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QUEERUPTION 9 TEL-AVIV - Open Meeting & Talk in Brighton

Sophie Conway Allen | 15.04.2006 19:18 | Culture | Free Spaces | Gender | London | South Coast

Queer activist & member of organising group for Queeruption 9 Uri Ayalon will visit Brighton on 21/04/06 as part of European speaking tour. Queeruption 9 is an anrcho-queer DIY event in Tel-Aviv and will include workshops, art, parties, sex party, direct actions, joining the international world pride march in Jerusalem & demonstrating against the wall.

Uri Ayalon will come from Israel-Palestine to France, Germany and the UK in order to talk about the next Queeruption that will take place in Tel-Aviv, 3-13 in August 2006. Queeruption is an anrcho-queer gathering that has taken place in the last 8 years in London, San-Francisco, New-York, Berlin, Amsterdam, Sydney and Barcelona. The next Queeruption will be in Tel-Aviv and will include workshops, art, parties, sex party, direct actions, joining the international world pride march in Jerusalem, demonstrating in the west bank against the wall and 3 days of queer camp in the nature. More info at .

At this open meeting organised by Queer Mutiny Brighton Uri will show a short movie about the anrcho-queer scene in Israel, talk about the plans for Queeruption Tel-Aviv and try to answer any questions you might have about it. These meetings are for those who plan to come to the Queeruption, are interested or just curious about it. It will also be a chance to meet other queers from in and around Brighton thinking of going to Tel-Aviv. All welcome!

LOCATION: The South Wing Conference Room, 5th floor, Community Base, 113 Queens Rd, Brighton. Use South Wing entrance. Wheelchair accessible. (map
TIME: 6.30pm
DATE: Friday April 21st

Join the listserve for Brighton people interested in going to Tel Aviv this Summer. Email .

Sophie Conway Allen
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instead of an @ world without borders...

16.04.2006 09:39

So, all very nice and inviting, Tel-Aviv Queeruption.

However (without even mentioning Palestine), are you planning on flying there?

Never mind a lovely anarchist world without borders (& prejudice), if you fly rather than going overland (train & bus, or train/bus & boat) you are instead creating a world without a future for human beings and many other species.

Think about it. You are a responsible adult. You do not want to thieve a future from children.

...choose a world without a future!

Clueless twats

16.04.2006 19:30

Why don't try protesting against the "wall" from the Palestinian side and see how long you last? Or even better, how about a few days in sunny Iran?


Get a grip....

18.04.2006 08:56

If you guys had had anything to do with queeruption before reading this piece you would've seen that there's been a huge discourse over the rights and wrongs of having it in Israel...personally i think the idea of boycotting it because it's in an "evil" country is fucking ridiculous....people went to london and new york and both of these havecommited horrendous crimes as well....i think the ideaof penalising the inhabitants of a country because their rulers are fucked is inconceivable surely we all know that the two have no a boycott makes no sense.

With regards to flying...theres much bigger risks to our enivronment than flying...especially when its is impossible to drive there from england because of the stamps you'd receive on your passport...whats more its completely impracticle....where needs must, they must.

Eco-facism is still facism!


boycott the apartheid state of israel

18.04.2006 11:59

imagine twenty years ago and you saying the same thing about south africa. We should not punish a whole country for its government ?

Excuse me friends but in the case of Israel you have a racist state operating an apartheid system and a policy of open genocide against a thrice dispossessd population. No-one who supports that state (by living in it) is innocent of the crimes of that state.

A token protest against the wall does not take away the fact you are all going there to have a beach party.

Wake up. You are giving queers a bad name.


complex issues

19.04.2006 11:41

Being familiar with the arguments in the activist scene about the validity of Queeruption Tel Aviv I am prepared to give them the benefit of the doubt. The Israeli Anarchists against the Wall seem to be to be about the only group in Israeli society who turn up consistently for Wall demos in the West Bank. Hopefully they can persuade those who attend Queeruption and Gay Pride to stick around a bit longer after their party and spend some time in the West Bank observing the effects of Israel's Apartheid policies. By all means go to Tel Aviv/J'lem, party, have fun, but please educate yourselves as well and show some solidarity with others facing far more severe state oppression - whilst queers are undoubtedly discriminated against in Western and Israeli society (and in Palestinian society for that matter) things are improving. The same cannot be said of the plight of the Palestinians, who have suffered almost 40 years of military occupation and the theft of most of their land and resources. .

peace and security for all

Israel - the only country in the Mid-East where you can be gay

21.04.2006 13:51

You can be gay and proud of it in Israel.

In Gaza or Ramallah you will be killed.

While you are in Israel protesting against the security barrier which has saved thousands of lives, please take the time to get on a bus in Jerusalem or go to a cafe in Tel Aviv - please look around at the people there and ask yourselves if they deserve to die. Were the barrier not there, there would be a strong chance they would die.


Reply to J&P

22.04.2006 13:42

Most of those being killed are Palestinians and they are being killed by those same Israelis from those same cafes and buses who are nearly all in the Israeli army.
Ask yourself when you see the luxury of Israel life and compare it to the poverty of the Palestinian refugee camp, and you see the fourth largest army in the world occupying a land that has no army or a single tank, or plane, ask yourself who is being threatened most of all, who is being killed most of all, who has been dispossessed most of all.It is not a simple case of equal measure, it is a case of vast oppression and disparity supported by corrupt super powers for geo stategic reasons. Israel is a weapon of the west in the arab world. Its continued racist existence is a outrage.
