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Peak Oil is so trendy!!!

The Loch Ness Monster | 14.05.2006 18:34 | Analysis | Ecology

If there was no climate change, if oil was infinite, where would the infinite supply of oxygen come from for the car-drivers grand carbon-dioxide creating project? All considered, running out of oil might be no bad deal...

Evidence that car-driving auto-holics might be changing their ways is thin on the ground, with 'sitting in traffic' still considered socially acceptable behaviour in some circles. When will they learn?

We all know that Peak Oil has something to do with a bell end shaped curve, but what of public knowledge of the subject? Where are we on that curve, and what shape is it? Are more people wanting to know about it or is it complete denial? Who knows, however, if 'Google Trends' (keywords: 'Peak Oil') is to be believed, then it seems as if people are learning, even if their media is not big on the informing and educating.

Google Trends:

Since there is no news today, you might enjoy reading a few cheery short stories regarding the post oil world. Seems some folk are looking forward to it all, see competition winning tales at:

Maybe running out of oil is no bad thing, but just yet?

Nobody imagined that 200 mpg would become possible so easily:

Does that change everything?

(The 'Inventors Statement' is a good starting point on what is going on here. Review of the new 200mpg option:

The Loch Ness Monster
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Bandwagon on a roll...

15.05.2006 11:22

It sure is trendy. Even the fascist BNP is getting in on the act with stuff about Peak Oil on their web site. Maybe they want racially pure oil...

For some good background though, take a look at 'The End of Oil' -

Progressive Contrarian
- Homepage:

a trillion barrels of oil shale 800 billion barrels = 400 yrs supply

15.05.2006 13:22

400 years of dirty horrible energy!
400 years of dirty horrible energy!

see this RAND report entitled OIL shale development in the Uniited States - Prospects & Policy Issues -

it was prepared for the National Energy Technology Laboratory at the Dept of Energy

The US / UK / Aus -etc -
are in the middle east to prevent
any other powers getting energy resources

it is a geostrategic game being played out
for empirical ends

hence we see the Russian Kremlins Gazprom doing a similar
kind of bribery with colour coded revolution states
in the Caspian region

Raytheon process allows oil shale for sale

By Jay Fitzgerald Boston Herald General Economics Reporter

Tuesday, May 9, 2006

Raytheon Co. and CF Technologies think they’ve developed a breakthrough technology that could help ease the nation’s energy supply woes.

The Waltham-based Raytheon and Hyde Park-based CF said yesterday they’ve jointly come up with a new process that would allow companies to tap into huge underground U.S. shale reserves that can be turned into oil.

The technology entails transmitting radio frequencies into the ground, heating up hydrocarbons in shale and then injecting them with critical fluids that force oil toward wells.

The process is cheaper and more efficient than current technologies used to extract oil from shale, Raytheon said. With oil prices now hovering near historic highs, the technology could help make shale extraction more economically viable for oil companies.

There is an estimated 2 trillion barrels of oil in the nation’s shale reserves, located mostly in the Rocky Mountain region. Canada also has huge reserves of tar sand, which Raytheon believes its technology could extract oil from as well.

Raytheon said the technology was an offshoot of prior work with CF in defense-related projects.

“We took a (weapons) systems approach to the energy problem,” said John Cogliandro, Raytheon’s head engineer on the shale project.

Terri Campbell, a portfolio manager specializing in energy at Boston’s Eastern Bank, said recent price spikes in crude oil have made shale a more affordable investment for the oil industry.

She said extracting oil from shale or sand tar wouldn’t solve the long-term energy crisis. But it would help delay the depletion of oil resources across the globe, she said.


is this maths correct?

15.05.2006 14:23

2 trillion barrels of oil shale in the Rocky Mountain regions of Canada

+ the 1 trillion barrels in The Great River formation in the USA...

In the American system
one billion is 1,000,000,000
a trillion is 1,000,000,000,000
so one trillion is one thousand times one billion.

800 billion = 400 years potential supply
1 billion barrels = 50 years
1000 billion [trillion] = 50,000 years

3 trillion barrels = 150,000 years of supply!

have i got that right?

remember also that Rand
are a US military think tank
and have direct connections to Raytheon
and the empires war machine


If only it was so...

16.05.2006 06:51

Peak oil is not about running out of oil, it is about reaching the peak of production. There is loads of oil left, but that oil will become increasingly expensive to get at from now on as we have used all the easy to access resources. The amount of energy required to extract oil will continue to increase and since the price of energy itself will increase massively as we enter a decline in production, we will see that these remaining resources are incrediably expensive to get at. Any pricing predicted now for the extraction of shale oils must take into account the rising cost of energy as the post peak economics takes effect. So yes, there is plenty of oil left in the world but fortunately the world won't ever be able to afford to extract it at the rate enjoyed for the last 100 years.

