D'oh! BNP goon blows cover..
Mr Spoon | 27.04.2006 16:04 | Anti-racism | Migration | Social Struggles
'There's No Black Mozart'
Sky News, Thursday April 27, 2006
With just a week to go until the local elections, Sky News has obtained a recording that once again raises questions about racism within the British National Party.
According to a senior member of the BNP, black children of single parents grow up to be dysfunctional, under-achievers who drain the benefits system and are likely to mug you.
The BNP has been insisting that it has changed, with leader Nick Griffin insisting there is no place in the party for racists.
While Phill Edwards denies he is a racist, his views are proving controversial.
In a recording of a private conversation with a student, he said of black people: "It's not a question of whether we like or dislike them, it's a question of whether they as a racial group are of any danger, shall we say, to the peace, stability and indigenous culture of Britain and we think that they are."
He also told the student: "When you go to work and you pay taxes, imagine paying all that tax to give money to single parents in London who have got three or four black kids.
"The black kids are going to grow up dysfunctional, low IQ, low achievers that drain our welfare benefits and the prison system and probably go and mug you."
When confronted, Dr Edwards stood by his views.
He told Sky News: "If I thought that was going to be recorded and broadcast to the world I would have used not such intemperate language, but let's be honest the facts are there."
A scientist, Dr Edwards believes his views are supported by genetics.
He said: "People in black or sub-Saharan Africa have not been under the same pressures of selection that we have in this part of the world that has made on average our people slightly more intelligent.
"That can be seen quite clearly if you look at say the history of black Africa.
"There have been no great civilisations that have formed in sub-Saharan Africa, no great science. To put it crudely, there's no black Mozart, there's no black Dickens."
The BNP has strong support in some areas ahead of next week's poll.
However, Sky News also discovered that many of the claims in its campaign literature are dubious.
A leaflet in Hampshire states: 'Fact: Western couples average 1.8 children, muslim couples average 7.4 children' and adds: 'Fact: 1.5 million new homes are required for immigrants;.
The BNP could not say where the first fact came from, while in the second the truth is heavily distorted.
All the revelations pose the question of whether the party really has changed.
Sky News, Thursday April 27, 2006
With just a week to go until the local elections, Sky News has obtained a recording that once again raises questions about racism within the British National Party.
According to a senior member of the BNP, black children of single parents grow up to be dysfunctional, under-achievers who drain the benefits system and are likely to mug you.
The BNP has been insisting that it has changed, with leader Nick Griffin insisting there is no place in the party for racists.
While Phill Edwards denies he is a racist, his views are proving controversial.
In a recording of a private conversation with a student, he said of black people: "It's not a question of whether we like or dislike them, it's a question of whether they as a racial group are of any danger, shall we say, to the peace, stability and indigenous culture of Britain and we think that they are."
He also told the student: "When you go to work and you pay taxes, imagine paying all that tax to give money to single parents in London who have got three or four black kids.
"The black kids are going to grow up dysfunctional, low IQ, low achievers that drain our welfare benefits and the prison system and probably go and mug you."
When confronted, Dr Edwards stood by his views.
He told Sky News: "If I thought that was going to be recorded and broadcast to the world I would have used not such intemperate language, but let's be honest the facts are there."
A scientist, Dr Edwards believes his views are supported by genetics.
He said: "People in black or sub-Saharan Africa have not been under the same pressures of selection that we have in this part of the world that has made on average our people slightly more intelligent.
"That can be seen quite clearly if you look at say the history of black Africa.
"There have been no great civilisations that have formed in sub-Saharan Africa, no great science. To put it crudely, there's no black Mozart, there's no black Dickens."
The BNP has strong support in some areas ahead of next week's poll.
However, Sky News also discovered that many of the claims in its campaign literature are dubious.
A leaflet in Hampshire states: 'Fact: Western couples average 1.8 children, muslim couples average 7.4 children' and adds: 'Fact: 1.5 million new homes are required for immigrants;.
The BNP could not say where the first fact came from, while in the second the truth is heavily distorted.
All the revelations pose the question of whether the party really has changed.
Mr Spoon
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UAF reports Edwards to police
27.04.2006 18:06
UAF has asked the police to investigate comments by the British National Party (BNP) press officer Phill Edwards, for incitement to racial hatred, after comments he made were reported on Sky News today. Edwards said amongst other things "the black kids are going to grow up dysfunctional, low IQ, low achievers that drain our welfare benefits and the prison system and probably go and mug you." The comments can be viewed on the Sky News website.
Lee Jasper, on behalf of Unite Against Fascism said:
'The BNP's mask has once again slipped revealing its ever present racist character. Despite its claims not to be a racist organisation, here is clear evidence that they remain a nasty, racist and fascist organisation. These comments are worthy of Hitler and represent a crude articulation of his racist ideology of the superiority of the white race.
We have decided to refer these comments to the CRE as we believe the BNP are promoting and inciting racial hatred. We have also have made an official complaint to the police on the contents of these comments.
We call on all those who oppose the BNP to respond by voting in massive numbers in next week's local elections to ensure that the BNP are roundly defeated and the politics of racial hatred are rejected.'
e-mail: lancaster.uaf@zen.co.uk
report to the police
27.04.2006 19:16
Using the police to fight the BNP?
28.04.2006 19:27
Sounds like another propaganda coup for the BNP to me.
Progressive Contrarian
Homepage: http://progcontra.blogspot.com
how things change!
28.04.2006 19:53
You don't say!
29.04.2006 09:42
So the the British left are now part of the ruling captialist establishment who use the state police to surpress all opposition to their hold on power.
Just the tip of the iceberg
12.05.2006 14:36
God only knows what they would have got if all the votes had been counted as they should have been. (Don’t ask!)
Jimmy the saint