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The world is Fucked and we will all die horribly

Climb mate | 15.04.2006 08:03

The UK is about to run out of its own natural resources and become dependent on supplies from abroad, a report says.

A study by the New Economics Foundation (Nef) and the Open University says 16 April is the day when the nation goes into "ecological debt" this year.

It warns if annual global consumption levels matched the UK's, it would take 3.1 Earths to meet the demand.

Climb mate


Display the following 10 comments

  1. even more depressing than that — Danny
  2. so come to the —
  3. Worse than that -- MUCH worse — Mike Novack
  4. LET OUR VOUICE BE HEARD!!!! — Miss Lisa Gordon
  5. Climate camp is a good start — Croltbopper
  6. Best Headline EVER — Tumble Weed
  7. Doom Gloom Boom — palewarrior
  8. am I the only person alive who thinks this is shit? — heather
  9. Shit thinking — Danny
  10. shave the whirled — Luddly ite