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Anti-BNP demo

Iggy | 15.05.2006 15:20 | Anti-racism

Anti-BNP demo Barking Wed.17th May

Against the sadly recently elected councillors.

Meet Barking Town Hall,Essex 6PM 17/5

Spread the word and make us heard.



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Info please

16.05.2006 10:39

What time?


enough is enough

17.05.2006 18:36

its no suprise people are voting BNP, every one has just had enough


Stop the Fascist BNP

18.05.2006 11:06

Protest voting for the BNP is like making a 'cry for help' by setting yourself on fire.

They aren't just an anti-immigration party (which is bad enough) - they also continue to believe in an all-White Britain, ie. expel all Black and Asian people even if born here - they still believe 'Jews' control the media - they still believe gay people are 'unnatural' and should be locked up - and they still want to ban trade unions and other workers' organisations.

And that's not to mention their leadership's record of criminal convictions for violent offences - eg. deputy leader Tony Lecomber, tried and convicted in the 1980s for.. bomb-making!

You want these people representing you? I can understand not wanting to vote Lab/Con/Lib, but then why not stand yourself?

Unite Against Fascism:

Stop the BNP (Searchlight):

Mr Spoon

edvidence and hypocrites

20.05.2006 21:36

QUOTE "They also continue to believe in an all-White Britain, ie. expel all Black and Asian people even if born here - they still believe 'Jews' control the media - they still believe gay people are 'unnatural' and should be locked up - and they still want to ban trade unions and other workers' organisations." UNQUOTE

Any evidence or factual links of this????

QUOTE" they still believe 'Jews' control the media" UNQUOTE - sounds more like what u see mentioned on Indymedia!!!

Mr Fork