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Lyme Disease Cover-up

Lisa Masterson | 06.04.2006 16:19 | Anti-militarism | Bio-technology | Health | South Coast | World

Lyme disease is a sensitive matter for the US (and associated governments') military. They would prefer the public to believe that the illness is "hard-to-catch", "easy-to-cure" and totally unsuitable as a neurological incapacitating agent. This is a lie.
Now a simple microscopy technique might help many patients confirm what the government-backed health agencies deny.

Lyme disease is, for countless patients, a chronic, devastating, incapacitating disease. However, most patients in the US and western Europe find it very hard to get correct diagnosis and treatment.

The reason? Lyme disease, caused by a bacteria, and often aggravated by co-infections with other pathogens acquired at the same time from a tick-bite, is a matter of intense interest to bioweaponeers. As a result, government-backed health agencies such as the NIH, CDC in US, Eucalb in Europe, HPA in Britain etc are deliberately suppressing factual evidence regarding this disease. Their aim is to make the public believe that it is a trivial "hard-to-catch", "easily-cured" infection, which almost never incapacitates.

This is a lie.

One of the biggest hurdles that adults and children face when they acquire Lyme disease is simply being diagnosed correctly. Often, this is because their intensely disabling symptoms such as crushing fatigue, memory loss, severe pains (often migrating from one location to the next), sound sensitivity, weakness etc are dismissed as "subjective" by their doctor, especially when routine tests come up normal. They may then be told they are "somatising", hypochondriacs, malingering, or otherwise have a psychological cause for their illness.

One of the first priorities of a bioweaponeer when designing a biological weapon is to ensure that the agent evades detection. A bacteria or other pathogen that does not leave telltale signs on routine tests is ideal, from the twisted point of view of the men who make microbes to maim and murder.

Unable to gather objective signs or markers of the illness, the medical professionals of the target population are at a loss to identify the agent that has been used, much less to give correct treatment in time. In Lyme, if treatment is not given right at the beginning, chronic, persistent or recurring disablement is often the result.

The bacteria that causes Lyme disease is of the genus Borrelia, the same as that which causes Relapsing Fever. Both tick-borne and louse-borne relapsing fevers have historically been devastating illnesses for humans, especially in wartime, when people are living in prison camps or otherwise under terrible conditions. These often fatal diseases are endemic in many of the poorest nations.

The relapsing fever borrelia is extremely difficult to culture, so the traditional method of diagnosing this borrelia was by viewing a drop of blood under a darkfield microscope. Darkfield is necessary because the width of the spiral-shaped germs is so thin.

Are Lyme borrelia really so different? Could doctors not do the same, to detect this borrelia in Lyme patients' blood?

Ever since the early 1980's, when Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS) officer Alan Barbour was reported as having cultured the Lyme bacteria for the first time, the public and the scientific profession has been assured that it is almost impossible to view Lyme borrelia in blood. (The EIS is an elite, quasi-military unit of Infectious Disease specialists run under the auspices of the American Center for Disease Control, the CDC. It was created in the McCarthyite era for the purpose of offensive biowarfare R&D, which at the time, was legal. Today, Barbour is head of a new biowarfare "centre of excellence" at UCI in Irvine, California.)

Barbour and the rest of the government-backed Steere camp (after Allen Steere, "discoverer" of Lyme, and also an EIS officer at the time) state that there is simply no use searching for Lyme borrelia in blood, and that it is only present there in tiny numbers, or not at all. Doctors have been encouraged to rely instead on antibody detecting tests, such as Elisa or Western Blot.

But these tests are notoriously insensitive, especially as Lyme borrelia, like their cousins which cause the relapsing fevers, practise the tactic of "antigenic variation" . This means swapping outer surface antigens (antigens are proteins that cause your body's immune cells to produce specific antibodies against them), bringing out **new** antigens which fool the immune system, just when it had managed to get the production of defensive antibodies against the first set started. The result is that many very ill patients will not show up on the antibody tests.

