Murdock Todd Cote (Doc) | 12.05.2006 23:25
Lies Revealed
An Editorial
Murdock Todd Cote (Doc)
I have read a lot of articles, news stories; political rhetoric shoveled to the American People. On advice from the GOP and others I read their so called platform (agenda) it made me sick, they have one called the Defense of Marriage and family; which they say defend the sanctity of marriage and families against dangerous situation. To me it reeks of sideshow lies about the LGBT community. The RNC has a weird since of humor, when it comes to rights of man; this act which they have incorporated into the agenda for America is basic bigotry and hatred because of a person gender orientation.
Men like Micheal Heath and the Christen civic league of Maine and others through out homeland of the evangelical church including the white Supremacists and the Neo-Nazi scattered to the four winds of home land. The dream that was America in 1776 is shattered by a party and its article ideas of humanity and religious values which should have never been in the mix. The Republican Party was born the purpose of saving a country and ending the abomination of slavery. It was once a trusted party of commonsense leadership, it fought and saved a nation after a four to five year bloody civil war; it had it’s up and down periods and leadership was no better they had their good one and their bad one. They some wrecked by scandal and lies, the democrats are no different concerning the Clinton incident after the ninety-six re-election of a personal nature. The RNC controlled house tried to impeach him on ethics violations they failed.
The only ethics that William Jefferson Clinton failed was that of husband and father. Which was no concern of the House and Senate, those men who cried foul and tried to bring down a good president should that a man will be a man and he will make mistakes; the same goes for the women of the house and senate. It was not the republican’s place to bring out the Clinton family laundry. There 2004 agenda economically is a joke to say the least. The present President on his election in two thousand immediately signed an executive order giving out what he called tax relief yes some got a few bucks in the low income to poor bracket the rest went to the rich two hundred billion in surplus flushed down the toilet to buy him re-election in two thousand and four, he won that election because they the DNC fielded a candidate with no real battle plan; he spent too much time in some states and too little in others. Senator Kerry a good soldier uses logistics and smarts to engage a foe in the field. If Sir I had been running your campaign it would have been on two fronts with a viable platform that would work. You lost bluntly sir because your generals were stupid and lack war experience. Not a shooting war but a political war.
The main reason for this article is the platform used by the RNC and it leadership was racist, bias and bigoted. Yes September 11th came our pearl harbor all over again but this President used it to get his own version of the Gulf of Tonkin resolution, to plan and invade the Republic of Iraq, a republic that was broken from eight years of war with Iran and a second war with the world namely the Invasion and annexation of the Emirate of Kuwait. A force of a half million men forming an allied expeditionary force under General Norman Swatzkoff, CIC United States Central Command in Florida virtually slaughtered this country’s paper army. Sadam Hussein was now nothing but a paper tiger with a single corps of his elite Republican Guard, yes he slaughtered his own people and yes he had to be removed; but at what cost was this removal to be-it could have been surgical if we wanted it to be by sending in Saug Teams and Marine Sniper detachments. He made that is Bush the son made the decision to make up intelligence that the Iraqi Republic had connections to the dogs and murder’s of Elgaieda the so called base they called themselves who launched and murdered over three thousand people that day.
In the air, at the War Department and at the World Trade Center in New York City, he used tragedy to invade Iraq, the strikes and over throw of Afghanistan’s Taliban fundamentalist government whom protected the organization of El gaieda and Osama Bin Laden was a just cause for they the base, El gaieda threw the first punch and as the 101st would say were airborne we don’t start fights we finish them. the President said that the Iraqi government had weapons of mass destruction that they were hiding in the desert and in it’s city’s, the only thing they had was few cans of mustard gas, bought from the Soviet Union before their fall and a few scuds (short range surface to surface tactical missiles) the only wmds he had was mustard gas that he could use has warhead generally they used conventional war heads. As for a nuclear or biologic weapons system no such animal, I remember history very well; it was thought that Nazi Germany was making a nuclear weapon-they barely were scratching the surface. When the United States had begun the Manhattan project which ended the war in 1945 with Imperial Japan and its Emperor Herohito, it showed the world we would use tactical weapons; to save lives and people. Mr. Bush how many died in the bombings of Baghdad, men women and children. Grant you it was a military hanta, and yes they were cruel but they also had a stable country.
