Khoodeelaar No to Crossrail hole Bill campaign gets Tory HQ backing
+aadhikaronline | 24.04.2006 13:01 | Analysis | Indymedia | Social Struggles | London | World
A little piece of campaign history has been made this afternoon in the Brick Lane where Conservative Party Chair Francis Maude actually said that his party would oppose the Crassrail hole plan. This comes nearly 3 years after Khoodeelaar! started the campaign to defend Brick Lane London| E1 area against the CrossRail hole assault. Francis Maude was answering questions from Khoodeelaar organsier Muhammad Haque as Maude left a Party gathering held in the area.
A little piece of campaign history has been made this afternoon in the Brick Lane where Conservative Party Chair Francis Maude actually said that his party would oppose the Crassrail hole plan. This comes nearly 3 years after Khoodeelaar! started the campaign to defend Brick Lane London| E1 area against the CrossRail hole assault. Francis Maude was answering questions from Khoodeelaar organsier Muhammad Haque as Maude left a Party gathering held in the area.
The Conservative Party Chairman's comments to Khoodeelaar organiser was made shortly after 1 PM today in Brick Lane. This marks the first comment from any UK Tory Party leader on the specific issue of the Crossrail hole in the Brick Lane London e1 area.
The full texts of the questions and the answers between Khoodeelaar organiser Muhammad haque and the Conservative Party leader will can be viewed from 1300 Hrs GMT on the aadhikaronline web page
The Conservative Party Chairman's comments to Khoodeelaar organiser was made shortly after 1 PM today in Brick Lane. This marks the first comment from any UK Tory Party leader on the specific issue of the Crossrail hole in the Brick Lane London e1 area.
The full texts of the questions and the answers between Khoodeelaar organiser Muhammad haque and the Conservative Party leader will can be viewed from 1300 Hrs GMT on the aadhikaronline web page

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Transcript of Muhammad Haque Qs and Tory Chair Francis Maude Ansrs
24.04.2006 15:27
Transcript posted on aadhikaronline web pages at 1345 Hrs GMT Monday 24 April 2006
1. Muhammad Haque [Organsier, Khoodeelaar! the Brick Lane London E1 area No to Crossrail hole Bill] : Hello can I ask you a Question from Khoodeelaar?
Francis Maude: Yes. Do.
2. Muhammad Haque: [Khoodeelaar is] the Campaign against Crossrail hole [in the Brick Lane London E1 area]
3. Muhammad Haque What would you say is your Party’s position?
Francis Maude: Well, we’re very much in favour of CrossRail… which we think can deliver very serious benefits to the area but we’re concerned that there shouldn’t be [slight stammer] all of the digging up of [slight stammer] the [Brick Lane London E1 ] area to make it happen, We don’t see that it’s necessary.
4. Muhammad Haque: Do you believe Alistair Darling's
Francis Maude: No
5. Muhammad Haque: [UK Transport Secretary – the Crossrail hole Minister] Alistair Darling’s statement, said in a written statement on 30 March [2006] what do you say to that?
Francis Maude: No. You see that’s simply pre-election [hesitation]] manoeuvring. I wouldn't trust anything he [Alistair Darling] says.
6. .Muhammad Haque: Are you going to take it up as a formal motion against his
Francis Maude: my colleagues are. My colleagues will be. Thank you very much.
7 Muhammad Haque: When do you expect to do that?
Francis Maude: Well, very soon.
aadhikaronline report updating KHOODEELAAR campaign vs Ken Livingstone
26.04.2006 09:20
the report as updated at 0910 Hrs GMT Wednesday 26 April 2006 can be viewed on
why not include the statistic of failures?
27.04.2006 12:42
why not have that sort of info in the election leaflets?
Wouldn’t that be like a peoples' annual audit of the vote-grabbing, vote-begging mob?