Media hide truth: 9/11 was inside job
Capitol Times | 14.05.2006 19:49 | Repression | World
The mainstream media will never report the truth of 9-11 because the mainstream media HELPED SELL THE LIE IN THE FIRST PLACE.
The mainstream media is stuck with Bush and 9-11. They signed on to help Bush sell his lies and his deceptions and his wars and there is no way they can bring the President down without brining themselves down in the process.
So, who needs the mainstream media. The public is abandoning the traditional media and getting their news from sites like this one.
The mainstream media is stuck with Bush and 9-11. They signed on to help Bush sell his lies and his deceptions and his wars and there is no way they can bring the President down without brining themselves down in the process.
So, who needs the mainstream media. The public is abandoning the traditional media and getting their news from sites like this one.
Media hide truth: 9/11 was inside job
By Kevin Barrett
Last Saturday, former Bush administration official Morgan Reynolds drew an enthusiastic capacity crowd to the Wisconsin Historical Society auditorium. It is probably the first time in Historical Society history that a political talk has drawn a full house on a Saturday afternoon at the beginning of final exams.
Reynolds, the former director of the Criminal Justice Center at the National Center for Policy Analysis, and the ex-top economist for George W. Bush's Labor Department, charged the Bush administration with gross malfeasance, and proposed the prosecution of top administration officials.
Normally, if a prestigious UW alumnus and ex-Bush administration official were to come to the Wisconsin Historical Society to spill the beans about a Bush administration scandal, it would make the news. The local TV stations would cover it, and it would merit front page headlines in The Capital Times and Wisconsin State Journal.
Reynolds' indictment of the administration he worked for was a stunning, life-changing event for many of those who witnessed it. As the event's organizer, I have received dozens of e-mails about it from people who were deeply affected.
Despite the prestigious speaker and venue, and the gravity of the charges aired, for most Americans indeed most Madisonians the event never happened. Why? Because it was censored, subjected to a total media blackout. Not a word in the State Journal. Not a word in The Capital Times. Not a word on the local TV news. Not a word on local radio news. And, of course, not a word in the national media.
Why the blackout? Because Reynolds violated the ultimate U.S. media taboo. He charges the Bush administration with orchestrating the 9/11 attacks as a pretext for launching a preplanned "long war" in the Middle East, rolling back our civil liberties, and massively increasing military spending.
When a former Bush administration insider makes such charges, how can the media ignore them? Is Reynolds a lone crank? Hardly. A long list of prominent Americans have spoken out for 9/11 truth: Rev. William Sloane Coffin, Sen. Barbara Boxer, former head of the Star Wars program Col. Robert Bowman, ex-Reagan administration economics guru Paul Craig Roberts, progressive Jewish author-activist Rabbi Michael Lerner, former CIA official Ray McGovern, author-essayist Gore Vidal, and many other respected names from across the political spectrum have gone on the record for 9/11 truth.
Are the media ignoring all these people, and dozens more like them, because there is no evidence to support their charges? Hardly. Overwhelming evidence, from the obvious air defense stand-down, to the nonprotection of the president in Florida, to the blatant controlled demolition of World Trade Center building 7, proves that 9/11 was an inside job. As noted philosopher-theologian and 9/11 revisionist historian David Griffin writes: "It is already possible to know, beyond a reasonable doubt, one very important thing: the destruction of the World Trade Center was an inside job, orchestrated by terrorists within our own government."
A growing list of scientists has lined up behind BYU physicist Steven Jones and MIT engineer Jeff King in support of Griffin's position, as evidenced by the growth of Scholars for 9/11 Truth ( and Scientific Professionals Investigating 9/11 (
As a Watergate-era graduate of the University of Wisconsin School of Journalism, I was taught that exposing government lies and corruption is the supreme duty of the Fourth Estate. I simply cannot fathom the current situation. I do not understand the 9/11 truth blackout. I wish someone would explain it to me.
