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New camapigning news service starts in East London to fill news service gap

©eastlondonpress | 08.05.2006 13:01 | Social Struggles | London


Contrary to national tabloid and broadsheet headlines, the real political action is taking place locally. But the events are not reported. Not even by the local press. The council elections of 4 May 2006 showed that serious political deficit exists in localities in England which has not bee covered by the mainstream. A new campaigning news service called the EAST LONDON PRESS has been launched today. The project is aimed at filling the news deficit initially in the Borough of Tower Hamlets. Hackney, Newham are include din the pilot being phased in…


Contrary to national tabloid and broadsheet headlines, the real political action is taking place locally. But the events are not reported. Not even by the local press. The council elections of 4 May 2006 showed that serious political deficit exists in localities in England which has not bee covered by the mainstream. A new campaigning news service called the EAST LONDON PRESS has been launched today. The project is aimed at filling the news deficit initially in the Borough of Tower Hamlets. Hackney, Newham are include din the pilot being phased in…

John Prescott is nothing as compared with the rampant adulterous sexual liaisons that have been on open display in the East End. On the Tower Hamlets Council. For years. And not a word was printed in the local paper.
Sex, adulterous sex, between Tower Hamlets Councillors is a done thing!
They are doing it in the Labour Party.
They have been doing it in the Lib Dem Focus Group of councillors….

East End people have not been reading about these in their papers.. Until now… until very soon …

The EAST LONDON PRESS promises to mix stories of such personal interests with those about the tough topics of political battle – Crossrail, Council hosue transfer – the takeover of the East End by the City of London…

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I'd rather...

08.05.2006 17:28

I'd rather watch the toads copulating... who is interested in such scarcely appetising stuff like Prescott's sexual antics, or those of his lower rank counterparts in the East End...


I would - only to know how they waste our resource and our voted legitimacy

09.05.2006 08:42

I for one would like to know all about who is bedding who and how their bedding habits are ruing our locality

Why not!
