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Vets for 9-11 truth

Brian | 17.04.2006 00:28

A new website: vets for 9-11 truth has been set up

Dear Somebigguy,

I want to thank you so very much for posting my recent blog column It Only Takes One - Vets for 9/11 Truth.

As I understand it, apparently what happened is that someone saw my article on your website and posted it to the Scholars for Truth member forum. This is where a Vietnam vet reportedly saw it and in very short time created a group called "Veterans for 9/11 Truth" with a website around this theme. This great new website for vets can be found at: .

I can not tell you enough how much this and all your efforts at are appreciated. You not only feature breaking, cutting edge 9/11 material and news, but this proves how you also help keep the 9/11 truth community connected.

Hats off to all of you at for a job well done! Because of you, I am absolutely certain more vets will find out why the official story about 9/11 just can not possibly be true.

Best wishes,

Cathy Garger



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Another crappy blog repost

17.04.2006 08:26

And it's innacurate. There's nothing about vetenarians in it at all!

David Irving's cellmate