Transport from Reading to 8th April NoBorders Demo!
RAGE | 04.04.2006 20:13 | Migration | London | Oxford
Transport available from Reading to 8th April NoBorders demo @ Harmondsworth Detention Centre:
Unwaged/migrants etc can travel free, otherwise tickets are £13 (cheaper than public transport!) and are available by emailing ragecollective(AT) (replace (AT) with @) or by phoning 07833 758317 (please leave a message)
Unwaged/migrants etc can travel free, otherwise tickets are £13 (cheaper than public transport!) and are available by emailing ragecollective(AT) (replace (AT) with @) or by phoning 07833 758317 (please leave a message)
Dear All,
We are writing to let you know about a demonstration against the detention of migrants at Harmondsworth Detention Centre on Saturday the 8th of April from 11am - 1pm, with the opportunity to visit migrants who are currently detained in Harmondsworth from 1pm - 3pm. The demonstration has been called by London No Borders, London Against Detention, and the Square Social Centre. This will coincide with a week of actions in Australia against detention centres in New South Wales, and will be in solidarity with demonstrations in Madrid held on the 1st April, Glasgow on 8th April and Manchester on 15th April.
As you may know life inside detention centre’s (without trial and without automatic bail review) has driven many people, already traumatised in the country they fled, to take desperate action. One of the most tragic cases is that of Bereket Yohannesa, a 26 year old from Eritrea, who was found hung in the showers at Harmondsworth on the 19th of January of this year. He was the 12th asylum seeker to die at his own hands whilst incarcerated in a U.K. detention centre.
We hope that the demonstration will be loud enough for those inside to hear. This will be achieved through the use of drums, the presence of a Samba band and possibly further communication. As mentioned, there will also be opportunities for people to visit the detainees inside Harmondsworth and Colnbrook after the demonstration. We call on you to show solidarity with those detained by joining this demonstration and will be organising transport from Reading to the centre.
Please contact us if you would like more information or you are interested in the transport we are organising. Unwaged/migrants can traval free, otherwise tickets will be £13 (cheaper than public transport) available by contacting us at:, or by phone at: 07833 758317. We can also give you contact details of London No Borders and London Against Detention who are involved in wider campaigns.
We are writing to let you know about a demonstration against the detention of migrants at Harmondsworth Detention Centre on Saturday the 8th of April from 11am - 1pm, with the opportunity to visit migrants who are currently detained in Harmondsworth from 1pm - 3pm. The demonstration has been called by London No Borders, London Against Detention, and the Square Social Centre. This will coincide with a week of actions in Australia against detention centres in New South Wales, and will be in solidarity with demonstrations in Madrid held on the 1st April, Glasgow on 8th April and Manchester on 15th April.
As you may know life inside detention centre’s (without trial and without automatic bail review) has driven many people, already traumatised in the country they fled, to take desperate action. One of the most tragic cases is that of Bereket Yohannesa, a 26 year old from Eritrea, who was found hung in the showers at Harmondsworth on the 19th of January of this year. He was the 12th asylum seeker to die at his own hands whilst incarcerated in a U.K. detention centre.
We hope that the demonstration will be loud enough for those inside to hear. This will be achieved through the use of drums, the presence of a Samba band and possibly further communication. As mentioned, there will also be opportunities for people to visit the detainees inside Harmondsworth and Colnbrook after the demonstration. We call on you to show solidarity with those detained by joining this demonstration and will be organising transport from Reading to the centre.
Please contact us if you would like more information or you are interested in the transport we are organising. Unwaged/migrants can traval free, otherwise tickets will be £13 (cheaper than public transport) available by contacting us at:
