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Failed Strategies

anon | 12.04.2006 06:08 | Analysis | Anti-militarism | Social Struggles | Birmingham | World

The New World will not be dominated by military might or economic strength, it will be dominated by the will of the people – all people everywhere acting in the interests of each other and the planet that sustains them. Analysts are highly paid to determine future directions; recent social history has laid bare the most likely outcome. The recent capitulation of the government to the will of the people in France; the demonstration of six hundred thousand Hispanics in LA, the success of the people against their corrupt leader in Thailand. All these events in very close succession signal with clarity the world ‘government’ of tomorrow.

Analysts have been aware of the pre-planned sequence of attacks on Iraq and Iran following the invasion of Afghanistan for some time, ‘two down, one to go’ – the plan was conceived years ago. The utilisation of ‘strategic’ nuclear weapons, so-called bunker-busters, in future warfare was also clearly indicated by the US military during the Afghan campaign. The planned attack on Iran incorporating nuclear weapons should not surprise anyone. The USA has proven to the world that it is unable to prevail in sustained conventional warfare. The troops and the nation are simply not up to the task, successful ground combat is now beyond the capability of the USA – China, Russia and other powers have taken note.

The US is the only nation that has deployed nuclear weapons against civilian targets (WWII). Should anyone be surprised that a nation that has lost its ability to compete in today’s world would resort to the one last area in which it perceives itself to have an advantage? Military technology incorporating nuclear options is the last trump card of a failing nation; there is no doubt regarding future utilisation of nuclear weapons by the US, that intention should now be clear to all.

A nation that has lost, squandered or otherwise been out-competed has forfeited most of its options. As a consequence of limited available options, it clings to the mistaken belief its final option (military power) is able to guarantee its future as a leading superpower; however, the strategy/plan upon which that dream (PNAC) is based is flawed and has been from the start. The nation is being led to ruination and possibly total destruction by the insane adherence to a flawed plan that finds its roots in the ultra-right ideology of Leo Strauss and his two most influential pupils, Paul Wolfowitz and Richard Perle. [Allowing the present US administration to pursue its insane plan would possibly be the most regrettable inaction of modern history.]

The New World will not be dominated by military might or economic strength, it will be dominated by the will of the people – all people everywhere acting in the interests of each other and the planet that sustains them. Analysts are highly paid to determine future directions; recent social history has laid bare the most likely outcome. The recent capitulation of the government to the will of the people in France; the demonstration of six hundred thousand Hispanics in LA, the success of the people against their corrupt leader in Thailand. All these events in very close succession signal with clarity the world ‘government’ of tomorrow.

Israel, America’s most staunch ally (in violence) has been cultivating relations with China for some time and has recently supplied sensitive US military technology to China. Is this a symptom of the madness of ‘King David’, or the result of a failed strategy (by US Zionists) to make America the dominant world power? Are the machinations of Israel an expression of a duplicitous and self-serving nation seeking an insurance policy or could they simply be pragmatic manoeuvres in the hard world of today’s international politics? Whatever theory is offered for the ‘friends’ of America abandoning the nation in times of need, one thing is undeniable, the negative impact American Capitalism has had on the nation and its people. The weakening of the national and social character spells final defeat for the USA regardless of the particular circumstances involved in that demise.

[The ‘smart money’ is moving offshore as fast as the wire will carry it!]

The neo-con leadership of the US is oblivious to the reality that surrounds them; they clutch at their delusions with religious fervour and proceed on the road to destruction with vigour! There is absolutely nothing other than the removal of Bush and the neo-cons (by the people) that would prevent the leadership pursuing its course to ruination. The lunatics that advise the clown are actually convinced that a display of nuclear weaponry in Iran will once again earn them the respect of nations – nothing could be further from the truth. Any nation that deploys nuclear weapons today will earn the condemnation of all people everywhere; furthermore, such an insane act may possibly provoke a (similar) retaliatory response. [Relish the thought, say the neo-cons, it would give them license and reason to continue on their pathological path. They may even orchestrate the counter attack themselves; remember the cry of the alliance, “desperate times require desperate measures.” The conservatives have never been more desperate than at present.]

The tenability of life on earth depends on decisive immediate action; it would be advisable to act sooner rather than later.

Never forget there is nothing that could prevent the people restoring sanity to the world.

Your life your planet and your future.




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A Long, Hot Summer For War Criminals

12.04.2006 18:03

Reclaiming the “Orange Revolution”
by Jordan Thornton
September 18, 2005

Cindy Sheehan's courageous actions in Texas have captured the imaginations of an American public desperate for an end to this madness. We must give them something they can get behind, while the Bush/PNAC Regime is vulnerable, and before the next big Distraction we all sense is imminent. Let's send an unmistakable message of unity and determination to the world, and end this now before things get any worse.

