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25.000 innocent people detained .../you have the newspapers you deserve

Chiara | 04.05.2006 00:19 | Anti-racism | Migration

While the racist lobby makes such a big fuss about a few ' foreign criminals' being let on the loose - and gets huge media attention, around 25.000 innocent men, women and children are detained in immigration removal centres - high security prisons in all but in name. Around 15.000 are deported every year, often to countries deemed too dangerous for Brithsh citiziens to travel to. Many are torture and rape survivors. What is the real scandal?

I always thought to be locked in a cell for months or even years was punishment enough and more then enough. Why should somebody be double punishd and deported as well after serving a sentence? Maybe because he's foreigner? Are British criminals less likely to re-offend? Do pepole have what they call equal rights or anything like that, or it is just empty words?

Chales Clarke I would love you to resign, not because you don't deport enough people, rather because you treat them worst than animals.

Think of that 6 years boy locked up in a detention centre, he was so terrified he could not stop cry, even in his sleep; the mother went crazy and started hiding under the bed, because she was seeing soldiers trying to kill her and her children...They are out of detention now, still fighting for their lives.

I am in contact with two former convicts who are in immigration detention and waiting to be deported. One was conviced for a crime he did not commit: now he got a deportation order to a country with appaling human rights records and has has been in immigration detention for over a year. He has been fighting against his deportation because he's terrified to be sent back.
The other man has been living in the UK for over 10 years, has brothers and sisters here but in his country he has nowhere and nobody to go back to. In prison he converted to Christanity, and he's now a nice guy, very pleasant, gentle and kind. He has just been given removal directions, maybe because he took part in the hunger strike. Both these men have been on hunger strike at Colnbrook, starting after the 8th of April protest against Harmondsworh and Colnbrook.

May be just a suspicion, but in fact a large number of hunger strikers have been given removal directions, often only two or three days in advance and just before week ends and bank holidays, when is next to impossible to get hold of solicitors. Some have been deported.

One man I was very closed to was deported a week ago, he called from the airport the last time. He was terrified. He called again when he arrieved to his country in Africa, than nothing. We haven't heard of him. We heard of other political opponents like him who were arrested and tortured after being deported to the same country.
My friend is a torture survivior. His family were persecuted on account of his political activities. Some were arrested, tortured and beaten. One died as a result.
A good solicitor made a fresh application for him, including the evidence of his family being persecuted, but the judge rejected everything, as he was deemed ' not credible' because he did not mention his scars at the first possible occasion... despite now having a substantial medical report written by a specialist. Does a scar cease to be a scar because it is not mentioned at the first hearing? Many torture surviuvors have been known to withold such information, for the reason they are too traumatised to talk about. Doctors and psychiatrists reckon it is part of their syndrome.
My friend was so good, helped so may other people in detention, he always had time for everybody and eveybody misses him terribly. I used to visit him as often as I could, otherwise we would phone each other every two or three days: if I don't call him he would call me, asking how am I and why I did not call, and if I could do something to help some other man ...He really stood up for himself and for others, he went on hunger strike twice, the first time after the suicide of Beretek Yohannes, the second after the 8th April.
I met after a first removal attempt: he resisted boarding the plane and was bruoght back, but the escorts beat him badly, he was bruised, couching blood and had one hand pernanently damaged.

That reminds me of another story, of a man who was deported to another African country. That man was also beaten at the ariport once, like many others who refuse to go because they are terrified to be sent back to their countries.
Than they make such a fuss about the Home Office not deporteing enough people, 'criminals' or failed asylum seekers...If you swallow something relly rotten and disgusting, nature will rid of it one way or the other.
The judge accepted this man was a torture survivor, but declared ' he was no longer in danger'. In fact the man was arrested immediately after being deported. After about three weeks he was released and got in contact. Later he went into hiding and crossed the border to a neighbouring country, were he is now living in absloute poverty.

Write to your favourite newspaper asking how do they define their priorioties, and why do they put mainly bullshit on the front page. Stop buying the newspaper altoghter. Use it as toilet paper.
Organise a picket of your favourite newspaper and ask to meet the editors. If it wasn't for large numbers of people buying their crap, and moronically repeating it, newspapers would have to either close down, or sell objective, good quality journalism. There are some good journalist who are writing about the inhuman treatment of asylum seekers. But to get anything published on the subject is really difficult. For one sporadic good article that comes out there are lots of crap articles spreading racist lies. So if you buy their crap, you have the newspapers you deserve.



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Blair's media psy-op campaign, and the racist law it allowed him to introduce

04.05.2006 03:26

Let me make a very simple observation. As a rule, I avoid actively watching or reading the output of the Mass Media, although I will glance through any newspaper left lying around, or check the newswire headlines at some net portal. I desire to keep in touch with Blair's propaganda programs, but do not desire the corrosion of my soul that comes with such research. Anyhow, I get enough info from the comments of others to have a general sense of Blair's current stink on the wind.

With this in mind, I casually noticed the recent crap about "foreign criminals" and vaguely wondered where Blair's latest play was leading. One thing was certain, of course. The PHONEY excuse for the psy-op (namely Clarke caught with his pants down) was lies from the outset. Today I got my answer.

BLAIR'S NEW LAW: Any person of foreign (soon to be dual or EU) nationality that commits ANY offense can now be AUTOMATICALLY deported, without ANY regard to circumstance, length of residency in the UK, or family ties here.

The consequence of the recent psy-op is a 100% Adolf Hitler law coming to our land. I hope you children are paying attention to the way in which Blair runs circles around you all, in order to impose the most sickening racist changes to our society.

