been allegations of Satanism or the use of Ritual to abuse others.


More proof ritual abuse does exist

03.06.2006 20:24

April 2006 Ritual Abuse and Torture in Australia - page15 - 16

Where is the Evidence for Ritual Abuse?
Australian refugee decision: In 1998, the Australian Refugee Tribunal accepted a German
ritual abuse survivor as a refugee (see Becker and Coleman 1999). She was fleeing a life of servitude to a violent group in Berlin that had raped and tortured her since she was a child. The tribunal stated:
‘… we accept that these groups exist … and that the German government has been
ineffective in stopping their illegal activities.’

Court prosecutions: In 1991, Perth police stated that they had proven a link between
‘organised child sex abuse and devil worship’ following the conviction on 22 counts of indecent
assault of a perpetrator recruited into a ritually abusive group as a teenager (Humphries 1991).

In 1998, the Supreme Court found that self-described ‘traditionalist witch’ Robert Angus
Fletcher had sexually and physically abused two minors, forced one of them into prostitution
and then attempted to have both murdered to stop them giving evidence against him. He told the girls that their rape and torture was part of their initiation into a group called the ‘dark coven’
(Towers 1998).

In 2004, former primary school teacher and National Party official, Garry Robin Ford, was jailed for eight years for ‘sexually abusing teenage boys during pagan rituals to initiate them into a group dubbed the White Brotherhood.’ (Oberhardt and Keim 2004)

Multiple convictions for ritually abusive crimes have been secured in Europe and America.
Newton (1997) accumulated data on the sentencing of 145 American defendants for crimes in which the ritual abuse of children was alleged, and found that 45% of the defendants pleaded guilty or non contest..Consistency and prevalence: A survey of 98 social workers, psychologists and counsellors based in Melbourne identified 153 cases of ritual abuse in the decade from 1985 to 1995 (Schmuttermaier and Veno 1999).

Professionals report ritually abused clients from all around the world, including Canada,
England, France, Holland, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, South Africa, Finland, Netherlands, Russia, Australia and New Zealand (The Canadian Panel on Violence Against Women 1993; Rockwell 1994; Jonker-Bakker and Jonker 1998; Pravda 2005; Helsingin Sanomat 2005).

Increased attention is now being paid to ritual abuse in Nigeria, India, Ghana, Zimbabwe and Zambia and its role in the trafficking of women into Europe (International Organisation for Migration 2001; Commission on Human Rights 2002).

Forensic evidence: Ritual abuse pornography has been cited by police officers, judges and
lawyers (Ross 1986b; San Francisco Examiner 1989; Beverly 1991; Jonker-Bakker and Jonker 1993; Blood 1994; Tamarkin 1994; Weir and Wheatcroft 1995).
Purpose-built ritual abuse infrastructure has been uncovered in ritual abuse cases in the United States, England and Switzerland (Jonker-Bakker and Jonker 1993; Summit 1994; Tate 1994).

Ritual sites with human remains, children’s clothes, animal skeletons, knives, blood-stained
daggers, candles contaminated with faecal matter, robes, jars of blood, masks and other ritual paraphernalia has been found in connection to ritual abuse cases in the United States, England and Europe (Maharidge 1985; Norris and Potter 1986; Ross 1986a, 1986b; Kahaner 1988; Summit 1994; Tate 1994; Miller 1995; Weir and Wheatcroft 1995; Newton 1996; Kelly 1998; Janczewski 2003; Perlmutter 2003; Lemoine 2005).

Medical evidence: In nine day-care centre cases where ritual abuse was reported during the
1980s, medical examiners found evidence during examination consistent with sexual abuse
(Hudson 1991).

Medical evidence at other ritual abuse cases described clients with vaginal injuries, rectal tears, sexually transmitted infections, injection scars, and ritual scarification and tattoos (Hudson 1991; Young, Sachs et al. 1991; Tate 1994; Weir and Wheatcroft 1995; Newton 1996; Jonker-Bakker and Jonker 1998; Noblitt and Perskin 2000).

Clinical evidence: The majority of clinicians working with ritually abused clients believe their
clients experiences to be true (Bottoms, Shaver et al. 1991; Andrews, Morton et al. 1995). A
1999 survey of social workers, counsellors and psychologists in Melbourne found that 85%
believed ritual abuse to be an indication of genuine trauma (Schmuttermaier and Veno 1999).

Psychologists Randal Noblitt and Pamela Perskin suggest that this is a result of the profound traumatisation demonstrated by their clients being congruent with their reported histories (Noblitt and Perskin 2000: 58).

Threats and violence against professionals: In one study, 30% of professionals working in
the field of ritual abuse reported various forms of intimidation and threats, including abusive
phone calls (Youngson 1994). This is consistent with the harassment and threats experienced by police officers when investigating organised child exploitation (Ferraro, Casey et al. 2005).

In 1994, the majority of clinicians responding to an editorial call for papers on ritual abuse
stated that they were too frightened to speak in print about their ritually abused clients. Some referred to threats of violence against themselves and their families, the appearance of dead cats on doorsteps and burning crosses on their lawns (deMause 1994: 507).
Sustained stalking and threats against one New Zealand therapist dealing with ritually abused clients culminated in an attack that left her with severe brain damage (S.H. 1998).


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Deep horror...

04.06.2006 17:10 the 'foundation' for the western realities scism from the Mother Earth. Satanism is merely the otyher side of the coin to masonic tyoe fact the horror comes first...then the dumbed down contained christworld 'game'. Total and horrific misuse of occult type ritual to create a psuedo christianity. Its the masons 'game'. Nasty bunch of scum arn't you. (westerners)....'cos thats what made you who you are today son.


King Amdo of course

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04.06.2006 17:25

"Sustained stalking and threats against one New Zealand therapist dealing with ritually abused clients culminated in an attack that left her with severe brain damage"

The Masons are a 'plain of (extremely inauspicious) energy'. This goes for their copycats also. ...and so when one is 'one the front line' of this kinda business, the threat not only comes from obvious sources...the abusers themselves...but can just 'channel' through and cause problems.



King Amdo

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