Since the demonstrations which reversed the electoral decision in the Ukraine, I've heard and seen many Ukrainians talking about large groups of foreigners who were pivotal to their planning. Many of these groups were the ones responsible for paying for the food, shelter, and orange banners used by the protestors. I didn't think much of this, or the accusations of funding from agencies such as the CIA, until I saw the same thing occurring in Lebanon.

Then, a reporter for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Carol Off, did a piece explaining that the "spontaneous, grassroots" protests in the Ukraine were the result of CIA funding and planning over a period of ten years.

Sadly, the report lauded these tactics of Regime Change, but nonetheless, proved my point.

One thing I've noticed is the tightly-controlled Western media's willingness to ignore the unsubstantiated allegations made in Syria and Lebanon that the Central Intelligence Agency, or Israel's Mossad, or both, were responsible for actions like the assassination of Rafiq Hariri, and behind the recent Opposition Movements, while at the same time, parroting over and over the same unsubstantiated claims about Syria, emanating from the White House den of LIARS and thieves. Even media outlets which I consider better than the rest, like the CBC, are guilty of such irresponsibility. When pro-Syrian demonstrators turned out in the hundreds of thousands, proving the anti-Syrians to be the minority voice, the media downplayed these numbers.

Just feels a bit too staged for my taste ... What I find the most irresponsible about all of this is the fact that whoever is behind this, they are attempting (and succeeding) to divide the Lebanese People, and cause conflict both within the country, and towards Syria. This, of course, aids the Israelis and PNAC Americans, who both have an interest, and want to invade and occupy Syria (and perhaps Lebanon as well), as called for repeatedly by the agenda which has seen Bush/PNAC illegally invade two Arab nations already.

The CBC chose Janice Stein, a Zionist "Middle East Expert" to comment on the situation, and she said when she saw the demonstrations she "saw the colour orange". This was after the first anti-Syrian demo, when the colour scheme wasn't so pronounced. Since then, orange flags, placards, etc. have started “spontaneously" appearing in great numbers.

When I was in university, my Design professor brought in some Colour Researchers from the University of Edmonton, who lectured on the psychological, but also the PHYSICAL effects, colours have on the human body and mind. This red-orange colour is one of the "comfort colours", and you will no doubt remember seeing it in countless commercials (ING Direct, and the creepy, stereotypical European banker, anyone ...?).

Since the CIA, or some similar agency, is ultimately behind these carefully stage-managed displays, you know they understand what they're doing. I believe that we should be taking a cue from them, and striking while the iron is hot. This orange color scheme has been carefully crafted in order to transmit "armchair understanding" of these two manufactured crises, and make them appear to be popular uprisings.

Even though it was our Enemy putting it out there, for their own purposes, we should seize the opportunity to claim it for ourselves, since this IS a popular uprising, for the betterment of the world. After all, we have been granted an unprecedented peek inside the CIA's Handbook for Non-Violent Revolutionary Change, and you know damn well that they have studied all of the relevant psychological factors. We should not squander the opportunity we've been provided, and act while the soft underbellies of these monsters is exposed.

If you are to protest, from now on, DRESS IN ORANGE, and CARRY SIGNS OF ORANGE, rally at the feet of power, and the media, DEMANDING that the democratic Will of the People not be ignored. I guarantee this will send an instant message, not only to the Bush/PNAC/Bliar Regime, but to all Americans and to the world that sees it.

Keep your signs easy to read and understand, things such as "FIRE THE LIARS", "INVESTIGATE, IMPEACH, PROSECUTE" and at media centers, "LIARS", or "TRAITORS", or "COWARDS".

Groups should design some Talking Points, and designate members to speak with the reporters on-scene. In larger centers, you should inform the media of what's going to happen, and call the station’s News Director or Assignment Editor, and request to be interviewed. You could even take it further, and offer your services as an Activist Analyst for the day, just like they use ex-military personnel, and members of Right-Wing "Think-Tanks" to undermine our work. If they refuse, acknowledge their hypocrisy, stage a noisy rally at their front doors, contact their competitors, and when they arrive (and they will), talk to them.

Let's test these LIARS and War Criminals, and their media puppets, and see just how much they truly respect "Freedom & Democracy", the words upon which they attempt to justify the atrocities upon which they've built their fortunes.

Regardless of what happens, the message will be sent. We have nothing to lose. If something comes of this, then great. Follow up and celebrate. If the rallies are ignored, or treated by the police as those in the past, then you've just PROVEN these men to be the Hypocrites we all know them to be ... and this message will be transmitted in no uncertain terms around the world.

I'd like to see as many people as can not simply Rally for a few hours but for DAYS. Those who cannot make it there, plan and hold your own local rallies, and not only gather where your Government officials meet, but also where the media does its business.