Researchers studying the disease have always been encouraged to grow blood or other samples in the BSK culture medium before viewing under darkfield. The "B" in "BSK stands for Barbour. Could Alan Barbour, of the EIS, have given the world a medium that is only good for growing certain sub-types of borrelia, ie especially those that are "easily cured in three weeks", and rarely incapacitating, but not very good at growing the actual borrelia sub-types that afflict the majority of patients?

That would explain why several European doctors, **not** following the dictates of the Steere camp, have been able to see the live borrelia in both the traditional spiral-form and the cell wall deficient forms, under darkfield microscope, in an ordinary drop of blood, which has not been cultured in BSK medium.

Mark Stroud is a Lyme sufferer who has built his own darkfield microscope from easily available parts. He has seen and filmed what appear to be borrelia and possibly cell wall deficient borrelial forms too, in a simple drop of his own blood (and of others). Prior to testing his blood, Mark had PCR (polymerase chain reaction) confirmation of the presence of Lyme borrelia in his blood. PCR is extremely specific, as it is based on unique sequences of DNA. In other words, if you have a positive PCR for borreliosis, it is very, very unlikely you have something else instead.

Please visit Mark's website at .I know Mark personally and can assure you he is not selling anything. If you or a loved one is suffering Lyme disease, please ask your doctor to view a simple drop of blood under darkfield as Mark has done, or, if your doctor will not do it , try to get access to a darkfield microscope yourself. If possible, film and record your results.

I have had constant harassment, internet hacking attempts, and death threats since I first suggested publicly that the facts regarding Lyme disease have been deliberately suppressed by the US government -backed Steere camp. However, in the last few weeks, the harassment has become much more intense, since talking to Mark Stroud about the possibility of Lyme patients, en masse, viewing ordinary blood smears under videomicroscopy, without culture in BSK medium first.

I take it the US government, and allied governments, such as my own in Britain, are very frightened of the prospect of patients trying this out for themselves.

If anyone has tried to view their blood under darkfield microscopy and would like to discuss their findings, please email me at lymerayja AT (Please remove "removespam" and replace "at" with "@".) Thank you.

Lisa Masterson
6 April 2006
5 pm

Lisa Masterson
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Hide the following 4 comments

Somehwat misleading

06.04.2006 22:46

OK fiolks, I am writing to you from within 100 miles or so of where Lyme disease was discovered. Remember, just because diseases haven't been discovered doesn't mean that they haven't always been around.

The article would have been less misleading had the author used the normal terms for "a becterium of spiral shape" because had you read "spirochete" you would have made the correct associations with other diseases caused by spirochetes and so some of the problems with diagnosis and treatment less strange.

a) The PRIMARY Lyme infection is not hard to diagnose as the rash is pretty distinctive. Unfortunately it is also painless. Pretty much all the spirochete caused diseases (syphillis, yaws, etc.) have this in common with Lyme disease. Catch it early at this stage when the person has only been infected for a week or two and it is easy to cure. Left untreated, the rash goes away and for a while (could be six months to a year) no symptoms.

b) Eventually all sorts of symptoms begin as indicated by the list in the article. There are MANY possible causes of symptoms like that so depending upon where you live Lyme diseases may not be the first thing tested for. Around HERE it would be. Information is vital. Did you tell the doctor "six months ago I toured the US and part of that was hiking a week on the Appalachian Trail in New England". While it would have been easy to rid your body of the infection had it been caught in the first few weeks that is no longer true. And damage already done will not be fixed by stopping the infection.

c) In common with most tick transmitted diseases the species of tick can be critical. Here the vector is the "deer tick" (a small, hard to spot species).

Mike Novack
mail e-mail: stepbystpefarm

The danger of lyme disease in London's parks and open spaces

07.04.2006 20:39

Many of London's royal parks have deer in them such as Richmond Park and Bushy Park, as well as places like the New Forest. Here deer ticks are very prevelant. And its not just deer ticks which cause disease. But the Royal Parks department in London has tried to cover up the problem to avoid detering tourists to the city. London is one of the greenest cities in the world with vast acerages of parks, open spaces, commons and woods, this also makes one of the most dangerous cities for lyme disease carrying ticks. People visiting London's parks and open spaces in summer when the grass is long and the ticks at their most active are particularly at risk. It is time that London's local authority woke up to the problem!

