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Reports from the picket lines.

Guido | 28.03.2006 10:28 | Workers' Movements | London

According to the BBC, Sky and ITV1 there are over 1 million on Strike. The biggest walkout for 70 years.

The picket at Wandsworth refuse depot was solid without a single scab crossing it.

At Westminster Council's main building in Marylebone only a handful crossed the line nearly all of them non union members, management and agency workers.

The strike is right now looking like a huge success.

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28.03.2006 11:23

Strange isn't it how Unison has mostly women members and the photos above contain only 1 woman... :)

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no wimmin?

28.03.2006 13:45

They're probably off making tea for the other pickets, or inside talking about make-up and babies and that.

Sid Smutt

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