Every day, Blair's New Reich members post stories here about the BNP (a mock party run by the state in order to control voting patterns). They do so in an attempt to persuade people to act in ways most likely to keep their genocidal master in power. And then, to much hilarity, Blair announces new laws so RACIST in nature that I'd swear that I've woken up to discover that I'm really a citizen of 1941 nazi Germany.

The BBC now proudly labels people that have SERVED their time in prison as "serious dangerous criminals" because they are 'dirty' foreigners, turning our system of justice on its head.

Want to know how this really goes? One news story I did hear recently was about the slave labourers from the Philippines that actually PAY Blair's people to be allowed to slave in OAP homes in Britain. Of course, once here, they discover that their slave wages are actually much lower than promised ("I work 15 years and what do I get, another week older and deeper in debt"- look up the historical ref). No problem, they can always leave, and find a better home right? Well, actually not, for Blair used a previous psy-op (over abusive workers in OAP homes) to introduce a register that prevents the listed from working ANYWHERE in the UK in a similar job. So, leave the original job, and the owner of the home simple rings Blair's registry, and reports you as an abuser (NO PROOF NEEDED, the bosses word is good enough). Open you mouth to complain about any abuse you see, and once again, on the register YOU go.

You are living in a nightmare, people. Blair, like Hitler, surrounds himself with racist psychopaths who murder hundreds of thousands simply for being the "wrong" colour, or "race" or "religion", and plan the extermination of tens of millions more. At the same time, as these people rape, torture and massacre every increasing numbers, they constantly point to irrelevant racists idiots and say that THEY should be YOUR concern. Again, just as Hitler did, or perhaps you are naive enough not to realise that the nazis too had their own "BNP"'s to refer to, in order to reassure the German people that the nazis were not racist, even as they engaged in every more racist policies.

To return to the main topic, how easily has Blair been able to get the population of the UK to stand behind his sick perverted new law. While so called anti-Blair forces were once again fooled by their pathetic desire to imagine Blair "weak" or "vunerable", Blair, MORE POWERFUL TODAY THAN AT ANY TIME, got backing for another horrific plank of his fascist police state.

Fear was Hitler's weapon. Fear was Stalin's weapon, Mao's, and any of the other evil bastards that took absolute control of large numbers of humans. Fear is Blair's weapon, and he fully intends to wield it more effectively than any other mass murderer in Human history. Unlike Hitler, Stalin and Mao, Blair has absolute control of a Mass Media seen by most as NOT being a mere mouthpiece of his wicked schemes. All Blair has to do is begin with a propaganda campaign that SEEMS to his detriment, and all those that should know better give in to the most idiotic wishful thinking. A week or so later, and the propaganda campaign completes with yet another law that would have been UTTERLY UNTHINKABLE only a few years back.

So the NF talked about deporting "foreigners", and the BNP talked about "encouraging" "foreigners" to "go home". Well, Blair doesn't TALK about anything, he DOES it, and as soon as Blair's new law is in place, just like Hitler, Blair can DEPORT as many foreigners as he likes (before he nukes the places where he states they have to go back to live that is).

What kind of human would vote for Blair's New Reich party? Perhaps those that would contemplate such an appalling act should consider the fate of the German people, from masters of the World in 1939, to the victims of mass rape, mass extermination, and total city destruction by 1945. However, in 1945 the world was without Blair's nuclear, chemical, and genetic weapons. Our fate, with Blair unstopped, will make Germany 1945 seem like a veritable paradise.

A refusal to vote is a vote against the system that keeps Blair in power (and NO possible voting pattern at the local election can threaten Blair's power, both the state run BNP and the state run RESPECT are carefully kept to far too few seats to allow that to happen, or perhaps you hadn't noticed the MAGICAL way in which these fringe opposition parties choose to deny most the opportunity to vote for them). Voting Conservative or Liberal means a vote for the mainstream parties that have backed Blair's every move (notice the 'strange' way in which the Liberals have long since dropped actively pushing for the Blair destroying proportional representation), and will stand fully behind Blair's coming genocidal war with Iran (just supporting our 'boys' of course).

Allow yourself to be able to proudly state "Blair's rotten racist system had no support from me". Rejecting Blair's system is one step closer to demanding that he and it are replaced. A very very very small step, admittedly, but even the longest journey is completed step by step.

And yes, please consider the original article, and give up Blair's vile outlets. If you must feed your addiction, make a point of selecting the mass media most OPPOSITE to your own viewpoint. WHY??? Because you will still get the news, but you will avoid fooling yourself that the messenger is on your side. It is the siren voices that Blair uses to do his dirty work. Propaganda is tailored to its target audience. If you are liberal, the WORST thing you can do is watch Channel 4 news, or read The Guardian etc., for then Blair has a pipeline straight into your brain, and the likelyhood of YOU being stronger than Blair's propaganda masters is, in all honesty, zero. If, on the other hand, you read the unvanished racist rantings of mass media NOT for you, you will be always ANGRY and THOUGHTFUL about the propaganda, making you as powerful a mind enemy of Blair and his kind as is likely possible.

Once weened off Blair's Mass Media poison, you will be free to learn about the world and its events through the myriad of sources that the internet has made possible. Remember, the Mass Media was NOT created to inform people, but to control them. The history of THIS fact isn't even hidden, since Mass Media, like booze and cigs, relies on the addictive nature of people, and thus tends not to fear exposure of the clear risks involved.
