Police Riot when confronted by Flowers
Reposted From Irene of Mexico City | 05.05.2006 18:16 | Repression | Workers' Movements | Zapatista | World
Bilingual (World English/World Spanish) report of the state of affairs in Mexico City. Three Dead in clashes between Police, and Flower Growers and Sellers. Up to Eight Hundred Riot Police are involved in clashes with residents.
(Repost from Irene - Mexico City)
(Repost from Irene - Mexico City)
Apologies for the inflamatory headline. But it deserves attention that repression is fashionable globally.
red alert on mexico español and english
Body: Saludos Compas:
Les enviamos la siguiente informacion, esperando que esten al pendiente y que asistan al acto de DENUNCIA Y CONTRA LA REPRESION no sólo en apoyo a los compas de Atenco, el golpe es para todos los que estamos participando en la otra campaña y para todas aquellas personas que buscamos la construccion de un mundo más justo.
Contra la Represion
Desde la marcha que se realizo frente a gobernacion se hizo el llamado para que este jueves 4 de mayo a la hora que recibas la informacion comienzes a movilzarte, si puedes desde la 8 de la mañana puedes hacercarte a las sectoriales, o si te es posible la ita es en la universidad de chapingo que es un lugar cercano a los hechos de violencia sino desde tu escuela o centro de trabajo te pedimos informar de los sucedido hay que salir a llas calle hay 3 personas de atenco fallecidas entre ellos un niño de 13 años.
la informacion resumida es:
Un grupo de campesinos floricultores del Frente de Pueblos en Defensa de la Tierra fueron reprimidos hoy a las 7 de la mañana, resultando campesinos y policÃas lesionados y se habla entre 90 y 120 detenidos. A lo largo del dÃa los enfrentamientos han continuado y los compas están sitiados en el centro de Texcoco y en resistencia en Atenco, asà como bloqueando la carretera.
compañeros que estaban en tlatelolco se dirigen hacia el lugar de los hechos.
Les pedimos que estén al pendiente y circulen la información lo más posible asà como apoyar las acciones de solidaridad urgente que se vayan generando.
Estamos subiendo información a la web del Centro de Medios Libres-DF
tambien los compas del Indymedia-México han puesto información:
informacion en ingles para que envies a amigos internacionales
Other Campaign Suspended: Red Alert in the Zapatista Good Government Councils of Chiapas
Por Juan Trujillo,
Publicado en Wed May 3rd, 2006 a las 09:17:17 PM EST
MEXICO CITY, MAY 3, 2006: As the political demonstration in the Plaza of the Three Cultures, in this citys Tlatelolco neighborhood, came to an end, in reaction to the confrontations between flower producers and police in Texcoco leaving three dead, Delegate Zero-Subcomandante Marcos decreed a red alert in the Zapatistas Good Government Councils in Chiapas and the temporary suspension of the Other Campaigns activities.
Through this morning and afternoon the clash between flower growers and police has been reported mainly by a few radio stations and briefs on the La Jornada website. Just a few kilometers away from the battle-tested town of San Salvador Atenco, according to information from La Jornada reporters René Ramón and Javier Salinas, at least nine municipal police and six flower sellers were injured in a confrontation that occurred this morning when the farmers, supported by the Peoples Front in Defense of the Land (the organization of Atenco farmers that successfully blocked an airport project on their land in 2003), tried to set up in front of the Belisario DomÃnguez market to sell their products. After the scuffle about 50 Atenco residents took refuge in an apartment building armed with sticks, machetes and rocks. Meanwhile, around 500 riot police remain in the streets and 500 Atenco residents are blocking the Texcoco federal highway.
Ramón and Salinas reports in La Jornada maintain that the tension rose in the area as federal forces and several helicopters arrived. In total there are 800 riot police in the zone. One of the people holed up in the apartment building is Ignacio del Valle, leader of the Peoples Front in Defence of the Land. Around 2:45 pm another clash occurred due to an attempt to remove the Atenco residents from the Texcoco highway. The protesters began throwing Molotov cocktails and burning tires.
at 6:20 p.m., people are marching toward the office of the federal governments Interior Minister tonight. Tomorrow at 8 a.m. the Other Campaign will assemble at the University of Chapingo (in Ecatepec, near the scene of todays violence in the state of Mexico). A mobilization has also been called tonight for adherents to the Other Campaign and people in general at the Fierro Bridge and the University of Chapingo to support the people under attack.
Kind readers, Narco News Other Journalism Road Team will be reporting on all the events of the coming hours and days
red alert on mexico español and english
Body: Saludos Compas:
Les enviamos la siguiente informacion, esperando que esten al pendiente y que asistan al acto de DENUNCIA Y CONTRA LA REPRESION no sólo en apoyo a los compas de Atenco, el golpe es para todos los que estamos participando en la otra campaña y para todas aquellas personas que buscamos la construccion de un mundo más justo.
Contra la Represion
Desde la marcha que se realizo frente a gobernacion se hizo el llamado para que este jueves 4 de mayo a la hora que recibas la informacion comienzes a movilzarte, si puedes desde la 8 de la mañana puedes hacercarte a las sectoriales, o si te es posible la ita es en la universidad de chapingo que es un lugar cercano a los hechos de violencia sino desde tu escuela o centro de trabajo te pedimos informar de los sucedido hay que salir a llas calle hay 3 personas de atenco fallecidas entre ellos un niño de 13 años.
la informacion resumida es:
Un grupo de campesinos floricultores del Frente de Pueblos en Defensa de la Tierra fueron reprimidos hoy a las 7 de la mañana, resultando campesinos y policÃas lesionados y se habla entre 90 y 120 detenidos. A lo largo del dÃa los enfrentamientos han continuado y los compas están sitiados en el centro de Texcoco y en resistencia en Atenco, asà como bloqueando la carretera.
compañeros que estaban en tlatelolco se dirigen hacia el lugar de los hechos.
Les pedimos que estén al pendiente y circulen la información lo más posible asà como apoyar las acciones de solidaridad urgente que se vayan generando.
Estamos subiendo información a la web del Centro de Medios Libres-DF

