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BNPtv newsreader-exposed as Dover (Kent) teacher

pirate | 15.04.2006 12:36 | Anti-racism | Repression | Social Struggles | London | South Coast

Published in the Dover Express. April 13th 2006. They're not online so here's just the jist of it.

Party says teacher is a 'valuable resource'.

A drama teacher as a laeading local theatre is an active volunteer of the hard right wing BNP, the Express can reveal.
(J.Holden & P.Reilly report).
The Astor Theatre's drama co-ordinator Emma Chamberlain, 30, is the 'glamourous new face' of the the BNP's online television service BNPtv, which broadcast the organizations political views.
Miss CVhamberlain is described by the extemeists party as a 'very welcome recruit, to the cause.

When confronted by the DE, Miss Chamberlain claimed her work for BNPtv was 'a big mistake' and offered tio resign from the Astor. But she claimed her political affiliation had no bearing on the thetre or her teaching.
Dover MP Gywnnn Prosser (Lab) descibed the BNP as an 'evil, right wing, fascist organization" He added "If my child were in that class, I would take them out immediately".



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Contact Aster Theatre about their bad influences....

15.04.2006 15:20

Why not register a complaint with Astor Theatre, politely telling them why you will be boycotting their venue in the future over their association with fascism.

Jon Johnson, Chairman
Astor Theatre Arts Centre
Stanhope Road
Kent CT14 6AB

Tel: 01304 368 481 / 01304 381 134

Why not contact the 'business friends' of the Astor about just who is being employed here. Check out for a full list.

The loverly Emma is name checked at

The Autonomous AntiFa Collective

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What would BLAIR want you to do?

15.04.2006 16:04

Dover MP Gywnnn Prosser (Lab), as a direct consequence of his active support of the criminal enterprise known Blair's New Reich, has exterminated 500,000+ humans in Iraq in an act that is ENTIRELY racist. Of course, in the pre-war days, it was common for supporters of Adolf Hitler to ALSO point at trivial non-nazi racist nutters, in order to deflect attention from their own plans and actions.

the BNP, like the National Front before it, is a state run party, used across our recent political history for various purposes. Today, the New Reich uses THEIR BNP to hit sites like this in an act of pure distraction.

You see, Blair makes it as hard as possible to protest the genocide that he and his party followers are responsible for. In order to placate the glowing anger of certain activists, he provides the BNP to be a whipping boy. Those activists, after participating in a good dose of "anger therapy" via 'action' against the BNP, feel 'sated' and far less concerned about their inability to effectively act against Blair.

It is simple psychology, so simple in fact that such behaviour mechanisms have been well documented throughout most of Human history.

Ask yourself a question. Do you enjoy being identified as a 'hot-head', and thus easily manipulated by Blair and his agents? Do you enjoy being a person willing to take 'action' against racists, and yet exist in a world where YOUR tax pounds pay REAL RACIST MURDERERS to slaughter ever increasing numbers of non-white humans across the world in your name? Do you act to 'salve your conscience' or to actually make a real difference?

As Blair makes the final plans for the GENOCIDE of tens of millions of Iranians, he has maxed his distraction against the BNP in election campaigns across the country. His calculation is simple. This is the best chance to shore up a collapsing vote, and deflect attention from his past and future CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY. Many, after the election, will foolishly think that Blair has failed. However, the results, while low enough for 'Labour' to allow Blair to continue OPERATION FALSE-HOPE (you know, the Blair gone by Xmas crap), will be high enough overall to allow the claim that the UK still has a representitive democracy.

RESPECT, of course, will once again magically stand in a tiny proportion of the seats to ensure no possibility of a dangerous outcome. It does not take a genius to understand why RESPECT never makes any attempt to stand in the majority of seats (or, indeed, all of them). In the UK, ONLY a national party can make a national difference. BLAIR'S GREATEST CONCERN WITH HIS MANAGEMENT OF THE ANTI-WAR MOVEMENT HAS BEEN TO ENSURE THAT NO NATIONAL ANTI-WAR PARTY STOOD IN ALL THE SEATS AT A LOCAL OR GENERAL ELECTION.

-A vote for the Liberals is a vote for Blair and his Iran War.
-A vote for the Conservatives is a vote for Blair and his Iran War
-A vote for Labour is a vote for Blair and His Iran War.
-A vote for the State managed Greens, BNP, or Respect is a wasted vote, and thus a vote for Blair.
-NOT VOTING is a vote for rejecting the current system, and demanding that it is replaced with a TRUE democratic system that can never again fall under State control (and thus the control of one man).

Once we could afford wishful thinking about our so-called democracy. Blair has changed all that. Today, most radical left-wing politics fails because Blair and his agents invite activists to waste their time attacking muslims, Iran and the BNP, rather than attacking Blair. Everyone else, while growing increasingly sickened by Blair, also grow increasingly resigned to a system where Blair can never be defeated.

As a dictator in a supposed democracy, Blair MUST be able to say to people, THE PEOPLE HAVE SPOKEN, AND ***I*** AM THEIR ELECTED LEADER. He CANNOT say this if too many people remain silent. Thus, BNP stories, and others, will be used to chase as many reluctant people to the polls as possible.