Which in two thousand and three we turned to mush by invading it and destroying the government of that nation, a government whom by the way we supported in their war with Iran, when Iraq was secular, now children and women and innocence are being killed in religious civil war; another sir? How many have we lost in this war? Well as of to day two thousand ninety-three dead and thousands maimed both physically and emotionally. You see in World War II, the average age of a soldier in a front line combat unit was twenty and maxing out at forty.
Now we look and what to days soldiers and Marines are seventeen to thirty-six. Basically children who join the military so they can go to school and get training. Yes they did a good job in ninety, because our soldier and marine were well trained that they were better then Iraqi conscripts. One and four serving in the ITO (Iraqi theater of Operations) are national guardsmen. Who should have been on the alert after the disaster of Katrina and Rita not getting killed, wounded or maimed in the deserts of Iraq?
They should have been in New Orleans, the gulf coast region of Mississippi and Louisiana and parts of Texas and Florida saving lives. Their agenda or platform is economics, hate, fear, bigotry and power for the rich. Simply the power gets more power and the poor gand low income minimum wage gets taxed to death. Social welfare, shelter and food assistance has been cut by this administration. He has also again given the powers that be a seven hundred billion dollar tax’s cut. While the fed raises the rates, futures markets are going through the roof, crude oil, natural gas and petrol and heating oil are sky rocketing and are due to rise even more. The one thing their agenda did not count on is that when crude, gas, and heating fuel go up so do transport cost, which is sent on to the consumer. I told DHS in Augusta that the food stamps should be distributed on the first of every month not in the middle or with in two weeks of the month people generally run out of food before the 14th of the month and with the fuel screw up that all food stamp recipients should be maxed out so they who need the most can get enough food to last thirty days, regardless of social security and ssi….because if you look at today’s economy their budget, poor, disabled, aged… listed below
1. Heating fuel
2. Gasoline for the car
3. Car Maintenance
4. Power
5. Phone
Gasoline: 3.06-40 per gallon and diesel for the OTR is now at $2.99 and rising thus the cost of bringing the necessity of life in passed on. If you live in rural area of Maine, Kentucky, West Virginia the choice is some cases is food, or heat during the winter and no medical care what’s so ever
Heating oil: $ 2.46 for #2 heating oil thus a full tank $600 to $700 per tank an this winter crude and heating are going up even more while production goes down. How many rigs Mr. Bush are still down in the gulf and are not producing? You can give all the Bull Fracked you want for reasons, but all I see is graft by a corrupt president doing the bidding of the powers that be.
Power: single man or women if their lucky and do not use to much during the winter a rate of $ 70 to 80.00 dollars per month it goes higher for those who need air conditioning like the aged and the ones in hospice in their homes. The death toll from heat during the summer is very high in the southern states to minimum in the northern states. During the winter it’s the north that gets in trouble and death rate goes up this administration has cut liheap funding when they should be funding it to the full capabilities of the Government. The RNC claims they have an agenda that will work for the future, they do not, all they have is hate, fear, distrust and misinformation that is their agenda, too break the unions and to break the American People. Pelagius a christen fryer in 400 ad said it well “ the worst of all deaths is the end hope” America is the last out post of freedom and all we hold dear. Americans with a Washington father, Washington is dead; these people that Washington and the religious right deem inferior and not worth saving are…. There is another quote I use a lot…..