Let's take this thing that was designed to dupe people into supporting what the Fascists in DC want, and turn it on its head. Let's use it as a tool for bringing that Fascism to its knees, and demonstrate the good intentions that were to be assumed about the "Orange Revolutionaries".

Remember, that we are the Majority, and Truth is our greatest Ally.

The only way we can fail, is if we fail to ACT.

P E A C E . . . ?

Jordan Thornton is an independent journalist, political activist, and screenwriter, who spent the past decade within the mainstream media, both in Canada and the United States. He can be contacted at pilgrim112 at

Overthrow The Criminal Regime

UK indy double standards and censors exposed

13.04.2006 04:08

The following is the original post, Hidden, for reasons obviously not relating to the article - seems that the UK team takes the mass media, censorship and hypocrisy standards as its model.

While the original article appears on a site with 'no rights reserved', it is nevertheless a very poor demonstration of recognition, solidarity and unity to appropriate almost word for word, alter the title and then post what previously was hidden -- reeks of hypocrisy and double standards. Let it be known!

The credibility of UK IMC is in the minuses - for very good reason.

Follow the link to the original article and see for yourself.

This comment will be hidden as soon as it is detected, as these types are of the genus Coward.

- Homepage:

reply to peptide

13.04.2006 11:35

hidden because replying to you *again* seems to be a waste of time coz all you do is post crappy complaints in newswire. it's boring.

you know by now that most plugging your blog doesn't really have space on the uk newswire. so keep on plugging it round the rest of the english speaking world and leave us in peace.

if you want to discuss the place is the imc-uk-features list on

indy user

to Napoleonic "indy user"

13.04.2006 12:54

for your BLIND benefit - READ YOUR OWN MISSION - printed below for your convenience -- it's time you lot woke up to yourselves:

IMC UK Mission Statement

The Indymedia UK website provides an interactive platform for reports from the struggles for a world based on freedom, cooperation, justice and solidarity, and against environmental degradation, neoliberal exploitation, racism and patriarchy. The reports cover a wide range of issues and social movements - from neighbourhood campaigns to grassroots mobilisations, from critical analysis to direct action.

The content of the Indymedia UK website is created through a system of open publishing: anyone can upload a written, audio and video report or a picture directly to the site through an openly accessible web interface. Through this system of 'Direct Media', Indymedia erodes the dividing line between reporters and reported, between active producers and passive audience: people are enabled to speak for themselves. At bigger actions, Indymedia UK volunteers extend this participatory model by establishing 'Public Access Terminals' on the streets, and facilitating direct access to the technical equipment that enables participants to upload to the website.

Indymedia UK stands for Indymedia United Kollektives. An increasing number of imc collectives in the UK have their own pages on the IMC UK website or elsewhere. IMC UK is part of the worldwide network of Independent Media Centres (IMCs), focuses on Britain, and is also an intermediary for information from other parts of the world. Imc groups in the UK collaborate on sharing contents and resources amongst themselves and with the global IMC network. The main element of Indymedia UK is the website; this platform generates a variety of other activities including video-production, film-screenings, printed materials and public interventions.

The DIY media workers of the Indymedia United Kollektives operate within a network of radical UK media groups, individual contributors and IMC supporters. Volunteers of Indymedia United Kollektives act as moderators on the IMC UK website. We aim to live up to the following principles:

* Indymedia United Kollektives works on a non-hierarchical basis
* we reject all systems of domination and discrimination
* we acknowledge that the struggle for a better world takes many forms. The focus of the Indymedia UK collective is on grassroots politics, actions and campaigns
* Indymedia United Kollektives does not have any ties with political parties or larger NGOs
* we understand that by lobbying there will be no radical change. As a collective our attitude is assertive, and where necessary confrontational

Inherent in the mainstream corporate media is a strong bias towards Capitalism's power structures, and it is an important tool in propagating these structures around the globe. While the mainstream media conceal their manifold biases and alignments, we clearly state our position. Indymedia UK does not attempt to take an objective and impartial standpoint: Indymedia UK clearly states its subjectivity.

* * *


another indy user

On Topic

15.04.2006 03:14

The issue is relevant CONTENT, NOT blogs (which some people seem to be obsessed with). The issue is staring you in the face -- Content is published when the source link is not included! If UK indy wishes to alter its editorial policy then do so and apply it to ALL. At the moment content that has source links is sometimes published sometimes not -- it would seem that another criteria (BIAS) is applied.

This is a most sordid situation; I trust you will arrive at a BALANCED and FAIR approach in the near future.

And please desist from making 'assessments' on a purely source-link basis, the integrity of relevant CONTENT must be maintained if we are all to be successful in our objectives -- SOLIDARITY!



18.04.2006 14:21

Rupert Fox