The fat years are over.


the game

16.05.2006 10:39

"Any pricing predicted now for the extraction of shale oils must take into account the rising cost of energy as the post peak economics takes effect."


i would posit that:

the rising cost of energy is index linked to a 'terror' force multiplier
instability around the globe is leading to knee jerk reactions from OPEC
and that a corporate cartel is playing the entire planet like a rigged poker game
those who own the means for production can name their price in the market
it is a cartel based infrastructure

it is yet another focus on the spurious notion of 'synthetic fuels' or 'alternative energy'
which presupposes that OIL/Carbon based energy is the only 'real' fuel source
synthetic fuel was useful to the fascist Oil/chemical magnates before WWII

thousands of years ago the Sumerians [interestingly now Iraq!] were using pots
as batteries/lights utilising the acidic soil and copper for electrolysis
The first evidence of batteries comes from archaeological digs in Baghdad, Iraq. This first "battery" was dated to around 250 B.C. and was used in simple operations to electroplate objects with a thin layer of metal, much like the process used now to plate inexpensive gold and silver jewelry. One of the first uses for batteries. Batteries were re-discovered much later by a man named Alessandro Volta after which the unit of electrical potential was named, the volt. The jar was found in Khujut Rabu just outside Baghdad and is composed of a clay jar with a stopper made of asphalt. Sticking through the asphalt is an iron rod surrounded by a copper cylinder. When filled with vinegar - or any other electrolytic solution - the jar produces about 1.1 volts.

also the peak oil sham is enabling such measures as huge
ethanol plantations

which cannily allow empirical geostrategic political use of Land
via GM crops

Food is becoming Laboratised = another form of Energy control

from: A Changing Prescription for Biotechnology:

"a major milestone in agricultural biotech was reached in May 2005 when the one billionth acre of biotech crops was sown, capping a decade of plantings in 18 countries around the globe.

More than 90% of the eight million farmers growing biotech crops are located in developing nations."

hence we see the rape of 'the savages' continue
just as we saw the conquistadors, the missionaries

subjegation of Canadian / American / Australian aboriginal peoples

think about that in todays context

G8, Live 8...religious indoctrination continues
under a hidden mandate of geo-strategic asset rape masked as globalised free trade

A cartel is a group of legally independent producers whose goal it is to fix prices, to limit supply and to limit competition. Cartels are prohibited by antitrust laws in most countries; however, they continue to exist nationally and internationally, formally and informally.

OPEC is a cartel-a group of producers that attempts to restrict output in order to keep prices higher than the competitive level. The heart of OPEC is the Conference, which comprises national delegations, usually at the level of oil minister. The Conference meets twice each year to assign output quotas, which are upper limits on the amount of oil each member is allowed to produce. The Conference may also meet in special sessions when deemed necessary, particularly when downward pressure on prices becomes acute.

OPEC faces the classic problem of all cartels: overproduction and cheating by members. At the higher cartel price, less oil is demanded. That is why OPEC assigns output quotas. Each member of the OPEC cartel has an incentive to produce more than its quota and "shave" (cut) this price because the cost of producing an additional barrel of crude is typically well below the cartel price. The methods available to shave official OPEC prices are numerous. Credit can be extended to buyers for periods longer than the standard thirty days. Higher grades (or blends) of oil can be sold for prices applicable to lower grades. Transportation credits can be given. Buyers can be offered side payments or rebates.

This tendency for individual producers to cheat on the cartel agreement is a long-standing feature of OPEC behavior. Individual producers usually have exceeded their production quotas, and so official prices have been unstable. But OPEC is an unusual cartel in that one producer-Saudi Arabia-is much larger than the others. That is why the Saudis are the "swing" producer. When prices start downward, they cut their production to keep prices up. One reason the Saudis have behaved that way is that departures from the official prices impose larger total losses on them than on other OPEC members in the short run. Because other producers have huge incentives to produce in excess of their quotas, the Saudis, in order to defend the official OPEC price, have had to reduce their sales dramatically at times. This erosion of Saudi production and sales has tended to reduce their revenues and profits substantially. In 1983 and 1984, for example, the Saudis found themselves producing only about 3.5 million barrels per day, despite their (then) production capacity almost three times that level.

now do those US / UK / Saudi links make sense!!!

Opec is just a constituent part of a much bigger global cartel

another is the USA's military-industrial complex

as are Multinational Corporations,

Du pont

former Standard Oil seven sisters companies


formerly IG Farben
In 1967, Monsanto entered into a joint venture with IG Farben.

game theory:

The game is chess
those above are some of the players

in order to play a game succesfully
the limitations [rules] of the board must be recognised

so whose on 'the board'
so whose running 'the game'