The gift of Freedom is yours by right
But the home that we seek is not in a far off land
But within side all of us; it is in our actions and our deeds this day
And if what we do to day be our destiny
Let history remember that we as free men we chose to make it so
Arthur Castes, Centurion (King Arthur)
Commander of the Samarian Knight
Let every man, woman and child unite in a common cause freedom for all Americans not whom Washington and the religious zealots feel are worthy. We need to as a people restore hope, care, courage and honor. Come November let us wash away the stain and the stink of the republican agenda by voting in every province, every village, every district vote the RNC from power, prevent George Bush’s brother from following him into our beloved White house, remove power and religious influence from our government. I ask the DNC to build a platform that viable and works for America begin a new revolution, were our people come first and the world second, have anti-drug smuggling, selling and so forth program that’s real facilities for our mentally ill like super max hospitals each with ten thousand beds, two thousand of them secured for violently mentally ill positioned to four winds of homeland, shelter and retraining for our homeless and displaced workers on closed or closing military bases. Have a system of organizations that works…
a. Military hospital command, the four hospital I mentioned above would be run by this command, to care also for those who have no access to medical care, the poor aged and disabled
b. Military prison command, who would run the entire prison system in the United States
c. Laws that work, sex offenders, murders and hard core prisoner like rapist get life imprisonment in in hospital but super max prisons, not psycho wards or minimum security 24/7 lock down with one hour a day in the yard, none violent criminals twenty years in a military stockade no parole. Basically burglars, auto thieves and so forth
d. A military retraining command to retrain displaced worker in twenty first century technology
e. An economic plan that builds quality goods and technology that are people can buy; make made in America mean something again. Set rule that if a company is registered in this country American get hired first before they are allowed to outsource anything manufacturing, IT and so…
We are not the world policemen, but we also can not make the mistakes of the past, like Rwanda and Somalia or the Balkans. Genocide shall not be tolerated and we as a nation will get in their face when one group tries it. We did well in the Balkans, we stopped the mass murders, rapes in Bosnia Herzegovina and the other former Yugoslavian republics NATO did not the United Nations. There should be centralized bases in our own country and in Europe and the United Kingdom, were we and our allies could respond in force when needed. It could be done if you really wanted too, but the power is now in the wrong hands, come November lets change that because republican like now means the death of hope and freedom. Vote them out, or force them out by fire and bayonet with honor and courage and protect those who can not protect themselves.
An Editorial
Murdock Todd Cote (Doc)
I have read a lot of articles, news stories; political rhetoric shoveled to the American People. On advice from the GOP and others I read their so called platform (agenda) it made me sick, they have one called the Defense of Marriage and family; which they say defend the sanctity of marriage and families against dangerous situation. To me it reeks of sideshow lies about the LGBT community. The RNC has a weird since of humor, when it comes to rights of man; this act which they have incorporated into the agenda for America is basic bigotry and hatred because of a person gender orientation.
Men like Micheal Heath and the Christen civic league of Maine and others through out homeland of the evangelical church including the white Supremacists and the Neo-Nazi scattered to the four winds of home land. The dream that was America in 1776 is shattered by a party and its article ideas of humanity and religious values which should have never been in the mix. The Republican Party was born the purpose of saving a country and ending the abomination of slavery. It was once a trusted party of commonsense leadership, it fought and saved a nation after a four to five year bloody civil war; it had it’s up and down periods and leadership was no better they had their good one and their bad one. They some wrecked by scandal and lies, the democrats are no different concerning the Clinton incident after the ninety-six re-election of a personal nature. The RNC controlled house tried to impeach him on ethics violations they failed.
The only ethics that William Jefferson Clinton failed was that of husband and father. Which was no concern of the House and Senate, those men who cried foul and tried to bring down a good president should that a man will be a man and he will make mistakes; the same goes for the women of the house and senate. It was not the republican’s place to bring out the Clinton family laundry. There 2004 agenda economically is a joke to say the least. The present President on his election in two thousand immediately signed an executive order giving out what he called tax relief yes some got a few bucks in the low income to poor bracket the rest went to the rich two hundred billion in surplus flushed down the toilet to buy him re-election in two thousand and four, he won that election because they the DNC fielded a candidate with no real battle plan; he spent too much time in some states and too little in others. Senator Kerry a good soldier uses logistics and smarts to engage a foe in the field. If Sir I had been running your campaign it would have been on two fronts with a viable platform that would work. You lost bluntly sir because your generals were stupid and lack war experience. Not a shooting war but a political war.
