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Poland: Queer club occupied and under siege

renegado | 30.03.2006 02:08 | Free Spaces | Gender | Repression | Social Struggles

Warsaw City Council, run by the ruling party PiS (Law and Justice Party), has ordered the closure of 'Le Madame', a popular gay club and counter-cultural/political hub. The place has been occupied, and surrounded by cops. Apparently, there's a 48 hour period of grace, which expires on Thursday.



Anyone with any contacts there?



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The reason for closure

06.04.2006 06:06

"The commune Centrum has not been receiving rent for the premises, and that is why the eviction was ordered...
After previous negotiations, it was agreed that Le Madame owes 250,000 zl (US $77,000)" (Polish Press Agency)

"Od roku gmina Centrum nie dostawała czynszu za wynajęcie lokalu, dlatego nakazano eksmisję...
Po wcześniejszych negocjacjach ustalono, że Le Madame jest winne 250 tysięcy..." (Polska Agencja Prasowa)
