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Santos Filho | 09.05.2006 14:32 | Repression | World

I feel it each day phisically weaker and spitiritualy stronger. That's why I have the certainty that our ideas will go to spread themselves for Brazil, that in a few days we will be millions and see to fall the mantle of lies! Do have faith in a better future! We will be successful!

Garotinho and one of his 9 sons.
Garotinho and one of his 9 sons.


With the substance published today in the periodical the Globe is more evident the persecution of the Organizations Globe against what my candidacy represents for the Brazilian people.

The most serious denunciations made by an integrant one of the 40 thieves of the PT pointed for the Attorney general speak in shunting line of until R$1 billion.

The Globe, to try to show its false journalistic exemption, detaches the substance in only 3 pages, differently of that it made to us, where stops accusations liars, involving R$ 650.000 , had dedicated more than 6 pages, for edition, during some days.

They do not have doubts. The Organizations Globe only had published the substance of today for the pressure that we are carrying through for the free press.

We see that the case is very different. What they had published today is a confession of that it participated of the crime. We can commemorate one more victory. But the "annihilator of reputations" tries, one more time, to save President Lula. The Attorney's Association of Brazil decides tomorrow if it will or not to ask for Lula's impeachment.

Until when Brazil will have to support the robery of PT?

Although I already have answered to all the questions raised against me, the Organizations Globe had not answered none that we present against it:

the use of false power of attorney in the purchase of the TV Globe of São Paulo; aiding with loans of the Government Lula in the BNDES; fraud against the financial system in the old BANERJ; crime of misappropriation of ICMS charged of the contributor, among others.

The powerful one, beyond everything, is hypocritical. False moralist. It demands of the others what it does not practise.
Until when the powerful one will be silent? Still it finds that we live in the time of the dictatorship? The magazine "Veja" of this week tries to justify itself saying that it did not say that I rented the airplane of the dealer. It is practically a contradiction of the substance of the last week.

Only that they are cowards and they do not assume the lies that had said to the Brazilian people. They say that it's missing a note of the aerial company of taxi. The note exists. It was sent to Veja. It did not publish because she did not want. Because it is the service of the destruction of my candidacy and everything that it represents for the Brazilian people.

Veja tries to make ridiculous the defense of my honor saying that this is an act of whom is not prepared to be President of the Republic. I ask my Brazilian brothers. What is preferable? A man who imposes himself a personal sacrifice to show that its honor is clean or a President who, although to be dived in the mud, the corruption, when questioned, he repeats: I d'ont know...I d'ont know...I didn't see and I don't know...

I guarantee that all Brazilians who live honestly understand my indignation and know that this my strike of hunger, was the last resource to defend my honor and the truth!

I challenge the Globe and Veja, or any other one I propagate of national or foreign communication, to find a man who has been at as many public offices and that has as patrimony only the house that inherited of his father.

I also leave a message to my friends of the PMDB. Those that fight for the ethics in the politics, love Brazil and want to see a Country of justice, happiness and chances for all: We go to the fight! We do not go to allow that the convention of May the 13th defeat the proper candidacy of the PMDB.We go until the end!

Our new project of Nation, where the wealth of the Brazilians will be used to take care of the health of the children of our people. We have also a project to save the Brazilian agriculture that today is decimated by called plague PT.

We have a project to recoup the minimum wage and to place it in conditions to give a worthy life to the immense majority of the Brazilians. We go to re-equip our Armed Forces and to open the army bases so that the young can have a job chance.

We go to finish with this cursed "primary surplus" and to invest the money, so that Brazil quickly finishes with the illiteracy. This cursed "primary surplus", that transfers billions of Reals to the bankers and hinders us to make proper house for the poor persons, will be used in the improvement of public education and mainly, to generate millions of jobs for our people.

Therefore it does not bother me that they try to diminish this my gesture. I am making my part. Mahatma Ghandi when started his hunger strike to free India also was made ridiculous. He was humiliated by the press. But, to the end, he defeated the powerful British Empire, without a shot.
To my brothers of faith. To some, that has not understood this hunger strike for indeterminate time, I want to say that we are also in a spiritual battle. We face powerful forces of the evil that for centuries oppress our Nation and our people.

The word of Jesus about this situation is clear and is express in the Bible: "there is a chaste one of demons who only can be destroyed through hunger and conjunct."

Therefore I ask for that they continue praying for me so that God gives forces to me and I can be successful, finally, against these malignant oppressors of the Brazilian people.

I feel it each day phisically weakker and spitiritualy stronger. That's why I have the certainty that our ideas will go to spread themselves for Brazil, that in a few days we will be millions and see to fall the mantle of lies! Do have faith in a better future! We will be successful!

Anthony Garotinho

Santos Filho
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