tambien los compas del Indymedia-México han puesto información:

informacion en ingles para que envies a amigos internacionales
Other Campaign Suspended: Red Alert in the Zapatista Good Government Councils of Chiapas
Por Juan Trujillo,
Publicado en Wed May 3rd, 2006 a las 09:17:17 PM EST
MEXICO CITY, MAY 3, 2006: As the political demonstration in the Plaza of the Three Cultures, in this citys Tlatelolco neighborhood, came to an end, in reaction to the confrontations between flower producers and police in Texcoco leaving three dead, Delegate Zero-Subcomandante Marcos decreed a red alert in the Zapatistas Good Government Councils in Chiapas and the temporary suspension of the Other Campaigns activities.
Through this morning and afternoon the clash between flower growers and police has been reported mainly by a few radio stations and briefs on the La Jornada website. Just a few kilometers away from the battle-tested town of San Salvador Atenco, according to information from La Jornada reporters René Ramón and Javier Salinas, at least nine municipal police and six flower sellers were injured in a confrontation that occurred this morning when the farmers, supported by the Peoples Front in Defense of the Land (the organization of Atenco farmers that successfully blocked an airport project on their land in 2003), tried to set up in front of the Belisario DomÃnguez market to sell their products. After the scuffle about 50 Atenco residents took refuge in an apartment building armed with sticks, machetes and rocks. Meanwhile, around 500 riot police remain in the streets and 500 Atenco residents are blocking the Texcoco federal highway.
Ramón and Salinas reports in La Jornada maintain that the tension rose in the area as federal forces and several helicopters arrived. In total there are 800 riot police in the zone. One of the people holed up in the apartment building is Ignacio del Valle, leader of the Peoples Front in Defence of the Land. Around 2:45 pm another clash occurred due to an attempt to remove the Atenco residents from the Texcoco highway. The protesters began throwing Molotov cocktails and burning tires.
at 6:20 p.m., people are marching toward the office of the federal governments Interior Minister tonight. Tomorrow at 8 a.m. the Other Campaign will assemble at the University of Chapingo (in Ecatepec, near the scene of todays violence in the state of Mexico). A mobilization has also been called tonight for adherents to the Other Campaign and people in general at the Fierro Bridge and the University of Chapingo to support the people under attack.
Kind readers, Narco News Other Journalism Road Team will be reporting on all the events of the coming hours and days

Reposted From Irene of Mexico City