The main reason for this article is the platform used by the RNC and it leadership was racist, bias and bigoted. Yes September 11th came our pearl harbor all over again but this President used it to get his own version of the Gulf of Tonkin resolution, to plan and invade the Republic of Iraq, a republic that was broken from eight years of war with Iran and a second war with the world namely the Invasion and annexation of the Emirate of Kuwait. A force of a half million men forming an allied expeditionary force under General Norman Swatzkoff, CIC United States Central Command in Florida virtually slaughtered this country’s paper army. Sadam Hussein was now nothing but a paper tiger with a single corps of his elite Republican Guard, yes he slaughtered his own people and yes he had to be removed; but at what cost was this removal to be-it could have been surgical if we wanted it to be by sending in Saug Teams and Marine Sniper detachments. He made that is Bush the son made the decision to make up intelligence that the Iraqi Republic had connections to the dogs and murder’s of Elgaieda the so called base they called themselves who launched and murdered over three thousand people that day.
In the air, at the War Department and at the World Trade Center in New York City, he used tragedy to invade Iraq, the strikes and over throw of Afghanistan’s Taliban fundamentalist government whom protected the organization of El gaieda and Osama Bin Laden was a just cause for they the base, El gaieda threw the first punch and as the 101st would say were airborne we don’t start fights we finish them. the President said that the Iraqi government had weapons of mass destruction that they were hiding in the desert and in it’s city’s, the only thing they had was few cans of mustard gas, bought from the Soviet Union before their fall and a few scuds (short range surface to surface tactical missiles) the only wmds he had was mustard gas that he could use has warhead generally they used conventional war heads. As for a nuclear or biologic weapons system no such animal, I remember history very well; it was thought that Nazi Germany was making a nuclear weapon-they barely were scratching the surface. When the United States had begun the Manhattan project which ended the war in 1945 with Imperial Japan and its Emperor Herohito, it showed the world we would use tactical weapons; to save lives and people. Mr. Bush how many died in the bombings of Baghdad, men women and children. Grant you it was a military hanta, and yes they were cruel but they also had a stable country.
Which in two thousand and three we turned to mush by invading it and destroying the government of that nation, a government whom by the way we supported in their war with Iran, when Iraq was secular, now children and women and innocence are being killed in religious civil war; another sir? How many have we lost in this war? Well as of to day two thousand ninety-three dead and thousands maimed both physically and emotionally. You see in World War II, the average age of a soldier in a front line combat unit was twenty and maxing out at forty.
Now we look and what to days soldiers and Marines are seventeen to thirty-six. Basically children who join the military so they can go to school and get training. Yes they did a good job in ninety, because our soldier and marine were well trained that they were better then Iraqi conscripts. One and four serving in the ITO (Iraqi theater of Operations) are national guardsmen. Who should have been on the alert after the disaster of Katrina and Rita not getting killed, wounded or maimed in the deserts of Iraq?
They should have been in New Orleans, the gulf coast region of Mississippi and Louisiana and parts of Texas and Florida saving lives. Their agenda or platform is economics, hate, fear, bigotry and power for the rich. Simply the power gets more power and the poor gand low income minimum wage gets taxed to death. Social welfare, shelter and food assistance has been cut by this administration. He has also again given the powers that be a seven hundred billion dollar tax’s cut. While the fed raises the rates, futures markets are going through the roof, crude oil, natural gas and petrol and heating oil are sky rocketing and are due to rise even more. The one thing their agenda did not count on is that when crude, gas, and heating fuel go up so do transport cost, which is sent on to the consumer. I told DHS in Augusta that the food stamps should be distributed on the first of every month not in the middle or with in two weeks of the month people generally run out of food before the 14th of the month and with the fuel screw up that all food stamp recipients should be maxed out so they who need the most can get enough food to last thirty days, regardless of social security and ssi….because if you look at today’s economy their budget, poor, disabled, aged… listed below
1. Heating fuel
2. Gasoline for the car
3. Car Maintenance
4. Power
5. Phone
Gasoline: 3.06-40 per gallon and diesel for the OTR is now at $2.99 and rising thus the cost of bringing the necessity of life in passed on. If you live in rural area of Maine, Kentucky, West Virginia the choice is some cases is food, or heat during the winter and no medical care what’s so ever
Heating oil: $ 2.46 for #2 heating oil thus a full tank $600 to $700 per tank an this winter crude and heating are going up even more while production goes down. How many rigs Mr. Bush are still down in the gulf and are not producing? You can give all the Bull Fracked you want for reasons, but all I see is graft by a corrupt president doing the bidding of the powers that be.