It is time to break the 9/11 truth blackout. Please put pressure on your local media through letters to the editor, call-ins to talk radio, and phone calls to local and national journalists.
And come see Peter Phillips, director of the media watchdog group Project Censored, who will lead a strategy session on breaking the blackout at the upcoming international 9/11 truth conference in Chicago: 9/11: Revealing the Truth, Reclaiming Our Future, to be held June 2-4 at the Embassy Suites Hotel, Chicago-O'Hare Rosemont. Go to for more information.
The event will feature presentations from dozens of 9/11 truth luminaries, from scientists like Steven Jones to intelligence agency whistle-blowers like David Shayler, and promises to be a historic, watershed event. Be there, or resign yourself to a future of endless war, lost liberty, and a craven media that cannot bring itself to breathe a single word of truth.
Kevin Barrett of Madison is a member of Scholars for 9/11 Truth ( and SPINE: Scientific Professionals Investigating 9/11 ( and serves as coordinator of the Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth ( E-mail:
By Kevin Barrett
Last Saturday, former Bush administration official Morgan Reynolds drew an enthusiastic capacity crowd to the Wisconsin Historical Society auditorium. It is probably the first time in Historical Society history that a political talk has drawn a full house on a Saturday afternoon at the beginning of final exams.
Reynolds, the former director of the Criminal Justice Center at the National Center for Policy Analysis, and the ex-top economist for George W. Bush's Labor Department, charged the Bush administration with gross malfeasance, and proposed the prosecution of top administration officials.
Normally, if a prestigious UW alumnus and ex-Bush administration official were to come to the Wisconsin Historical Society to spill the beans about a Bush administration scandal, it would make the news. The local TV stations would cover it, and it would merit front page headlines in The Capital Times and Wisconsin State Journal.
Reynolds' indictment of the administration he worked for was a stunning, life-changing event for many of those who witnessed it. As the event's organizer, I have received dozens of e-mails about it from people who were deeply affected.
Despite the prestigious speaker and venue, and the gravity of the charges aired, for most Americans indeed most Madisonians the event never happened. Why? Because it was censored, subjected to a total media blackout. Not a word in the State Journal. Not a word in The Capital Times. Not a word on the local TV news. Not a word on local radio news. And, of course, not a word in the national media.
Why the blackout? Because Reynolds violated the ultimate U.S. media taboo. He charges the Bush administration with orchestrating the 9/11 attacks as a pretext for launching a preplanned "long war" in the Middle East, rolling back our civil liberties, and massively increasing military spending.
When a former Bush administration insider makes such charges, how can the media ignore them? Is Reynolds a lone crank? Hardly. A long list of prominent Americans have spoken out for 9/11 truth: Rev. William Sloane Coffin, Sen. Barbara Boxer, former head of the Star Wars program Col. Robert Bowman, ex-Reagan administration economics guru Paul Craig Roberts, progressive Jewish author-activist Rabbi Michael Lerner, former CIA official Ray McGovern, author-essayist Gore Vidal, and many other respected names from across the political spectrum have gone on the record for 9/11 truth.
Are the media ignoring all these people, and dozens more like them, because there is no evidence to support their charges? Hardly. Overwhelming evidence, from the obvious air defense stand-down, to the nonprotection of the president in Florida, to the blatant controlled demolition of World Trade Center building 7, proves that 9/11 was an inside job. As noted philosopher-theologian and 9/11 revisionist historian David Griffin writes: "It is already possible to know, beyond a reasonable doubt, one very important thing: the destruction of the World Trade Center was an inside job, orchestrated by terrorists within our own government."
A growing list of scientists has lined up behind BYU physicist Steven Jones and MIT engineer Jeff King in support of Griffin's position, as evidenced by the growth of Scholars for 9/11 Truth ( and Scientific Professionals Investigating 9/11 (
As a Watergate-era graduate of the University of Wisconsin School of Journalism, I was taught that exposing government lies and corruption is the supreme duty of the Fourth Estate. I simply cannot fathom the current situation. I do not understand the 9/11 truth blackout. I wish someone would explain it to me.
