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Why people vote BNP - report released

Joe Rowntree | 28.04.2006 13:37 | Anti-racism | Liverpool

BNP: roots of its appeal is a report available for download. A must-read for activists looking to do more than say, you're wrong.

British National Party: the roots of its appeal
by Peter John, Helen Margetts, David Rowland and Stuart Weir

This new report offers a comprehensive and objective analysis of the rise of support for the British National Party in the UK, using a range of data sources to understand the reasons behind it.

The report is published by Democratic Audit, Human Rights Centre, University of Essex. Copies are available below.

Joe Rowntree
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29.04.2006 00:01

The report seems to say that the reasons for the votes are the BNP capitalising on the fact that people are dissafected because the main parties are competing for the middle class vote in swing seats.

It also says that the votes are based in areas populated by skilled and semi skilled white workers, areas where there is a high level of low educational attainment and areas close to places that have seen a large influx of immigrants, but not those places themselves.

Furthermore it seems to suggest that the BNP are racist thugs and liars who spread disinformation, especially about muslim communities and threats that areas are due to be 'swamped' by immigrants under secret government plans.

It doesn't seem to say that the fears which lead voters to think about voting for renowned racist lying thugs are true, nor valid.

It does say that a whole bunch of white voters think we have quite enough immigrants already.

Canvassing for Labour, Lib Dems or Tories won't solve the problem - neither will the erection of high fences around the country or areas where skilled and semi skilled white voters live.

The best bit is when it says that spoiled ballot papers prevented the BNP from gaining seats on the Ken Livingstone gravy train.

Joe Public


29.04.2006 08:07

A quote from Jeremy clarkson

"We had a bunch of people come round telling us not to vote for the BNP in the election because they are racists, not a good idea I thought, to tell everybody a racist is standing for election, especially when around a third of all people are actually,,,errr... thick racists !!"


The wrong report

10.05.2006 16:43

The BNP isn't in power anywhere, and only has a very few seats in a few places. The report should have asked why people vote Neo-Labour, with all the sleaze, incompetence and war-mongering.
