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Indymedia London Open Meetings

IMC-London | 30.03.2006 22:36 | Free Spaces | Indymedia | Technology | London

This is an open invitation to participate in Indymedia London in whatever aspect you think you could help out.

There are many ways and projects you could get involved with: from helping out with the technical aspect of developing the website, or helping to maintain the Open Publishing newswire, or producing features for the middle column, to a variety of offline activities such as film screenings, stalls at events, reporting from the streets and whatever else you may come up with. Possibilities are endless! :-)

The IMC London collective has regular face to face open meetings, and they currently take place on the last Wednesday of every month. There are also trainings and introductions to Indymedia happening regularly. Please check the IMC-London email list for the exact dates and location of the next meetings and trainings.

Please feel free to come and share your ideas, knowledge and skills. The agendas for these meetings are proposed and discussed in the IMC-London email list. This is an open list that anyone can subscribe to, and where the day to day co-ordination and administration of the project takes place. Check it out.

Any contribution to the running and development of IMC-London is always much appreciated. The same as with any other local IMC within the IMC-UK Network, IMC-London can only be as relevant and useful to the people, campaigns, initiatives, groups and networks of London as we all make it!

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  1. 07811618580 — MIles Paulley