It is time to break the 9/11 truth blackout. Please put pressure on your local media through letters to the editor, call-ins to talk radio, and phone calls to local and national journalists.
And come see Peter Phillips, director of the media watchdog group Project Censored, who will lead a strategy session on breaking the blackout at the upcoming international 9/11 truth conference in Chicago: 9/11: Revealing the Truth, Reclaiming Our Future, to be held June 2-4 at the Embassy Suites Hotel, Chicago-O'Hare Rosemont. Go to for more information.
The event will feature presentations from dozens of 9/11 truth luminaries, from scientists like Steven Jones to intelligence agency whistle-blowers like David Shayler, and promises to be a historic, watershed event. Be there, or resign yourself to a future of endless war, lost liberty, and a craven media that cannot bring itself to breathe a single word of truth.
Kevin Barrett of Madison is a member of Scholars for 9/11 Truth ( and SPINE: Scientific Professionals Investigating 9/11 ( and serves as coordinator of the Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth ( E-mail:
Capitol Times
Hide the following 8 comments
Re: Spook Droppings
16.05.2006 01:51
Shove off, Spook. Nobody's fooled ...
911 = PNAC, CIA, Mossad
16.05.2006 11:25
Shayler is just rding a wave of conspiracy fans and has never brought anything substantial to the table since he leaked a few documents.
Spook Plant
Disinformation Indeed
16.05.2006 18:31
Where? Show us.
I've never seen you support a thing you've said.
"There are no structural engineers backing 9/11 Truth."
Well, there was one notable engineer, and he worked for the Pentagon, but Don Rumsfeld publicly denounced his testimony, on his behalf of course, and he hasn't spoken on the subject since.
"there is relatively speaking almost no professional backing for 9/11 Truth"
That's not true at all. Professionals of all fields support 911 Truth, because they recognize that the Conspiracy Theory put forth by the LIARS who used it to feign justification for long-planned, widespread military Aggression (, the most likely culprits, haven't supported it with any compelling evidence.
In fact, four years on, that type of evidence is glaringly still absent ...
If you've got it, then by all means, share with the rest of the class. If not, perhaps you should remain silent, since your entire rant is driven by Hypocrisy.
911 = PNAC, CIA, Mossad
16.05.2006 19:58
Spook Plant
Sad, Tired Hasbara
17.05.2006 23:28
911 = PNAC, CIA, Mossad
Sad, Tired anti-Semite
18.05.2006 08:28
Spook Plant
Yer Funny, Spook
18.05.2006 14:00
"Steve Jones' work has been demonstrated ..."
Where? Show us.
I've never seen you support a thing you've said.
"There are no structural engineers backing 9/11 Truth."
Well, there was one notable engineer, and he worked for the Pentagon, but Don Rumsfeld publicly denounced his testimony, on his behalf of course, and he hasn't spoken on the subject since.
"there is relatively speaking almost no professional backing for 9/11 Truth"
That's not true at all. Professionals of all fields support 911 Truth, because they recognize that the Conspiracy Theory put forth by the LIARS, Radical Ideologues, Psychopaths, and War Criminals, who used it to feign justification for long-planned, widespread agenda of military Aggression and Neo-Fascism (, the most likely culprits, haven't supported it with any compelling evidence.
This is unlike them. If they had such evidence, they would hold it out for everyone to see.
In fact, four years on, that type of evidence is glaringly still absent ...
If you've got it, then by all means, share with the rest of the class. If not, perhaps you should remain silent, since your entire rant is driven by Hypocrisy.
And if you're going to keep waving that silly Sword about, perhaps it's about time to support your empty Ad Hominem insults ...
911=PNAC, CIA, Mossad
18.05.2006 21:27
Spook Plant