BORDER = 0 - Fundraiser for No Borders Fri.31st.March VENUE: THE SQUARE Occupied
noborders | 30.03.2006 21:56 | Migration | London
NO BORDERS* Fundraiser feat. DJ's/Visuals/Talks
CAFE //serving delicious Ugandan food
CINEMA//Films & talk about anti-detention centre action:
Woomera Holiday Camp//Welcome to Dungavel
DJs//DJ KLANG (Acid Techno) plus more tba
CAFE //serving delicious Ugandan food
CINEMA//Films & talk about anti-detention centre action:
Woomera Holiday Camp//Welcome to Dungavel
DJs//DJ KLANG (Acid Techno) plus more tba
No Borders is a social movement of people opposed to borders, immigration controls, detention centres and forced migration. Borders are created to carve up territory and have been formed due to imperialist and colonial wars through out history. There purpose is to divide humanity into "national identities" and pose the nations and states as "natural" entities. This is however not the reality. Borders serve the interest of those which maintain power - capitalists, politicians, dictators, religious fanatics (bush included!), Borders maintain a divided humanity and there use is that of racism and exclusion.
No Borders as slogan is to say that we oppose them, we see them against us - us being either immigrants or "subjects" in the UK. The rich and powerful can travel and settle wherever they please, why not the poor?
No Borders as a group in London is organising a demonstration (see

forgot the address
30.03.2006 23:13
@ The Square Occupied Social Centre
21 Russell Square
London WC1
Great venue!
entry by donation
21 Russell Square
London WC1
Great venue!
entry by donation