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mmmm | 10.05.2006 18:54 | Analysis | World

to REMEMBER the facts, or teach history with any degree of, even cautious, accuracy, it is key to explain the capacity of fraudsters, liars, cheats, rackets, scams + plain old mitsaken assumptions to have ditsorted our hitsory , our progress, our perceptions - - - - old lies, nu-infowar + whoops!

As tech change speeds up, + old "worst practise" of liars,
+ "the drive for efficiency" trickles down, the effects of "inertia" increase - as if it was stupidity itself that was getting the boost .
It helps to disentangle situations - of futures, as well as past/present, to have a checklist of bullshit "modus operandi", + a very "advanced" comprehension of how people s fallibilities can t urn project into disaster into crisis, fear + cover-ups that "avalanche" into growing blindspots that can often prevent us from seeing the remedy to the problems we all face, even if the entire thing all resulted from people trying to "save face", or one of those "Dont question me.... its cos i SAY SO" moments - or other very, very very human factors.
Sometimes it does seem as if we're programmed - by the mistakes of the past, misrepresented - to make the same mistakes - but with worse effects - again + again + again.

Its too easy to forget.
the patterns that can trip us all up have that exponential, turbulence exacerbating effect on this " house of cards" world - it mightnt take a bllion dollar brain to see that - but the "bllion dollar " moores effect is "working for the wipers .... protecting corporate reputations , playing think-tanks against or for some vested interests or other . . . . yet in righteous trepidation about the ef fect s of getting "computerised" out of any paying job themselves.

Then we' ll commence.
This is - discover the facts about fakes, but also the "face up to F- ups" factor in "glorious pasts", to some extent re-opening the books - but also - seeing others "undemonised" - more often Dibbler than DOCTOR DEATH, even when Dibbler prefers to think of themselves as . . . .

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christians should remember

11.05.2006 14:22

to stay sceptical of anybody getting smeared,
since they were smeared as cannibals (that communion thing),
then terrorists (the reichstag/ "burning Rome" thing). . . .

x amounta . . . .

old operators - or others - that've fallen 4 the "you are in too deep" bollox. .

11.05.2006 14:54

. . need to remember that, when he was "saul", that ( ACTS ) paul bloke was a persecuting, torturer - a murderer, the orchestrator of assassins, that "held the coats" of others as they stoned christians to death.
Went on to do good things, i hear - jailtime/internment werent "de rigeur" - + his "amends" werent limited to low key r ole s. Grumpy at times, perhaps, but "....interesting " is an understatement.

Worth saying, cos after the "themobthemobtheterror-le terreur"bits to frighten the "orcs" + protection racket payee s into inaction, when people have "dropped the curtain" on the con to the extent they dont expect to get the "heres your paper suit, off to toil in the countryside with you! " - if shackles are broken + we find our way to a new future - BUT . . . .
. . . . SOME were held back by the idea that any other role, for them, was bound to seem BORING - so ....its good to shatter a few more myths there then.

+ curiouser

every secondary schoolkid gets taught about the reichstag fire

11.05.2006 15:02

but, for the racket, in these times the commercialisation + subcontracting out of things has almost made us forget the "security guard that cried wolf" tail, "etc", "etc", "etc", "etc".

of course

whose watching the watchmen.... **** it up again?

11.05.2006 15:47

.... + if we aint taught about "sting ops" or "burnback"s (forestry term also fers to a covert ops strategy of some vested interests in society - aka "inoculating" ), then the way they can get misused or provide cover for the creation of the right "bogeyman" or "event" for the latest hoodwinked "customer" - or news management, you mightnt see the past 4 what it is, or draw the right lessons from experience.

G8? 7/7.
make poverty history.
makeover history.
perhaps. its the sort of thing.
covering up the "good" news - the "yes we can.... yes you can" is as often the target" as to cover up the F-ups + crimes

1890s russia... the department of the Tsars bodyguard that kept a watch on the dodgy deals of devious barons, intrigues at the palace, avarice amongst the officials, etc etc got retargetted from its "serious crime" brief to "terrorism" + poor people, reformers, etc. etc. etc. etc. Much easier .
Most of all, easier when they organised the provocateurs + incidents themselves - as they did - all across europe - a "tactic" - more of a "hustle" in actual fact - that was also emp ploy d in the u.s.a. - - - -
of course, the fact that these things got covered up almost however clumsy they were, meant even the people involved in them didnt remember to get any better at doing it.
- hence the "small" tragedy, crime, disaster, cover-up, complicity, bigger crime, crisis, big tragedy, etc cycle.

less infotainment audience -
- more action from the
x "audience" (etc)
in different ways. mmmm.

as in.... dont sit there watching, do something!
yes - even thinking is good!

Quis custodiat custodies


09.06.2006 15:09

see also " the"we dont decide the cards we get dealt" thing, "info re pseudo gangs"
" i must get to a library - fast " "da code, its in da" "....x" + "st mungo" on scottish indymedia


i recommend

18.10.2006 16:02

the background in some of the bits you get to if you research the "missing" bits in the early tales from the colin challon, 1996 compendium "in defence of the" **** "secret state""dirty tricks" (key phrases)
- irs odd, but my copies of . . . .

it keeps "disappearing"