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Israeli Elections

Jonathan | 28.03.2006 08:09

On the day Israelis of all backgrounds go to the polls to elect a new government it's worth taking a look at the political parties standing. In particular the number of Arab parties taking part.

Political Party English name/
meaning Leader Current no.
of Seats Mandates recieved
in last elections
Atid Echad (Hebrew only)
One Future
promotes rights of Ethiopian immigrants Avraham Negusa -- --
Brit Olam
Promise of the World
advocates dialogue
Ofer Lipschitz -- --
advocates rights senior citizens Eitan Pentman Rafael -- --
Green Leaf (Ale Yarok)
advocates legalization of marijuana and legalizing same-sex marriages Boaz Wachtel -- --
Green Party (Hebrew only)
environmentalist Pe'er Weisssner -- --
Hadash (Hebrew or Arabic only)
New (Democratic Front for Peace and Equality)
communist, mostly Arab Muhammad Barakah 2 3
HaLev (HaMiflaga LeMilhama
Babankim) (Hebrew or Russian only)
The Heart
(The party for the war against the banks)
advocates consummer rights Eliezer Lewinger -- --
nationalist, right-wing Michael Kleiner -- --
Zionist secular party, split from Shinui Avraham Poraz 9 --
centralist party
Ehud Olmert 14 --
Labor (HaAvoda)
center-left Amir Peretz 21 19
Leeder Progressive Liberal Democratic Party Alexander Radko -- --
Lehem (Hebrew only)

Bread (United Social Warriors)
advocates social justice Yisrael Twito -- --
advocates the rights of immigrants Ovadia Fatchov -- --
center-right Binyamin Netanyahu 29 38
Meretz Yachad
Vigor - Together
left-wing Yossi Beilin 5 6
NDA (Balad)
National Democratic Assembly
Arab Azmi Bishara 3 3
New Zionism
promotes businness/es Yaakov Kfir -- --
ODA (Da'am)
Organization for Democratic Action
communist Agbariyyah Asama -- --
Oz La'aniyim (Hebrew only)

Strength to the poor
socialist, seeking social justice for the poor Felix Angel -- --
Shas (Hebrew only)
World Union of Sephardi Torah Guardians
Sephardic, religious Eli
Yishai 11 11
Shinui (Hebrew or Russian only)
secular, centralist Ron Levinthal 2 15
NEW anticorruption, centrist party Uzi Dayan -- --
The Arab Nationalist Party
promotes rights of Arab-Israelis Muhammad Kanan -- --
The National Jewish Front
(Hazit) Jewish, nationalist, right wing Barukh Marzel -- --
The National Union
(HaIchud HaLeumi) - NRP
(Mafdal) (Hebrew only)
joint electoral list; National Union - National Religious Party
nationalist, mostly Zionist religious Binyamin Elon 10 7 - The National Union
6 - NRP
Tzedek Lakol
Justice for all
aims to protect the rights of men Yaakov Shlosser -- --
secular, right wing Moshe Green -- --
United Arab Front 3 united Arab parties: the United Arab Party (Ra'am), the Arab National Party (Mada) and the Islamic movement Ibrahim Tzartzur 3 2
Yahadut Hatorah
United Torah Judaism made up of Degel Hatorah (The Torah Flag) and Agudat Yisrael (The Israel Association)
ultra-Orthodox, religious, Ashkenazi Yaakov Litzman, Avraham Ravitz 5 5
Yisrael Beiteinu (Hebrew only)
Israel Our Home
right-wing, mostly Russian immigrants Avigdor Liberman 3 --
