Hacker breaks into US military computers
undercurrents | 06.05.2006 20:21 | World
A Briton accused of hacking into Nasa and US military computer networks has spoken to the BBC about his experiences.
Gary McKinnon was arrested by the UK's national high-tech crime unit and could face extradition.
Nasa has declined to comment about the allegations made by Gary McKinnon. Previously the US has described Mr McKinnon as a significant military hacker.
Gary McKinnon was arrested by the UK's national high-tech crime unit and could face extradition.
Nasa has declined to comment about the allegations made by Gary McKinnon. Previously the US has described Mr McKinnon as a significant military hacker.
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so the guy's a nut
06.05.2006 22:48
stop the 'abductions' to planet mcdonalds
07.05.2006 03:31
Homepage: http://www.schmoontherun.blogspot.com
Make it equal
07.05.2006 10:14
Should that traitor be hanged? Or should British Courts be imprisoning Americans who use electronic spying to detect everything that goes on in the UK from places like Menwith Hill? If British Courts are so corrupt that they will not do that duty, do private citizens have a duty to make good that deficiency?
I believe Lease Lend was repaid some years ago. It is time the foreign bases were removed from British soil. And all the thieved land overseas, that Britain handed over as bases to the Americans to fund our single handed fight against Hitler, should be returned to the descendants of the original native inhabitants of those lands. At the very least Blair should have demanded the return of those places to the British colonial Office as a repayment for the British soldiers being killed pulling USA chestnuts out of the fire in Iraq and Afghanistan.
But the British are too spineless and gutless to do anything about it. The British Labour Party no longer just expels a branch for being anti fascist as they did in '39. They actively participate in building the sort of Global Fascism that delights Thatcher.
Lend Lease
07.05.2006 12:37
Blair uses extradition to make people fear his attack dog
07.05.2006 18:00
As has been noted, the change in the law was NOT reciprocal. The reason for this, however, is missed by most people. Blair has devoted almost the entirety of his efforts into manipulating the regime operating within the US. His intent is to create a rogue nation unlike any seen on the Earth before- murderous, irrational, paranoid, racist, ultra-violent, armed-to-the-teeth, and willing to strike at humans anywhere on the globe.
There is an analogue. Crime bosses employ psychopaths. Why? Because then all those concerned know that if they impede or cross the boss, he will set a violent and merciless butcher on them. You can best understand Blair by thinking of him as the ultimate mafia boss, and the US as the ultimate psychopathic thug trained to serve him and his ambitions.
Today, Blair is able to say that there is no place on Earth where you can hide from his attack dog. Amusingly, many here say that this fact makes Blair a 'puppet' of his attack dog, just as if the guy out walking his rottweilers is somehow their servant, not their master. There's no accounting for human stupidity, as history teaches us all too often.
Now, in truth, Blair doesn't care about some UFO enthusiast hacker from the UK, or some software 'pirate' from Australia, but a lot of very small fish are going to get a serious slapping so that the rest of us learn to fear that slavering beast at Blair's heel.
Ah, but I'm wasting my breath, aren't I? You lot are all in the latest "wishful thinking" fantasy about Blair gone by ... August is it. Blair more powerful than at ANY time in his past, and all his enemies slavishly watch HIS propaganda on the BBC, off dribbling in some deluded fantasy about a world filled with gumdrops and sunshine and no Blair (go watch the end of the film Brazil again guys, and try to understand it this time). Anyway, if and when Blair's grip on 'democratic' power seems to falter, it will be 'democracy' and NOT Blair that will finally die, in a nice big juicy false flag that will allow Blair's people to tell us that WE demand the elimination of all controls so that Blair can finally do his 'job' properly.
What if a human with the mind of a 'Rose West' had the chance to rise to power in an ancient and well respected land? Impossible? Impossible how, for gods sake. What if that person desired to be a serial murderer on a Global scale? Unlikely? Unlikely how, for gods sake. What if that person understood that the worst and most effective evil criminals always have the strongest 'right arm', and at this moment in history, the US would serve that purpose perfectly? Impossible to achieve? Well none of you can be saying THAT given the recent history of the States.
The real Rose West got away with indescribable evil for decades, and even today many refuse to accept her guilt because they have been carefully conditioned to think that only MALES are truly capable of evil, and that females are always victims (hence the use of Rice and Beckett today to further the cause of Mass Murdering Muslims). A more important form of conditioning is used to ensure that people see politicians as guilty of ONLY corruption and sexual indiscretion. The idea that Blair has the same mind as a Rose West MUST be dismissed as ludicrous, no matter how clearly he matches the KNOWN profile of serial killers.
Human history is littered with examples of the worst kinds of evil psychopaths easily rising to leadership over vast populations of humans. The give away clue is the fact that once in power, they enact policies that MURDER ever increasing numbers of people, while at the same time using propaganda and priest classes (who are the priest classes in OUR time) to produce a police state to maximise fear and control.
for Olly and Twilight
10.05.2006 22:24
Blair should clearly be on trial as well as Blunkett. Has treason been removed from the offences to be penalised by hanging? i don't think that his betrayal of Labour principles would warrant a Government trial, that seems to need a free enterprise privatiseer action. But his support for the unequal extradition agreement can only be seen as treason against the British people.
And if the Labour Party does not bring such an action, perhaps they should also face the same charge.
The big thing is that only corrupt degenerate perverts who delight in keeping the innocent imprisoned long after the guilty have been released become Home Secretaries. It is the big delight in holding that Office. They are all corrupt perverts of the worst type, if only one of the holders of that Office was not so, they would have changed the system. Stainless Steel degenerates the Law cannot touch hold that Office. To bed every night lauging with glee at the innocent they keep on in prison when they have released the guilty.
What action should be taken in London if the Hacker is extradited on the say so of the corrupt legal US system that allowed Bush to thieve the Presidency,?