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Jack Straw invited to join high-level delegation to Downing Street opposing war

CASMII | 08.05.2006 13:46

Jack Straw has been invited by CASMII to join a high-level delegation to Downing Street opposing war on Iran

Jack Straw was today invited to join world-renowned scientists and former military generals in a delegation to Downing Street opposing military intervention in Iran. The delegation organised by CASMII (the Campaign Against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran), will take place at midday on 9th May, and will deliver two letters to Tony Blair from eminent British and American physicists warning that the military intervention and the use of nuclear weapons would have disastrous consequences for the security of Britain and the rest of world.

The delegation composing of scientists, politicians and former Deputy Commander-in-Chief of British Land Forces, General Sir Hugh Beach, have saved a place for Mr Straw whose opposition to military intervention in Iran was reportedly the reason for his demotion from Foreign Secretary in the recent Cabinet reshuffle. The letters to be delivered have been signed by some of the worlds’ most eminent physicists including 5 Nobel Prize winners.

The letter signed by scientists in the UK states;
“There is no proof that Iran has a weaponization programme, and therefore no justification for the use of force. Any pre-emptive attack led by the US against Iran will no doubt take place without any explicit UN approval and thus in violation of the UN Charter and international law. It will lead to a major conflagration in that volatile region of the world and is bound to result in a sharp escalation in anti-Western sentiments as well as in extremism, fundamentalism and terrorism.”

Professor Abbas Edalat, CASMII's founder, said today;
“We hope that the events surrounding Mr Straw’s demotion will finally make the public aware that military action against Iran is not merely possible but imminent. According to the renowned journalist Seymour Hirsch, plans to attack Iran are already in their operational phase and the use of tactical nuclear weapons is still on the table.”

"We have not yet had any response from Mr Straw but we would welcome his support on this most important of matters. We believe that like, Robin Cook before him, Mr Straw could gain a huge amount of respect by standing by his principles and publicly denouncing the current plans that Washington and London have to take military action against Iran."

(see below for details)
Please find copies of the letter to Tony Blair, from British academics, a letter to George Bush from US physicists, a letter
The delegation will consist of:

General Sir Hugh Beach - former Deputy Commander-in-Chief United Kingdom Land Forces

Carol Naughton – former chair of CND

Jeremy Corbyn MP

Professor Abbas Edalat, Imperial College, CASMII Director

Stefan Simanowitz, CASMII (UK) Campaign Coordinator

Harold Jamison, CASMII (US)

Jack Straw MP, former Foreign Secretary (Unconfirmed)

10 Downing Street, 12 midday, Tuesday 9th May.

CASMII is an independent international campaigning organisation committed to opposing military attacks against Iran.

Contact: Press Office – 07799 650791
CASMII Main Office – 07763 212650
CASMII Campaigns – 07733 003733


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Straw is as pro-Iran-War as Blair, and responsible for Palestinian suffering

08.05.2006 18:05

You do know that Jack Straw (not his REAL name, of course) is responsible for almost every Palestinian organisation being declared terrorist across the EU?

You do know that when Straw's brother was arrested for sex offences against kids (later convicted of the most trivial after a fixed trial), Straw had all coverage of the arrest KILLED in the Mass Media?

You do know that when Straw's son was caught red-handed as a DRUG-DEALER, Straw had all charges dropped?

You do know that Straw is Israel's main man in the UK parliament, and is directly responsible for ensuring full SUPPORT for Israel's wall, and every other genocidal policy against the true population of those lands?

You do know that Straw's answers to questions about a Blair/Bush attack against Iran were lies (look the word up, you'll find it's a word closely associated with politicians)?

You do know that Straw's main job know is to ensure that the full power of the block he represents (namely the twin strategy of bribes and blackmail) are to be used to ensure the UK parliament gives Blair full support over the coming war?

You do know that any link between Israel and the War on Iran is being rapidly erased in the minds of the general population, which means that the publicly visible frontline politicians CANNOT have clear Israeli links (hence, Blair copies Bush, and has Beckett in the same position as Rice)?

Straw has done an excellent job for Blair so far (no-one in the EU now dares stand up for the Palestinians, and Straw has arranged the situation so that the genocide of Iran will also be the genocide of the Palestinians). Straw as continued visible warlord would allow the coming Iran attack to be described as a war for Israel, and that works against Blair's plans. The pummelling
of the idiots in the Lords and Commons is now an infinitely more important job.

Straw, Mandelson, and Goldsmith (for obvious 'master-race' reasons) are Blair's Neocons, and have each been instrumental for the vast violence so far inflicted against muslims. They are also far more reliable than the rogue attack dogs like Blunkett, and Reid. The Noecons will serve Blair loyally to the end, for they see the success of Blair as being in the very best interests of Israel and its associated causes, namely a genocidal reduction of the muslim population of planet Earth.

Power is about ensuring your guys get (and stay) at the top, and that your enemies don't, using any means possible. Israel and its supporters are ruthless enough to plan nuclear and genetic war against the rest of the planet in the name of their god. In truth, this is a pattern that has been repeated many, many times throughout Human history with various insane factions. The Neocons don't want to destroy the Earth, but they do want to fix their position as rulers of a planet of slaves (or better, cattle). Blair is not a Neocon, but knows this bunch of psycho killers will serve his genocidal plans better than any other group.

Much like the fantasy about Flight 93, the moronic concept of Straw being against the mass murder of muslims in Iran was a fortunate accident, rather than a planned psy-op. However, one of the most important jobs of top-flight propaganda teams is to spot an unexpected opportunity (and the 'story' of Flight 93 was a text-book perfect example of this), and take advantage of it. The meme of Straw being anti-war is spreading like wildfire amongst the simple-minded, and because these simple-minded are well placed to disrupt the (very limited) anti-war movement, Blair's people will now play this to the max.

Damn, hot knife through butter doesn't really say it. More like Blair is the sun, and his opponents are a barely formed snowflake that has somehow suddenly appeared at the sun's surface.

PS Blair is going no where. His own people are currently engaged in a steam-letting exercise by taking advantage of the local election result. The aim is to make talk of replacing Blair (within the REAL party) done business as soon as possible for as long as possible. However, for the simple-minded that like to indulge in wishful thinking, propaganda will still be arranged for every six months or say saying that in six months time or so, Brown will replace him. If Blair calculated he was at any real risk, he would simply arrange a false flag that would make 911 look like a happy sunshine picnic.


Straw's principles?!

08.05.2006 21:08

Is this a late April's fool joke? Why not ask Blair to be part of the delegation visiting himself?



08.05.2006 21:34

Any proof Twilight or is this just another one of your FALSE FLAG rants.

Incidently his son was all over the news about the drugs.

You should get out a bit more, perhaps the realities of the real are too much for an unstable troll glued to prisonplanet.

Tell you what, if you pay me $10 a month I'll supply you with all the mumbo jumbo tosh you need as the basis for your little rants.


Anti-semitic, twilight?

08.05.2006 22:24


You mention a lot of interesting criticisms of the torture-supporter Straw, but are you straying into anti-semitism, with talk of the 'master-race' and 'not his REAL name, of course'? If so, I think you are succumbing to fear and letting yourself down.

There are plenty of non-Zionist Jews and significant numbers of non-Jewish Zionists. Could we please try to distinguish between Jewishness (a matter of parentage and religious and cultural identity) and Zionism (a racist belief)?

If Straw is a Zionist, let's examine the evidence, but what is there to criticise about being Jewish?

In peace,


Alan Stinchcombe
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