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The Abolition of Parliament Bill

simon mullen | 11.04.2006 12:15 | Cambridge | London

The Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill is now awaiting report stage/third reading.
It will grant ministers the right to dictate law without recourse to Parliament i.e democracy.
The very least we can do is write a letter so Blair cannot pretend there is no desent.

Here is my letter.
You should write one to.
For more details see


Rt. Hon. Tony Blair
Prime Minister
10 Downing Street

CC: The Cambridge Evening News
CC: The Guardian
CC: The Today Program
CC: David Howarth MP
CC: Jim Murphy MP

Tuesday, 11 April 2006

Dear Tony Blair,

The Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill now awaiting report stage/third reading

I am writing to ask you to stop the passage of the Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill in its present form. The above bill known colloquially as 'The Abolition Of Parliament Bill', gives me grave concern for the future of our parliamentary democracy. No minister should have the right granted by this bill, the right to dictate law without proper parliamentary debate and scrutiny. Furthermore, the safeguards in this bill that prevent a minister arbitrarily imposing immoral and unjust law, consisting in the most part of a minister's own recognisance, are no protection at all against unfettered abuse. And in fact even these meaningless precautions could be legislated away without recourse to Parliament if the bill is passed.

Mr Blair, in its present form, this bill must be stopped. It must be stopped, or your name will become synonymous with the complete destruction of the centuries old tradition of parliamentary democracy in Britain. I cannot believe you wish this to be your legacy to our nation. Please Mr Blair, stop this bill. I look forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely

Simon Mullen

simon mullen
- e-mail:



11.04.2006 13:44

An MP earns £55,118 from your taxes every year.

They need guidance from us as much as we need guidance from them.


Matthew Cuffe
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Save Parliament fliers.

13.04.2006 06:29

Here is a PDF of Save Parliament fliers for to print out and distribute.

simon mullen
mail e-mail:


Hide the following 2 comments

the abolition of the State action

12.04.2006 05:46

its not the abolition of parliament per se that bothers me, but that what little protection it offers, and it doesn't merit the term 'democracy', is being replaced with even more centralised rule rather than a networked federation of workplace and community councils. Still, this is a proper 3rd Reich 'enabling act', and even if it is prevented from becoming an Act in its current form, it clearly shows the *intent* of our rulers, which perhaps sheds light on the ID cards/database policy etc.


Send a paper letter

12.04.2006 08:28

As well as an email maybe you should send a paper letter.
I think it might be quite easy to 'lose' emails . . . but a paper letter is harder to deny.

Anyway, I agree with Mr A. Our democracy is a sham. But even that sham lends some slight protection and needs to be faught for. A letter is a simple thing ansd will take one hour of your time. Please please write that letter now.

simon mullen
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