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Career fair for EDO MBM workers in Brighton

get a proper job | 25.04.2006 13:03 | Anti-militarism | London | South Coast

On Wednesday 26th April careers advisors will be holding a careers fair for workers at Brighton bomb-makers EDO MBM outside their factory on Home Farm Rd from 12-6.

Advisors will be assisting EDO workers attempt to clean their consciences and find ways of earning a living that don't involve bearing responsibility for the mass murder and suffering of millions of innocent people. For those EDO workers who fancy a break from paid employment, perhaps to do something to address that conscience deficit, there will also be welfare advice.

get a proper job


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Rehabilitation followed by release into the community

26.04.2006 21:24

Maybe a period on the dole would be a first step to help these sad cases some of whom appear to have no morals whatsoever. After all it costs the tax payer £13k or so to fund every employee in the arms trade. Not sure what the figures are for someone on benefit but much, much less I'm sure.

A Career Advisor