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BNP laughing stock in capital

Bermondsey Bill | 10.05.2006 18:44 | Anti-racism | London

Andrew Gilligan article, front cover Evening Standard


Andrew Gilligan reports in today's Evening Standard that Richard Barnbrook, official opposition leader of the 11 strong BNP councillors on Barking and Dagenham council, produced and directed an amateur Gay Porn film called 'HMS Discovery: A Love story' in 1989. It is described on a cinema website as "Marxist gay cinema from conceptual artists Barnbrook".

The film featured young men in Sailors uniforms frolicking naked, the group flogging one of their number and "a naked man apparently performing a sex act on another". All accompanied by Mr Barnbrook and another unidentified man reading homoerotic poetry for the sound track.

More seriously, Gilligan claims that Barnbrook used a false address at 5a London Road, Barking as his address on the electoral register despite the fact that the building is derelict. Further, that he registered at this address only six weeks before the election and that Councillor Barnbrook's real home is in posh Blackheath.

It is not clear where Gilligan got his information but everyone is laughing their heads off in London tonight!
But why didn't someone mention this before May 4th?

Finally, how about organising a public showing of this cinematic master piece for the voters of Dagenham and Barking or putting it up on a web-site in the name of public interest?

Bermondsey Bill


Hide the following 13 comments

What a pity...

10.05.2006 22:20

You're right. A pity this didn't appear before the election - both the gay porn (only because of the la Griffin's professed horror of gays) AND the dodgy address. Still, good to see the BNP keeping right on with their usual run of spectactularly successful councillors. Luke Smith'll be out of nick soon - we'll probably see him standing for them again before long when he's got a few minutes to spare between bottling people.

Lancaster UAF
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10.05.2006 23:06

They still got 12 elected though didn’t they you prat!
Besides, with the filth and sleaze of the establishment running thick and fast in the media, does anyone really care about one poncy soft-core gay movie or whatever the hell it was? Do you honestly think this is some sort of victory? What a joke you are.


Oooh get her.......

11.05.2006 00:25

Let us show the film to the people of Dagenham and Barking and let them descide if it is Gay porn or High Art.

Liz we both know the answer and if he doesn't sue the Standard he and the BNP are dead in the water in Dagenham.

Call me a bitch dear but that dress does not go with Jack Boots

Bermondsey Bill

Nor can you count.....

11.05.2006 00:52


Nor can you count.....

11.05.2006 00:52


An old stanby

11.05.2006 00:58

An old stanby this story which State sewer outlet Searchlight were going to use in the general election last year.


Homophobia and the anti Fash

11.05.2006 08:37

So this is where we are, using homophobia as a weapon against the BNP. The idea I take it is that the people of Barking will look at the BNP leader in Barking and 'laugh' because he is a puff/queer/homo/arse bandit. By using this form of attack the anti Fash are giving oxgen to the idea that being gay is something to laugh at, something which is unnatural and deviant. As it happens it won't work for a second, they have ran this story before, plus non of the BNP councillors are due for re election for four years. The idea I presume is that as all white working class people are 'ignorant and prejudice', tell them a BNP leader is a queer and they will reject the BNP, so the anti Fash believes. When in fact most white working class people are at the worst indifferent to gays. Any anti Fash who take part in this homophobic campaign will have to take a share of responsibility by the anti gay climate they might produce which could lead to attacks on gay people. Shame on you.


It's all about hypocrisy

11.05.2006 10:16

It's nothing to do with the possibility that he's gay - you're right, nobody cares - it's to do with the hypocrisy of the BNP who have peculiar views on the subject of homosexuality. You may recall that, after David Copeland's 1999 bombing of the Admiral Duncan pub in Soho, London, BNP leader, Nick Griffin wrote: ‘The TV footage of dozens of ‘gay’ demonstrators flaunting their perversion in front of the world’s journalists showed just why so many ordinary people find these creatures so repulsive.’

In the party's election manifesto, the BNP raised the prospect of a local vote so parents could decide if they want to 'prohibit the teaching of homosexuality as an alternative lifestyle choice'. Barnbrook just happens to be the London co-ordinator of the BNP, which has promised to remove homosexuality from society, deeming it 'wrong and unhealthy for any community.'

This whole thing is only funny because the BNP are so uptight about gays. It's got nothing to do with taking the piss out of the gay community - it's got EVERYTHING to do with taking the piss out of the BNP.

Don't you see the irony?

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11.05.2006 11:30

So can we now look forward to lancaster uaf taking the piss out of respect who's leader says he is against gay marriage(although he voted for it when he was in labour) to appease the anti gay muslims in his party(not all muslims i know)? Trying finding the section on gay rights on their web site it comes under 'other'. People will not laugh at a BNP leader for being two faced on gays, but laugh at him for the broad hints that he is gay(when he is not, not that it would matter). You are appealing to people's worst instincts. You may not like it but people are not laughing at the BNP in London but many are complaining they could not vote for them because there was no candidate where they lived. Lancaster is a long way from London. UAF delivered leaflets about Barnbrooke in Barking being 'gay' and it did not matter one jot as shown by 12 councillors. UAF's campaign was a complete failure, maybe you should spend more time thinking why this was so instead of always pating yourselves on the back.


Dangerous News?

11.05.2006 12:09

The BNP have put up a Gay Pornographer as a Councillor? Anti Fascists are broadcasting that?

Perhaps it is time to remember the Strasser Brothers. Is it time to avenge Gregor? All that needs to happen now is for a Gay to take out Griffin and take over the BNP and the BNP will sweep the field in the next election.

It will be very difficult to take out Griffin, he is the best smokesccreen New Labour have for their own Fascist Policies. Griffin probably has half a dozen Special Branch Officers running his Organisation and protecting him. He is one of Blair's best assets.



11.05.2006 14:30

This attack on the BNP is really an attack on gays...the whole tone of the article is extremely homophobic !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The tone of the article is *not* homophobic

11.05.2006 22:34

The point, to anyone familiar with anti-fascism, is very clearly regarding the hypocrisy.

The BNP are FAMOUSLY anti-gay. THAT is the point.

You can criticise the whole thing for not making it explicit enough that this is the point, when not everyone will necessarily realise that that is the point. That's a fair enough criticism. But if you think that anti-fascists are being homophobic then I think you'll find that's a misjudgement.

Some people will refuse to believe the article is not homophobic, just like some people will refuse to believe that standing up for Palestine is not anti-semitic. But all of those people are missing the point.

The fact that fascists are homophobic is one of the most important reasons that we all oppose fascism so strongly.

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homophobic left

12.05.2006 14:19

Pleased to hear that 'anti-fascists' are not homophobic...however, tell that you my local Respect candidate.........she hates fascists...ok so far great...what does she think of gays...."they should be shot"........needless to say the muslim lady didn't get my vote !!!!!!

The Evening Standard where I believe this story came from are no friend of gays..........a piss take is a piss take....and as usual us gays get it in the neck.
