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BNP standing in Norris Green

clarece carlos | 21.04.2006 12:24 | Anti-racism | Liverpool

BNP in North Liverpool

Reading through the Liverpool Echo on Tuesday, it mentioned the candidates for the upcoming council elections, and a John Edgar, BNP candidate is standing for election there.
Any background info on the candidate?

clarece carlos


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In Wallasey too...

22.04.2006 17:18

We have one John Edwards standing here. He is their only candidate in Wirral, so it seems strange that they have picked on a ward with probably about 0.1% non white population. Anyone know of any leafletting or more 'direct' campaigns that have been planned?

Ad Nauseam

That's democracy

23.04.2006 14:50

Democracy throws up a lot of shit and scum. Can we really tell disillusioned voters to compound their disillusionment by voting Labour to keep the fash out?


John Edgar-BNP Candidate

29.04.2006 21:31

Norris Green BNP candidate-John Edgar

Is this the same John Edgar who ran the Gym in the TU Centre, Hardman St. in the mid-80s? The profile put out by the BNP fits this guy. The management of the TU Centre at that time was more interested in keeping activists out. Does anyone have a photo from a leaflet, etc.?

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