Oh, and for those of you that would choose to misunderstand my position, let me say I am completely against monolithic political parties, and would LOVE a system where voting for smaller parties could make a difference. But I will not allow my desires to become wishful thinking, and thus I will NEVER attempt to convince myself that any aspect of our broken and rotten system can be salvaged, and used for good. If one good thing comes out of the era of Blair (and it won't), it will be the realisation that to save our civilisation, it MUST be evolved to rid it of all obvious vunerabilities.


Who's next?

15.04.2006 17:11

Yes, the BNP are scumbags but what if the corporate media use the same tactics against anarchists, socialists and general layabouts like me? Perhaps I should await a call from the Dover Express. I'm in favour of freedom of speech for all, including people I hate. Don't forget... this woman has committed no criminal offence, and has had her life fucked up by a local paper solely because she belongs to a legal political party which she actively supports. I hope the Folkestone Herald doesn't run anything on Folkestone anarchists for example! Pirates be warned!

Smelly Scrote

Nutter alert

15.04.2006 18:20

Let you out of the loonybin for the holiday weekend, have they, Twilight?


Now then tomorrow you

15.04.2006 19:44

Now the BNP members are exposed by the much anarchist newspaper Daily Express, they will make it normal to kick people out of jobs because of their political views, when the BNP is gone, the Anarchists are next in the queue, the BNP had preference because they get votes and councillors, you don't.

mail e-mail:


15.04.2006 20:28

simple lesson for anyone stupid enough to be used by the BNP, you sleep with Dogs you get fleas !
This is OUR country now, the fash LOST !!!

wise monkey

Twilight - eh?

16.04.2006 16:36

As a regular visitor to Indymedia I have often seen your argument being made - that not voting is an effective form of protest. But surely a vote not cast is a vote for the status quo, and therefore a vote for the murderers currently in power? Of course I reject idiots such as Billy Bragg, who tours the country scaring people into voting Blair for fear of voting the Tories into office, but seriously I have seen no rational argument to persuade me to waste my vote rather than voting for a mildly anti-war alternative (greens/respect/etc).

Please feel free to enlighten me on how the "powers that be" will recognise my refusal to vote as being a protest, rather than the usual explanation of being a "Sun" reader who won't vote because I'm ignorant of the issues?



17.04.2006 09:26

So a Labour MP has discovered that the BNP are an ' evil, right-wing, fascist organisation'. No doubt. But while the BNP can only fantasise about abusing people of colour on a mass scale, the Labour Party proudly boasts that it's already doing so. And Blairs death count is heading right up there with the fascist mass murders of the 20th century. Lets take a little 'reality check', and look at the numbers:

Blair's war in Yugolsavia - 50,000 + including attacks on tv stations and public transport.
Blair's sanctions against Iraq = 500,000+, mostly kids
Blair's colonial war in Iraq = 100,000, and growing everyday
Blair's support for Suharto's Indoneisan Genocide -he just couldn't bear to those hawk fighters staying at home. Approx 500,000 +
Blair's support for tobacco exports to Asia - 2 - 7 million
Blair's support for WTO policies, structural adjustment etc. 1,000,000 + ( a modest estimate)

There's much more, but it's hard to put a precise figure on the numbers killed by neo-liberal polices backed by Blair and others.

Well, I suppose it's nice for the Labour Party that they've finally found a group of people that might be slightly more repulsive than they are: it used to be the Tories, but now even that claim has lost its credibility. So Piers Corbyn and others can still pretend a conscience, and pick up a hundred grand a year. Trebles all round at Millbank Towers!


Free Speech For Nazis?

17.04.2006 23:29

One word - Auschwitz.

Red N Black

don't vote - organise!

18.04.2006 20:33

"Please feel free to enlighten me on how the "powers that be" will recognise my refusal to vote as being a protest"

they don't give a shit either way - though what worries them is a loss of 'legitimacy' from falling turnout. the closer parties get to power the more alike they become as they accomodate themselves to the needs of capital accumulation, sorry 'economic reality'. Its not about *protest* i.e. appealing to the rulers to be nicer but about *refusing* to consent to be ruled. They'll misrepresent non-votes just like they misrepresent votes - representatives are always misrepresentative unless they're mandated and recallable. Basically, in times of mass struggles like anti-Iraq war demos we are stronger if the governement of the day has a lower proportion of the popular vote - cops/soldiers are more likely to refuse orders/join us etc. So don't vote - organise!

an (A)

Scary Posters !!!

26.04.2006 13:29

What do you call it when a Facist calls someone else a facist ?? there are some VERY nasty people posting here ,cannot believe how vindictive some are towards this woman, the BNP are a legal party !! i bet some of these are same sorts who "sympathised" with the republican murderers in the 80's & 90's,or were appologists for islamic murderers, talk about not seeing the wood for the trees,!!!!!!!!!.... in truth they are as bigoted as the BNP types ..


and so!

03.05.2006 11:18

just because something's legal doesn't make it right or OK - please! Think about it for a moment. There are so many injustices & even atrocities committed legally on a daily basis around the world. Morals and ethics should come above law, especially state law (which has state-determined interests at heart).

If fascists' behaviour is trying to take away space from others to exist as they wish, then it should not be a question of allowing them free speech to prevent others free speech; instead we have to prevent them preventing others, so that all can live how they want (so long as it doesn't impact negatively on others lives).
