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Hull Live Exports Demo - Report

NARN | 07.05.2006 13:49 | Animal Liberation | Indymedia | World

In solidarity with the demo in Dover, 35 activists met at Hull Docks to demo and expose their cruel involvement with the import and export of sheep, pigs and horses. The police presence was surprisingly small at the dock front, only 9 stood and watched as activists shouted and chanted "Stop Live Exports Animal Abuse!"

Constant noise echoed through the docks as trucks going in and out gave support. Port security were zooming around as demonstrators moved onto the round-a-bout along the main road through Hull and along the port's front. Public support was on a high as cars went past sticking thumbs up and honking their horns.

We must thank the police for their, for once, impartiality at the docks and staying to look after demonstrator's vehicles. This is the first of many demo's against the live exports at Hull, supporting cruelty is not an option!

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