Power: single man or women if their lucky and do not use to much during the winter a rate of $ 70 to 80.00 dollars per month it goes higher for those who need air conditioning like the aged and the ones in hospice in their homes. The death toll from heat during the summer is very high in the southern states to minimum in the northern states. During the winter it’s the north that gets in trouble and death rate goes up this administration has cut liheap funding when they should be funding it to the full capabilities of the Government. The RNC claims they have an agenda that will work for the future, they do not, all they have is hate, fear, distrust and misinformation that is their agenda, too break the unions and to break the American People. Pelagius a christen fryer in 400 ad said it well “ the worst of all deaths is the end hope” America is the last out post of freedom and all we hold dear. Americans with a Washington father, Washington is dead; these people that Washington and the religious right deem inferior and not worth saving are…. There is another quote I use a lot…..
The gift of Freedom is yours by right
But the home that we seek is not in a far off land
But within side all of us; it is in our actions and our deeds this day
And if what we do to day be our destiny
Let history remember that we as free men we chose to make it so
Arthur Castes, Centurion (King Arthur)
Commander of the Samarian Knight
Let every man, woman and child unite in a common cause freedom for all Americans not whom Washington and the religious zealots feel are worthy. We need to as a people restore hope, care, courage and honor. Come November let us wash away the stain and the stink of the republican agenda by voting in every province, every village, every district vote the RNC from power, prevent George Bush’s brother from following him into our beloved White house, remove power and religious influence from our government. I ask the DNC to build a platform that viable and works for America begin a new revolution, were our people come first and the world second, have anti-drug smuggling, selling and so forth program that’s real facilities for our mentally ill like super max hospitals each with ten thousand beds, two thousand of them secured for violently mentally ill positioned to four winds of homeland, shelter and retraining for our homeless and displaced workers on closed or closing military bases. Have a system of organizations that works…
a. Military hospital command, the four hospital I mentioned above would be run by this command, to care also for those who have no access to medical care, the poor aged and disabled
b. Military prison command, who would run the entire prison system in the United States
c. Laws that work, sex offenders, murders and hard core prisoner like rapist get life imprisonment in in hospital but super max prisons, not psycho wards or minimum security 24/7 lock down with one hour a day in the yard, none violent criminals twenty years in a military stockade no parole. Basically burglars, auto thieves and so forth
d. A military retraining command to retrain displaced worker in twenty first century technology
e. An economic plan that builds quality goods and technology that are people can buy; make made in America mean something again. Set rule that if a company is registered in this country American get hired first before they are allowed to outsource anything manufacturing, IT and so…
We are not the world policemen, but we also can not make the mistakes of the past, like Rwanda and Somalia or the Balkans. Genocide shall not be tolerated and we as a nation will get in their face when one group tries it. We did well in the Balkans, we stopped the mass murders, rapes in Bosnia Herzegovina and the other former Yugoslavian republics NATO did not the United Nations. There should be centralized bases in our own country and in Europe and the United Kingdom, were we and our allies could respond in force when needed. It could be done if you really wanted too, but the power is now in the wrong hands, come November lets change that because republican like now means the death of hope and freedom. Vote them out, or force them out by fire and bayonet with honor and courage and protect those who can not protect themselves.
Murdock Todd Cote (Doc)