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UKIP are ...

riot act | 07.04.2006 10:58


UKIP’s present leader Roger Knapman has been a speaker at meetings of the Conservative Democratic Alliance (CDA), a shady organisation set up after Iain Duncan Smith expelled the notorious racist Monday Club. Leaders of the CDA include Stuart Millson, who left the tories in 1986 to join the BNP. Knapman allegedly was a former member of the Monday Club.

Knapman has been joined on the platform at these meetings by Derek Turner, editor of posh fash' rag Right Now! and David Irving's barrister Adrian Davies.

A former key figure in the UKIP ranks, Robert Kilroy Silk labelled Arabs "suicide bombers, limb amputators and women repressors" on his BBC Talk Show in 2004, although it seems that UKIP were too much for even the objectionable Kilroy-Silk who called them "bloody right-wing fascist nutters".

Aidan Rankin a former co-author of the UKIP manifesto is member of the Third Way, a secretive and sinister fascist organisation.

Former UKIP South Thanet Branch Chairman Martyn Heale, who's now Agent and Campaigns Manager is a former National Front branch organiser and candidate.

Michael Keith-Smith, who stood for UKIP in Portsmouth North has claimed that Enoch Powell was right and that black people are intellectually inferior to whites.


"When I board an aeroplane now I do not know if the female pilot is top notch, or part of a ‘quota’. Or she has won a case at a tribunal giving her time off from training to look after the baby?"
UKIP MEP Godfrey Bloom shows his sensitive side


One of UKIP's key 5 freedoms (under the usual xenophobic title "freedom from overcrowding") reads

"If we cannot run our own country with sixty million people. Then when will we ever be able to run it?"

Supporters of criminals

Another of their '5 freedoms' is 'freedom from political correctness'. UKIP highlight the case of George Staunton from Liverpool who was arrested and charged with the crime of 'Racially Aggravated Criminal Damage', after putting a UKIP poster on a wall, and writing alongside "Don't forget the 1945 war", and "Free speech for England".

The charges were later dropped and the void would agree that 'racial aggravation' was tenuous, but there has been little sign of UKIPers coming out in support of graffiti artists and fly posters anytime soon.


"I am one who believes that Countries should show responsibility in their own parliaments and legislate for themselves. However, the EU is happy to monkey with our traditions, even harmless traditions like selling produce by weight in pounds. Is there any reason why the Spanish tradition of publicly tantalising and killing bulls is less essential than our own traditions? In Portugal they stop short of killing them but is this less cruel?"

so says Mike Nattrass UKIP MEP who obviously feels that he's quite happy to enforce European Law when it suits him. UKIP policy is to end the ban on fox hunting, whilst criticising dirty foreigners for their dodgy practices concerning animal rights.

Archetypal white, middle class, middle aged men

If you can bear it take a look (link below) at this sorry shower of over-the-hill chinless wonders. No blacks, no Irish, no dogs (or women, young people, johnny foreigners, gays, pikeys, chavs, proles or anyone else without grey hair and a rumpled suit).

Serious Political Challengers in the UK, just kidding

with the (probably shonky) news from the mirror today that the bnp are hoping to stand 600 candidates in this months may elections the void blog has decided to have an 'anti-fascist april' (bit cheesy i know, but the initials are afa)

so send over any fash or far right stories, dirt, piss takes etc and ill try and include them

riot act
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Display the following 2 comments

  1. UKIP are racist — the middle finger
  2. i know — riot act