Londoner concerned about Lyme disease in the capital

tea tree tick trick

08.04.2006 01:04

A single drop of tea-tree oil kills these ticks, just look out for them on yourself, your friends and your animals.
Alternatively, smother them in petroleum jelly for two minutes, twist 90 degrees with tweezers and pull.
Or alternatively burn them out - you can't leave them to bloat and drop off as Lymes Disease is so prevalent in ticks, so debilitating in mammals.
The title 'Lyme Disease Cover-up' is perhaps true but certainly ironic when you see the best advice is to cover-up well :

When out of doors several precautions can minimize your chances of being bitten.
# Tuck your pant legs into your socks and your shirt into your pants.
# Wear light colored clothing. Dark ticks are more easily spotted against a light background.
# Inspect clothes often for ticks. Have a companion inspect your back.
# Apply repellents according to label instructions. Applying directly to clothing appears to be most effective.
# Upon returning to the home remove clothing and wash or put it in the dryer for 30 minutes to kill any ticks.
# When you get in from the field shower and inspect your body thoroughly. Especially check groin, navel, armpits, head and behind knees and ears. Have a companion check your back, or use a mirror.
# Inspect children at least once daily for ticks. When in heavily infested areas inspect children every three to four hours.
# When hiking stay in the middle of trails. Do not bushwhack.
# Clear brush from around your premises and keep grassy areas mown.
# Avoid plantings that especially attract deer and other animals.
# Limit watering of lawns.
# Judicious use of environmental insecticides to kill ticks may be necessary in some areas.

midge you're in

US Navy harassing Lyme disease activists

18.04.2006 16:23

Good afternoon.

I am writing from an internet cafe. My own computer is almost impossible to use at the moment.

Since discussing the topic of darkfield microscopy with others in the Lyme movement, we have had incredible interference in our mail, phone and mobile communications.

Yesterday an IT security expert looked at my pc. He couldnt believe the situation. He gave me a better piece of firewall software. The logs detected two IP addresses which, when we did a WhoIs lookup on them, revealed that they were computers registered to the United States Navy.

I have informed the offices of a member of parliament and journalists on more than one continent about this situation.

I copied and pasted the WhoIs info into an email addressed to several close friends and associates, all of whom have suffered similar comms problems, and all of whom have been discussing darkfield microscopy and culture mediums for borrelia. The email froze. A rogue program which the new firewall had successfully stopped dozens of times before in the previous half hour appeared to go ahead anyway and I was unable to block it. The recipients did not get that email.

This morning a friend tried to email after I told her the news and her pc locked. Later the IT expoert called to say he could not email me. He had tried and his machine froze up. He was amazed as he thought his IT set up was so secure. He was doing this on his work computer. He works for one of the largest multinational companis in the world, so it's safe to assume they invested in a reasonable level of technology. He told me the security is especially stringent at his company.

I knew that the hacked machine would not let me print out the firewall logs. I thereffore copied them to several sets of removable media. When I insert one into this machine, the log files are missing.

I am in a busy cafe. As far as I can see around me, no one else has any problems with the machines. I cannot use the Yahoo mail site. I tried to access several sites which offer free email services that are immediately available for use. If I try to visit any of these, the screen returns a mssage saying the broadband has failed. But I can go to any other website, and have apparently got here ok, though I have no idea if my message will get through.

It is impossible that the boradband connection could fail for some websites, but not for others. Either it has failed, or it has not. If it has failed, I would be off the internet altogether, and so would all the other customes in this very busy cafe.

I can only conclude that the Navy is determined not to allow me to send the firewall logs to anyone else. No matter. The Lyme activist community, or at least, a major part of it, knows what is going on.

Lisa Masterson

Lisa Masterson
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