A Convoy of Fools: The moronic masses
dingo | 23.04.2006 08:27 | Analysis | Culture | Social Struggles | World
The title would suggest that the writer is not attempting to ingratiate self with the readership; to remove any lingering doubts in that regard you can go fuck yourself or any other female/male member of your immediate family, OK! I’m happy to leave persuasive discourse to the theological, political and capital oriented propagandists.
This paper is the tragic point of departure into the reality of the ‘air head’. The genus of moron, dummy, fuckwit, birdbrain, etc, add infinitum – notice, there are no shortages of descriptive terms for this extremely common type.
It usually starts with a media campaign that is developed and then made social reality, transported on the word of experts, specialists, people in authority and those we are supposed to respect, trust and admire; people that WE place in positions of immense responsibility and influence. What action is to be taken when these people prove themselves to be inept, incompetent, corrupt or worse, thieves, liars and murderers? WE remove them, simple! To whom is the writer referring? Could it possibly be G W Bush, Rumsfeld, Rice, Wolfowitz, Rove, Cheney etc etc; or how about Blair or Howard – ALL proven lying, murdering, criminals!
An example other than the screaming examples of the criminal war in Iraq and the prospect of nuclear warfare in Iran, would be the little money making venture of a pharmaceutical company in which ‘quite by accident’, Rumsfeld had shares. Yep, the manufacturers of “Tamiflu”. Did we all notice how various scientists and health ministers ‘spontaneously’ emerged from their respective corners (in unison) and started creating ‘moderate’ alarm over the not very unusual odds of a virus jumping from one species to another. Readily available information immediately exposed this venture as profiteering, as the nature of a mutant virus would have been unknown and therefore available remedies were unlikely to be effective. But a ‘moderately’ hysterical public ‘rushed’ all the available supplies of Tamiflu. The immediate effect was that the bank accounts of a few became swollen with a monetary ‘infection’. There is no need to labour the point, or should the gullibility of the masses be emphasised? You tell me!
Today (NOW) we sit with our thumbs up our arses while Bush, Blair and Howard to name the obvious criminals, remain in contempt of the people, democracy and the Law. More ‘Tamiflu’ anyone?
Think about it for a few seconds and try to waken from your stupor – all you have to do is remove these criminals from power – it is not a big ask – do it together – its been done before many times – the law is on your side. Provision exists in all democratic systems to remove criminals from government; the illegal invasion of Iraq and the associated deception perpetrated on the public is evidence enough – but there is an abundance of further evidence if revision is required.
The next time someone tries to raise grievous alarm or create hysteria, think ‘chicken-fever’ while you take a good long look in mirror. Then try and make an independent decision.
“I will kill you if I must or help you if I can.” (Leonard Cohen)
The writer has recently been informed that certain regulatory ‘authorities’ require the assistance of the Cleaves editorial committee – sour grapes no doubt!
It usually starts with a media campaign that is developed and then made social reality, transported on the word of experts, specialists, people in authority and those we are supposed to respect, trust and admire; people that WE place in positions of immense responsibility and influence. What action is to be taken when these people prove themselves to be inept, incompetent, corrupt or worse, thieves, liars and murderers? WE remove them, simple! To whom is the writer referring? Could it possibly be G W Bush, Rumsfeld, Rice, Wolfowitz, Rove, Cheney etc etc; or how about Blair or Howard – ALL proven lying, murdering, criminals!
An example other than the screaming examples of the criminal war in Iraq and the prospect of nuclear warfare in Iran, would be the little money making venture of a pharmaceutical company in which ‘quite by accident’, Rumsfeld had shares. Yep, the manufacturers of “Tamiflu”. Did we all notice how various scientists and health ministers ‘spontaneously’ emerged from their respective corners (in unison) and started creating ‘moderate’ alarm over the not very unusual odds of a virus jumping from one species to another. Readily available information immediately exposed this venture as profiteering, as the nature of a mutant virus would have been unknown and therefore available remedies were unlikely to be effective. But a ‘moderately’ hysterical public ‘rushed’ all the available supplies of Tamiflu. The immediate effect was that the bank accounts of a few became swollen with a monetary ‘infection’. There is no need to labour the point, or should the gullibility of the masses be emphasised? You tell me!
Today (NOW) we sit with our thumbs up our arses while Bush, Blair and Howard to name the obvious criminals, remain in contempt of the people, democracy and the Law. More ‘Tamiflu’ anyone?
Think about it for a few seconds and try to waken from your stupor – all you have to do is remove these criminals from power – it is not a big ask – do it together – its been done before many times – the law is on your side. Provision exists in all democratic systems to remove criminals from government; the illegal invasion of Iraq and the associated deception perpetrated on the public is evidence enough – but there is an abundance of further evidence if revision is required.
The next time someone tries to raise grievous alarm or create hysteria, think ‘chicken-fever’ while you take a good long look in mirror. Then try and make an independent decision.
“I will kill you if I must or help you if I can.” (Leonard Cohen)
The writer has recently been informed that certain regulatory ‘authorities’ require the assistance of the Cleaves editorial committee – sour grapes no doubt!