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Unite and Support asylum seekers in Glasgow Saturday 08.03.06

Glasgow No Borders | 31.03.2006 15:35 | Migration | Repression | Social Struggles

Please tell as many people as possible about this demonstration for better rights for asylum seekers in Glasgow and ask them to come along.

Fearty McNulty ducks for cover after asylum seekers and friends ambush him
Fearty McNulty ducks for cover after asylum seekers and friends ambush him

After a week of intense activity by the Glasgow No Borders Network and other in Glasgow, the No Borders group call on people to support the first big demo by UNITY - the Scottish Union of Asylum Seekers.

1. On Monday Tony 'Numpty' McNulty, UK Immigration Minister was hounded by asylum seekers and supporters telling him to 'go home where you came from' and that 'We belong to Glasgow'. McNumpty was visibly shaken by the protests and cowered on the back seat of his car after it was 'ambushed' by protesters angry at the treatment of asylum seekers. (See photo!)

2. On Tuesday twenty people from the Glasgow No Borders Network and friends arrived outside the notorious Home Office Immigration Centre on Brand Street to protect a young Congolese woman who was petrified that she was going ot be detained and deported when she was told to report with her passport.

3. On Wednesday 20 people from the No Borders Network and the SSP physically blocked Sheriff Officers from evicting an elderly disabled Aghani man and his family from their tiny Glasgow City Council flat. Faced with determined physical obstruction the head of the perversely named 'Asylum Support Project' called off the eviction on the grounds that Mr Bajaj was too unwell to be moved. After this victory, campaigners are now starting the battle to keep Mr Bajaj and his family together and in Scotland.

4. Finally, this morning, after five days in court the prosecution of the Brand Street 3 - arrested after the Immigration Centre was blockaded for six hours early one morning in November to stop dawn raids - was kicked out of court. David Reilly was found to have No Case to Answer whilst Tommy Sheridan and Stewart 'Fae Faslane' were found to have their case Not Proven against them.

Four- nil to No Borders!

So please suppport the demo next Saturday

Saturday 8th April
All asylum seekers and friends - Join the protest!

End dawn raids
No more detentions
For the right to work

0rganised by UNITY — the Scottish Union of Asylum Seekers and the Glasgow No Borders Network

11.30: Meet outside the Home Office, Brand Street (near Cessnock underground)
12.30: March to George Square
2pm: Indoor rally with food & refreshments in the Trades Hall (Glassford Street)

Please help us make this demonstration the biggest demonstration by asylum seekers ever! The more we are the louder our voice!

Please come to the UNITY Centre, 30 Ibrox Street, Glasgow (near Brand Street) to collect more leaflets to give out.

Tel: 0141 427 7992 for more details or see

Glasgow No Borders


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31.03.2006 16:49

Of course the date for the demo is SATURDAY 8th APRIL

Please support it!

No Borders