What can be done to backup US protest? Legalize Illegals!
Themselves | 03.04.2006 19:19 | Migration | World
"We consider ourselves true MAGONISTAS! In fact, some of the flyers that circulate our harbor come from Leavenworth, Kansas, by RFM himself. The entire industry wants to know who the hell Ricardo Flores Magon is." - accompanying email.
Immigration Rights Leaders to Announce Next US Nationwide Civic Action
Having organized more than 1 million people in Los Angeles on March 25, demonstration organizers will announce new mass action at a press conference taking place in the Zenger Room of the National Press Club at 9:30 am.
The action will be national in scope and is dubbed "The Great American Boycott of 2006", and is scheduled to take place on May 1st of this year.
This national boycott is being announced as the U.S. Senate continues to debate a package of immigration reforms. Under the pressure of massive mobilizations of the people all around the country, the Senate Judiciary Committee adopted a series of reforms that are in contrast to the Sensenbrenner bill which criminalizes undocumented workers and those who provide assistance to them. Even these limited measures may still be
reversed by the full Senate or during conference committee negotiations between the representatives of the two houses of Congress.
"The massive March 25 march and rally in Los Angeles of well over one million immigrant workers and their supporters-along with protests and student walkouts throughout the United States-is irrefutable evidence that a new Civil Rights and workers' rights movement is on the rise," stated Raul Murillo, the President of the Hermandad Mexicana Nacional, and one of the key organizers of the historic march. "In order to realize the goal of legalization for the millions of undocumented workers we have the obligation to keep pressing the Congress of the United States to legislate immigration reform that grants full legalization for all immigrants," concluded Mr. Murillo.
Press Contacts: USA phone numbers-
Juan Jose Gutierrez (213) 276-4735
Raul Murillo (213) 999-4701
Sarah Sloan (202) 904-7949
Having organized more than 1 million people in Los Angeles on March 25, demonstration organizers will announce new mass action at a press conference taking place in the Zenger Room of the National Press Club at 9:30 am.
The action will be national in scope and is dubbed "The Great American Boycott of 2006", and is scheduled to take place on May 1st of this year.
This national boycott is being announced as the U.S. Senate continues to debate a package of immigration reforms. Under the pressure of massive mobilizations of the people all around the country, the Senate Judiciary Committee adopted a series of reforms that are in contrast to the Sensenbrenner bill which criminalizes undocumented workers and those who provide assistance to them. Even these limited measures may still be
reversed by the full Senate or during conference committee negotiations between the representatives of the two houses of Congress.
"The massive March 25 march and rally in Los Angeles of well over one million immigrant workers and their supporters-along with protests and student walkouts throughout the United States-is irrefutable evidence that a new Civil Rights and workers' rights movement is on the rise," stated Raul Murillo, the President of the Hermandad Mexicana Nacional, and one of the key organizers of the historic march. "In order to realize the goal of legalization for the millions of undocumented workers we have the obligation to keep pressing the Congress of the United States to legislate immigration reform that grants full legalization for all immigrants," concluded Mr. Murillo.
Press Contacts: USA phone numbers-
Juan Jose Gutierrez (213) 276-4735
Raul Murillo (213) 999-4701
Sarah Sloan (202) 904-7949
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Only Support IF Radicalized
03.04.2006 22:18
So what good would it do to support people who do not want to understand or learn- people who only react moderately when it is almost too late - besides, the anti- immigrant stuff is supported by a majority of Americans - often by a majority of hispanics !!! - and the other minorities (blacks) are antagonistic toward hispanic - especailly immigrant - rights because they compete for jobs, benefits -a ttentions...
James Onroe
e-mail: info@circleoflife.org
Homepage: http://rebelion.org
Don't legalise the illegals, exile the judiciary
04.04.2006 00:27
I do think it is a campaign better suited to other european countries, many of which have yet to recognise the free movement of workers within the EU but especially the countries outside the EU. For instance there is a large non-French/non-Swiss population who live in France and travel to Switzerland for work every day - the Swiss are fanatically homogenous. They need the workers but they can't tolerate their presence The Japanese too, this would be a good campaign for there. The Netherlands is way too crowded already, it's making even the famously liberal Dutch fascist. The UK is undeniably 'bottom heavy' thanks to Thatcher only investing in the South East, Scotland and the north east need immigrants, but need infrastructure investment first to cope with them. Ireland is underpopulated but has the demographics and subsequent economy to fill up quickly. Russia is going the other way, both haemorrhaging people and encouraging racist far-right persecution of immigrants, due to their gangsters feeling to the UK buying soccer teams and brothels with their national wealth. One of the quickest, easiest and most effective ways to cure mifration world-wide would be to slaughter all the billlionaires who cause these tensions, from Abramovich to Blairusconi.
I can see why capitalists should support your policy, once the natives were exterminated the US thrived on open immigration, but the racism is still noticable there. White immigrants never think of themselves as immigrants while 6th generation Hispanics were still made to. Me and my mate got a holiday in California once as teenagers, staying at his great aunts house who had just emmigrated there. One day we saw a beautiful Hispanic kid iceskating, in a shopping mall the size of our town. Me and my mate were punks, but our hearts melted, only for his Aunt to look at the child and say 'Bloody immigrants'. Bloody racist hypocrite that she was.
I do think there should be a campaign for an amnesty for anyone illegal who has lived here for more than a year, because that implies both commitment, self-reliance and intelligence on their part. It isn't living in another country even if they are the same colour and you speak the language, even harder to intergrate. I find it hard to commit to such a campaign though because it is such a limited goal, I don't believe borders are ever worthwhile, they should all be abolished rather than moderated. The various No Borders campaigns and actions that are posted here seem worthier, if somewhat more hopeful. It is always easier to moderate an unjust system than overthrow it, but eventually you have to overthrow it anyway. I believe in the benefits of open flows of populations though realistically there's bound to be problems if this happens too quickly.
I prefer tax-collectors to police to mosquitos to weapons-manufacturers to cancer to prison-wardens to border guards to dependent-journalists to politicians. I prefer Jennifer John to all of them, I have no idea who she is but I applaud her singing Imagine to Rice and Straw only to break into Give Peace a Chance, I know John Lennon would be whooping.
Deport the Politicians
07.04.2006 07:32
Danny - In the UK, the only people defending us from New Labour's attacks on Civil Rights and Liberty are the Judges. Help them to be good Judges.
the only good judge is an imprisoned judge
07.04.2006 16:39
To be honest the only way I can think of to help them to be good judges is to make a credible threat to their lives and I don't imagine that is what you mean. Extraordinary claims require some evidence unless you are just winding me up, I've no radar for irony.
UK judges have no good qualities as far as I can see. Judges are men of straw. The sheer hypocracy of them is breathe taking. They deny the primacy of international law over domestic law. They let British citizens rot in Guatanamo. They cooperate with CIA torture. Threy let the politicians enrich themselves. I've never seen a court case that bore any relation to reality and I've never seen a judge who didn't deserve a good kicking.
I saw the Sheriff at Ulla Rodders trial furious with her and her lawyer from when he first entered court at the start of proceedings. Within half an hour he had threatened to send Ullas interpretor to prison for dissent - and she was a court appointed interpretor ! She was just having difficulty understand the Sheriff as he was so furious he could barely talk audibly, like Basil Fawlty on steriods - and whisky, a pastiche of a man rather than someone fit to sit in judgement of a dogshow let alone a court. Typical.
So the judges are a power base resisting Blair ? OnIy when it comes to their own benefit, they are not protecting me at all, quite the contrary. You know, just like me, the banks hate and fear corporations - that hardly makes me a friend of banks.