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BPP Man Arrested

Auntie | 08.04.2006 07:02 | Anti-racism | Sheffield

Breaking News - BPP South Wales organizer arrested

Breaking News - The BPP's South Wales Organizer has been arrested and charged with 'incitement to racial hatred'. The charge relates to a BPP leaflet.

According to the BPP website, their organizer was arrested "for nothing."

This isn't the first time the fledgling Nazi organisation have been in hot-water over their leaflets. Police in Manchester are still investigating an anti-semitic BPP leaflet attacking a local Jewish school. At the time the police were called in the BPP denied that the leaflet was theirs, blaming it on "communists" and "anti-fascists", a statement which holds about as much credibility as BPP leader Eddy Morrison's claim to the 'Jewish Telegraph' that he is "not anti-Jewish."

Morrison, a veteran Nazi, is currently standing for election in the Leeds Bramley-Stanningley ward on a platform which attempts to mask his hardline fascist views. His personal integrity has been under attack for decades even within 'White Nationalist' circles, as he has bounced from one shabby little group to the next, usually taking the membership fees with him. He has also sold information on his 'comrades' to Searchlight, Leeds AFA, and Special Branch.

Barely a day seems to go by without some new embarrassment for the BPP. We wait to see how their South Wales organizer is going to try to wriggle his way out of his current difficulties. We also look forward to hearing Morrison's explanation for a charming photo, published by his fellow Nazis, of the ageing and ailing racist cuddling up to black TV chef Ainsley Harriet. No wonder Morrison has his fingers crossed.



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08.04.2006 12:12

And how Morrison n co were crowing over this photo of the BNP's xmas social!


Morrison's principles

08.04.2006 14:45

Eddy Morrison just doesn't have any principles at all. As for Ainsley, I doubt he'd be laughing so loud if he knew what a racist bastard he was stood next to. I'd love to see the Can't Cook, Won't Cook program Morrison appeared in.


Fingers crossed!!

08.04.2006 15:03



Fingers crossed

08.04.2006 16:09



Ainsley Harriet

08.04.2006 20:44

Ah yes the "Cant cook wont cook" programme, It's said that Morrison only went onto the show because his "daughter" wanted to meet Ainsley. Now thats a bit iffy if ever I heard anything. See how Morrison is smileing in the picture with Ainsley. Wonder if Morrison went on teh show to get a FREE meal. He is known for wanting FREE meals and his personal bills paid for by whatever daft party he decides to rampage. Any more wetting peoples sofas lately Mr Morrison!!!!

Fred Bloggs


09.04.2006 10:59

Come on, that photo's an obvious fake, I've got the video of the programme, I've just watched it and Eddy was wearing a T-shirt and he had more hair.

We've delivered over two thousand BPP leaflets round Bramley in the last week, we got our nomination signatures in 30 minutes, all on the same street and support is great. And we've only just started.

Going on about Eddy and Ainsley is a bit pointless isn't it? It just shows how pathetic you all are.


Fuck off Watmough!

09.04.2006 11:28

Fuck off Watmough you no-hoper, that photo isn't a fake. Come out from hiding under your bed have you? The BPP are LIARS.


Fake? I don't think so.

09.04.2006 11:59

That photo isn't fake. Thing is, I can see EM has the fingers of his right hand crossed, but WHERE is his right hand?! Oooo Eddy!



09.04.2006 12:14

It's the BPP that is fake.

JJT's Cat

Morrison's other hand

09.04.2006 12:35

Don't you mean Morrison's LEFT hand Val(halla)? Though it's clear from some of your other posts that you dont really know your left from your right.



10.04.2006 00:43

Why not just go and join the BPP, Auntie.... there's nothing to be ashamed of... go on... you know you really want to....



10.04.2006 09:06

You might see a commitment to fighting fascism as an "obsession", and liberals too stupid to recognise the dangers of fascism are famous for deliberately confusing fascists and anti-fascists. You stay nice and safe in your armchair, white middle-class boy (am I wrong?) and leave things to those with a bit more dedication and political savvy than yourself. You can always take up juggling or something, and pass that off as 'politics'.


Where's El-SID?

10.04.2006 12:39

Where's Sid Williamson these days? Is he still drinking wiht his mates in Pudsey?

Rem Scamp

El Sid

10.04.2006 13:52

Sid Williamson never leaves Saltdean, even despite numerous offers (from his fellow Nationalists) to pay his fare up North. The spotlight is on him at the moment for defrauding social security and dealing in stolen prescription drugs, as well as making obscene phone calls to female BPP members and sexually harrassing them.



11.04.2006 13:34

If what I've read is true and it definately looks that way? If someone knows where he lives then its easy to report Mr Williamson to his local Job Centre Plus office. If you don't know his full home address its still easy for the benefits agency to track him down on his claims that he's a member of the British Peoples Party. If Williamson or the others are claiming benefits they also need to prove that they are activly looking for work either paid or unpaid and unless they are claiming disability benefit or incapacity benefit it looks like they are all capable of work? If they (as they claim) are as active as they make out I for one am disgusted that they are abusing the benefits system quite openly while attacking asylum seekers for example who they say are abusing the system. Its my view that if the BPP are speaking for the people of Britain surely they should set a good example and not reap the rewards of the benefits they recieve?

I work very hard to pay my taxes, morgage etc as does my girlfriend (who actually used to work for the benefits dept). Has anyone actually reported these people?

Bam Bam Kaboomski

Sid & Eddy

11.04.2006 15:15

Peter 'Sid' Williamson spends his days posting shite on the UK section of the Nazi forum VNN (Vanguard News Network) as southcoastnationalist. He also moderates the UK section.

Peter Williamson
39 Stephan Avenue

Eddy Morrison claims to be spending his days leafletting Bramley.

Edmund Morrisson
29 Norman Towers
West Park
LS16 5ER


Little & Large

11.04.2006 23:15

I'm sorry if this is turning a serious thread into a joke but Sid & Eddy? Sid and Eddy who? Eddy Large and Sid Little. So thats what happened to little and large then? LOL If those addies are genuine I hope someone doesn't accidently on purpose contact the Benefits agency? I'd like to see the look on their faces when they find out that sitting on the internet all day playing at war will cost them their dole money but if they are fit enough to run their petty parties and do all the things that they need to do then its time they went and got real jobs like the rest of us I think you'll agree?

Bam Bam Kaboomski

Eddies little sidelines

12.04.2006 11:48

Interesting to see that Eddy Morrison is claiming the dole.
He stands on Wakefield Market/Car Boot every Sunday selling books and videos on Nazi Germany and the Third Reich.

Looks like he makes a tidy sum every week,could be deemed as "work"

I'm sure the benefits agency would like to hear about his little sidelines

Eddy Morrisons Hip Flask

BPP under investigation

13.04.2006 10:00

A complaint has been made to the DWP about the activities of those named above and we'll just have to wait and see what happens next. They will be worried that they actually have to go out and get jobs now I suppose? Its our duty as tax payers to pass on this kind of information and prevent these scroungers from making a mockery of the benefits system.

Bam Bam Kaboomski


13.04.2006 10:22

Typical anti-BPP humour of the C.U.N.T.S. site
Typical anti-BPP humour of the C.U.N.T.S. site

The Covert Undercover Nuisance Tactics site has been (almost) completely cleaned of any mention of the BPP. The constant stream of piss-taking (pun intended) against Morrison and Williamson has gone, together with the comments/gossip. Has Cheeky bottled it to Sid, has a truce been called, or is there some other reason? ;) Ha!



18.05.2006 10:32

Has anyone got Watmoughs address, im sure he can be stopped from claiming false benefits, other sites say hes living with his ex wife, "a gypsy" odd for a so called Nationalist. Appears theyre both claiming Benefits, and not informed the DWP that they have moved back in with each other. Extra money paid out to those 2 defrauders. Seems that Watmough is also claiming for rent when he no longer lives at the address hes claiming from.

Looks like Simon Shepard is on Watmoughs case, Watmough hasnt been paying for the Internet links he uses, and Shepard is not a happy chappy.

Come on Simon open up your eyes, close down those damn sites that Watmough hasnt been paying you for, How many are there about 3 of them. Shut them down.

Mind you we do have fun on the C18 guest book, go read all the rubbish they write about and Watmoughs now got 2 monkeys for administrators, they seem to be messing up the guest book and making a right pathetic job of being admins. So this is what C18 haha has become, pathetic as they "were" in the first place.

About time!