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Mayday march and rally in Edinburgh

ab | 30.04.2006 19:46 | Mayday 2006 | Workers' Movements

The traditional Mayday march and rally took place this Saturday in Edinburgh. Several hundred of people marched in sunshine and enjoyed the social event afterwards at the Meadows.
The event was well organised and grassroot non-party political groups were welcome, too.

rally and social event at the meadows
rally and social event at the meadows

start of the demo, Waverly Station
start of the demo, Waverly Station

Women's Samba Band at the start of demo
Women's Samba Band at the start of demo

Banner of the Educational Institute
Banner of the Educational Institute

Scottish Green Party MSP Mark Ballard with his baby Adam
Scottish Green Party MSP Mark Ballard with his baby Adam

Edinburgh against the stock transfers opposes partial stock transfer, too
Edinburgh against the stock transfers opposes partial stock transfer, too

Industrial Workers of the World
Industrial Workers of the World

suppose it is SSP leader and MSP Colin Fox in picture, too
suppose it is SSP leader and MSP Colin Fox in picture, too

more banners
more banners

Raphael Gironimi talks about the struggle against CPE in Paris and France
Raphael Gironimi talks about the struggle against CPE in Paris and France

Elephants against nuclear power
Elephants against nuclear power

stall of the Edinburgh Chiapas Solidarity Committee
stall of the Edinburgh Chiapas Solidarity Committee

wide range of infostalls
wide range of infostalls

lots of entertainment for the kids
lots of entertainment for the kids

fun time on a saturday afternoon
fun time on a saturday afternoon

speaker: Raphael Gironimi
speaker: Raphael Gironimi

It was a good enjoyable event, although the politics seemed not that obvious.
The rally included Colin Fox, who I personally regarded as a more favourable and sympathetic speaker than Thommy Sheridan, although the lack of facts, theory, history and background research in his speech was as sad as the previous SSP party leader's.
The Workers Beer Company had a stall. There was also lots of entertainment for the kids on offer. Protest in Harmony and the Women's Samba Band entertained the crowd, most of whom enjoyed the sun and chilled out in the meadows or were catching up with friends and political allies. Other stalls included Scotland against Criminalising Communities, Stop the War, SSP, IWW, Friends of the Earth, Scottish Green Party, various book stalls, Edinburgh Chiapas Solidarity Campaign, Hands off Venezuela, and more.

Rose Gentle also addressed the rally.
However, Raphael Giromini, a student protester from Paris, France, delivered a well prepared, inspirational, factual and informative talk about the latest successfull student protests against the CPE and stressed the key to their success was the alliance with workers and self-organisation, as well as forcefull road blockades. He called for solidarity regarding the students and protesters still imprisoned because of their political activities during the strikes.

The Forest Arts and Events Space featured the film screenings of the Camcorder Guerillas videos "Dear Mrs Blair", "Dungavel, Monster of the Glen" as well as one of Pilton Video's films.



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Good photos

30.04.2006 22:26

I wasn't able to go myself so I appreciate the photos. Nice weather - you got a good day for it. Let's hope for a good day in London and Edinburgh on May 6th (next Saturday) for the don't attack Iran demos.

Paul O'Hanlon
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Aye--nice photos!

01.05.2006 09:31

Personally, I never noted "the lack of facts, theory, history and background research in his [Colin Fox's] speech" and was never aware of the same with regard to the "previous SSP party leader". Based on previous speeches by both, I would be surprised if your comment is entirely fair. I should admit though that I am fairly biased in their favour as I have a lot of respect for people who genuinely stand up for workers' rights; against war and poverty etc. On top of my bias, I wasn't even paying much attention to many of the speakers on Saturday so my opinion isn't worth very much at all. I agree with your comments on the French student: he was truly inspirational, as is the movement that he represents. Aye--nice photos.

Kevin Connor
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