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volunteer medics, conflict, wellbeing/trauma & legal peeps & food growers needed

Climate Camp Safety & Wellbeing working group | 02.05.2006 13:57 | Climate Camp 2006 | Climate Chaos | Ecology | Free Spaces | Health


The Safety and Wellbeing group would be really happy if you would
like to volunteer for any of the following at the Climate Camp:


Fancy being a medic at the Climate Camp?.....

The Action Medics groups are running free street medic First Aid
training over the next few months. A weekend course will give you a
foundation in First Aid with some practice, covering the basic
information/skills needed for protests and actions. There is no
certification. If you have a First Aid at Work certificate you just need to do the one day rather than the full weekend course.

Upcoming dates are:

May 19/20/21 in Leeds
June 2/3/4 in London

The course will start with a few hours on the Friday evening then
about nine hours each Sat and Sun and is free. If you're interested
have a look at and e-mail
training AT

Conflict Resolution

We need volunteers from each neighbourhood and generally to be part
of the Tranquility team who will deal with internal conflict at the
camp, stuff like preventing and breaking up arguments and fights and
dealing with noise problems etc. Training will be provided before and
during the camp and you get to wear a pink cowboy hat or some other kind of non-confrontatial identification!

Legal observers

Again training will be provided before and during the camp.

Wellbeing/Trauma team

We need healers, counsellors, helpers etc. Please let us know when
you contact us whether you have qualifications or experience and if so
in what areas - it's ok if you don't but it's helpful for us to know.

Food growers

If you or anyone you know is likely to have surplus veg on their
allotment or veg plot or is willing to grow extra for the camp please
let us know. Ideally let your nearest neighbourhood know but if not use the e-mail below and we'll put you in touch with the right people. Root
vegetables and salad leaves are the most useful.

If you are interested in any of the above please e-mail
wellbeing AT

Thank you very much

Climate Camp Safety & Wellbeing working group
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