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Mark Scantlebury | 04.05.2006 10:24 | Anti-militarism

Plymouth CND have been banned from taking any part in the Lord Mayor's Day events later in the month.

DML (who own the Dockyard) and the Navy have taken part before and will almost certainly do so this year.


Date: Thursday 4th May 2006.


The Plymouth branch of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament has been banned from taking any part in the forthcoming Lord Mayor’s Day events in Plymouth.

Our Secretary, Shirley Law, had previously been told in a telephone conversation that those groups which delivered the relevant paperwork on time (Plymouth CND had done so) would have no difficulty in being accepted as taking part in the Parade and, presumably, other events.

Ms Law then received a letter from the City Council’s Marketing and Events Officer, a Ms Kay Judd.

The full text read:

‘This might be disappointing news but, with reference to your application to be part of Lord Mayor’s Day, I have taken advice from other parties and it is felt that this is not an appropriate event for the Plymouth CND.

Lord Mayor’s Day is a non-political and family fun day; therefore we have to decline your entry.’

Plymouth CND would be interested to know who these ‘other parties’ were when this decision was made.

Plymouth CND would also be interested to know whether DML and/or the Royal Navy, both of which have taken part in previous events, will be allowed to take part while Plymouth CND are apparently banned from any involvement.

One member said: ‘This is a disgraceful attempt by the City Council to enact censorship of ‘inconvenient’ opinion by the back door.’

Notes to Editors:

1. The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) is one of the largest single-issue peace campaigns in the UK, with 32,000 members. For further information visit

2. Plymouth CND re-formed late last year and has been active for some months in the Plymouth area.

Mark Scantlebury
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How Odd...

04.05.2006 14:48

How odd....

On the Plymouth City Council website, the Lord Mayors Parade is described as:-

"...a fundraising event for local charities and worthy causes."

If The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament is not a worthy cause then I do not know what is!?

mail e-mail:

They only have the power you give them

04.05.2006 15:02

The Mayor's office is only doing what it is constituted to do in its role as a symbol of the industrial-military machine. They are so absorbed by this that they do not even recognise that they are biased.

Turn the tables and write to them apologising that, as people whose land they will be on, you have to ban the Lord Mayor and his entourage form attending!

If you do not go you have given them power. I wish I lived nearer because I would grab a CND banner and just turn up.



The New Reich bans democratic protest, and people are surprised?

04.05.2006 16:12

Sorry, whether in Hitler's Germany, Mao's China, Stalin's Russia, or Blair's Britain, how is this a surprise?

Blair is, of course, vastly more powerful than the other three, given that he has ABSOLUTE POWER with the support of only 1 in 5 of the voters, has absolute control of a Mass Media that is perceived as mostly independant by the majority of the population (allowing Blair to engage in propaganda campaigns beyond the wildest fantasies of the other butchers), and controls (by proxy) the most powerful army the Earth has ever seen.

That Blair is not yet taking full advantage of death camps and political executions in his own land is only a matter of time, and such overt violence would be counter-productive at this moment.

With respect to nukes, well they are 'in' big time. The production of nuclear weapons across the globe is at an all time high, and accelerating at a high as well. The 'age of Blair' also means that the same applies to genetic weapons.

Now, with respect to Plymouth, CND can of course choose to 'participate' without permission, if its members truly believe their cause to be that important. However, it will turn out that CND has (once again) leaders who loudly proclaim the unfairness of the situation but tell their members that it is the 'British' thing to do as you are told. They, of course, are the security service PLANTS that have rendered CND utterly ineffective from its creation.

Blair will slaughter us like sheep BECAUSE WE ARE SHEEP.


RE:The New Reich bans democratic protest, and people are surprised?

04.05.2006 19:07

Some people want to do nothing about it. But then again did many of us do anything? Did I? Did you?

Brian B

and this is a bad thing for the CND?

05.05.2006 21:35

not to mention the number of (nuclear) Royal Navy direct and indirect jobs the city has, hardly a vote-winner letting the CND have some public street time, they've been done a favour not being allowded to waste their time in Plymouth, head to a nice middle class area to protest where no one actually makes a living by the bomb
