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Fight Against Deportations

SCSU | 02.05.2006 13:41 | Sheffield

The Komar family are Hindus from Kabul in Afghanistan who fled the country in late 2001.

It took them 9 months to reach Britain, and they finally arrived on 9 June 2002. On the day of their arrival they reported to the authorities straight away. Both of the children joined Myrtle Springs School in October 2002, and both left with well above average grades, despite never having received a formal education before reaching Britain. Both Sawan and his sister applied to University and have been accepted at various institutions but due to the nature of their situation both are unable to take up the places they have been offered for financial reasons (fees for them are in excess of £8000).
They were awaiting the outcome of their final appeal for asylum when on the night of 30 April 2006 several police officers turned up at their house and told them to pack their things. They were taken to a police station and on the way one of the family fainted, and had to be taken to hospital. The family have been told that they will be deported in two weeks time. This is despite never having received a Deportation Order.
None of the Komar family are left in Afghanistan, almost all having claimed asylum in different countries the world over. If they are returned to Afghanistan they risk inhumane treatment or even death.

Our Campaign

Sheffield College Students' Union is running a campaign to save the Komar family from possible deportation. We are currently leafletting our campuses about the issue and requesting people to sign a petition in support of the Komar family. Other Students' Unions throughout the region have pledged their support to our campaign.
Our petition can be signed at:
• Any main Sheffield College site by talking to a Union officer or signing a copy posted on a notice board;
• Sheffield Hallam Students' Union Sabbatical Office;
• Sheffield University Students' Union.


We have provisionally planned a protest for Saturday 6 May 2006 at 12 o'clock outside the Town Hall in Sheffield. This will tie in with an existing "Don't Attack Iran" protest called by various groups, which will be held at 1 o'clock.
Please check back for updates, or email to find out more or pledge support.



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Demonstration postponed

04.05.2006 17:00

The demonstration on Saturday has been postponed. This is due to a slight change in circumstances. It will go ahead in two or three weeks time.

Please check the scsuonline website for updated information.

Stephen Knight
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