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Rice demo - Liverpool 31.3.06

Maia | 01.04.2006 13:14 | Liverpool

Images from Liverpool demo

Just a few images to show the massive support that Liverpool has to show against the war and against the Rice visit.

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wow !

01.04.2006 15:29

I can hear the meeting planning now,

"Dr Rice is coming to town so everybody we have hit upon a plan that is going to rock the very foundation of Capitalist America, get ready for this we are going to.................. wave some banners and have a march ! Yes that's right people under an onslaught of samba bands, old SWP posters and badly dressed people with whistles we expect Dr Rice to run screaming from the UK. In addiiton we are going to post reports onto an obscure activist web site called Indymedia UK where we will make vastly inflated clams as to the number of people there and make totaly fictious statements about how positive everyone was. We can't fail. By the way while you are all here can I remind you subs are due and remember on the day no Nike or being seen in a McDonalds - thanks"

really impressed

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